
Re: I've been priced out
devoir 3 Reviews 980 reads

You summed it up nicely. Too many fakes and too expensive. Prices are up over 30% in the past year. If we back off a bit you will see prices drop.

Anyone else notice or think there has been less and less TS ads or variety of girls here in Los Angeles?  

I don't see too many new BP ads or reviews here for TS girls...  

Any thoughts on what is going on?

I've noticed the same in Chicago. Eros ads are at an all time low and genuine BP ads have dropped too. Seems like girls didn't travel this summer like they have in the past either....

Are we just old guys reminiscing about "the good ole' days"? Or is there something to it?

Every provider is different but I think business has slowed down a lot and it is not worth it for the providers to keep forking out money for advertising and travel. A good provider friend of mine said she rented a hotel recently to see clients and no one showed up. Every since then she has been discouraged and recently removed her ad from eros. There can be a plethora of reasons why gurls are disappearing though.

I've seen the same thing here on the East Coast....N.Y. Eros used to get up to around 105 it's down in the 60's-70's.  
  I'm just guessing alot of the girls have priced themselves right out of business...Your average working Joe (i.e. me) has a tough time parting with $300.00 for an hour of a girls time/ then throw on the whole  
V.I.P. rate for G.F.E. ,kissing or "dessert" and it's no wonder to me that customers are few and far between. I personally would LOVE to go and visit "Georgina Van Der Meer" (Paris Pirellli) but at $400.00 I just can't justify it. It's a shame, she's crazy hot and has really good reviews. I guess I'm a victim of "champagne tastes on a beer budget."  
  It's why I hem and haw and agonize over every prospective girl I want to see...I'll pay the 3 bills I guess 'cause that seems to be the new going rate..but I want REALLY primo service! Thanks to everybody on this board who helps weed out the bad seeds and gives props to the good far every time I've shelled out my hard earned cash it's been worth every penny!  
 There's my two cents....:)

Yes, true statement. Many of the girls have been jacking the price up to $400 or $500. Good for them if they can get it. I'd rather have 2 $200 tgirls and a $100 GG for that kinda money!

TSLoverfromLA779 reads


I just saw someone recently who had a $300 rate and a $500vip and it was REALLY disappointing. I'd love to see 2 TS, but, to pay $1k for that, not sure it will happen.

Sad Face.

Posted By: timotl
Yes, true statement. Many of the girls have been jacking the price up to $400 or $500. Good for them if they can get it. I'd rather have 2 $200 tgirls and a $100 GG for that kinda money!

Handsome63674 reads

Posted By: TSLoverfromLA
 I just saw someone recently who had a $300 rate and a $500vip and it was REALLY disappointing. I'd love to see 2 TS, but, to pay $1k for that, not sure it will happen.  
 Sad Face.  
 You are correct.  What is this bullshit VIP.  What is that?  Let's see, my rate is 300$ but I see you have a total of 500$ in your wallet.  Therefore, the VIP rate is 500$

The prettiest TS I have ever been iwth I picked up in the bar on Altantica Ave in Copacabana in 2012.  She charged me 80 Reis for full service.  The girls in the USA are mostly out of their minds!  And then they try to get you to come and send you on your way in 15 minutes.

Perhaps society's growing acceptance of Transgender lifestyles has resulted in more relationships, thus lowering demand for providers.

The 'transgender tipping point' (Laverne Cox's Time Magazine cover) has recently really increased job protections and workplace acceptance. While there's nothing wrong with wanting to get laid, the 'good old days' y'all reminisce about were also the days when trans women often had few job prospects besides escorting. This work should never be a constrained choice like that, so I say kudos to the women who now have more options and opportunities.

having matured as an advertising medium and no longer working Eros might have outlived itself. What is it on now, the third website redesign since I got into the hobby? Local ad malls and personal websites may have replaced Eros for good on the GG side of the hobby. For the TS side, who knows? Here in my city, ladies that used to post on back page now use Eros. Used to be a lot more competition for one thing. Maybe these ladies have all gone post op? There are also fewer TS forums as well

Handsome63848 reads

Could it be the cost of EROS advertising has gone up?  They are finding other venues to advertise on?

LATSDog1104 reads

As I mentioned a few times in the past, with all the fake ads that are posted on EROS after they claim they have either confirmed they are a VIP or Certified had totally tarnished their brand.  As an example, in LA, two years ago, Eros-LA TS had over 120 ads at any given time.  Now they have about 65 on average every week.  Why?

Advertising on EROS is expensive and the return on their investment has gone down the drain. Why?  Many reasons but I feel primarily due to the fake ads and their brand going down the drain as a result.   Have their rates increased? Who knows but two years ago, when Eros LA TS had over 100 ads, multiple providers would have two or three ads.  Some providers trying to be sneaky in their marketing would have modified pics, different numbers, and multiple ads as well.  Combine that with the fake ads and 30 plus percent are bullshit.  Bye Bye Eros......

CL is free and accounts for the girls who can't afford to advertise,  Eros is now at par with the BP at best.  Both have video ads and both are probably generating the same ROI.  The BP probably cost 1/10 of what Eros charges.  Then why go to Eros?

I myself do not feel the volume of providers has decreased, but feel the providers who advertise have been more conservative with their advertising dollars and not spending it where there is no return on their investment

Good post Dog. I've seen an increase in legit posting on CL. A year or two ago, I wouldn't look on CL because it was all old dudes in wigs but now there are some hot young girls that have been posting there. Eros here in Chicago used to have 70+ ads two years ago, now we're lucky to see 40. And as you said, Eros is full of BS and fakes and their brand is ruined. I barely even look at it anymore. BP is my go to marketplace. It still has plenty of fakes and BS but if you watch it closely, it's really easy to figure out who is real or fake.

As for travel girls, there HAS been a decrease, at least in Chicago. There used to be tons of girls that would visit here, especially in the summertime. This summer, only a handful of girls came through. I'm sure that it's because airfares and hotels have gotten so expensive that it makes less sense for girls to travel. I'm sure that accounts for the rising prices among those girls as well. There have been a few girls that visited this summer who I did not see because their prices had gone up to $400-500, whereas a year or two ago they were $250-300. I make good money, but I simply won't see a girl for more than $300. Period. Even $300 is stretching it... Why see one girl for $400 when I could see 2 for $200? There is never THAT big a difference in quality for the overpriced girls and often the less expensive girls give better service.  

At least I'm lucky that I live in a city with plenty of good local girls! I can only imagine how much the scene would suck somewhere that relies on travel girls.

when it was a buck-fifty or two I could enjoy a fun session with a great girl and after it was over still feel good about the experience ...  at the current market rate, (and I don't begrudge the girls a thing, if they can get it, kudos to them) but if I've dropped three or four, even if it was a good session, it's so much $ that I feel like an idiot afterwards.  Because I know I should not be dropping that kind of $ on much of anything, especially what amounts to about 45 minutes of entertainment.  I can't be alone in this feeling.  Seeing one girl a month runs nearly five grand in a year.  You've got to be making serious cash for that...  so as hardrockr said, if you're only seeing one or two a year (so sad) and the ad spaces are filled with fakes and rip-offs, then you'll hem and haw into non-action. I know I have.  And I miss them.

You summed it up nicely. Too many fakes and too expensive. Prices are up over 30% in the past year. If we back off a bit you will see prices drop.

How can girls making 150-200$ per client not afford to advertise themselves? 90% of these Escorts don't even pay taxes.

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