
Re: HAHA, I see this way too often
timotl 200 Reviews 545 reads

Lol. The ubiquitous dirty room shot! One of my personal favorites.

LATSDog1916 reads

This one is not so dirty, just outdated :)  

Its quite often to see pics of a provider standing in front of a row of bathroom stalls in a bar or something similar.

Take a look at her friend in the reflection of the mirror.  doubles anyone?

Why do girls insist on posting stupid videos of them singing along to music instead of saying their phone number? I don't get how girls don't realize which video will help them make money and which won't.

No more pictures with doggy ears or noses.  They do NOT make us want to give them money because they are provocative and attractive!!!

They are silly...Not sexy.

On the flipside we've got a girl that timotl has rated very highly. She knows exactly what to do with her video. I would have to assume that her business picked up after this one:

Great example of a girl who got some business sense --- appeal to what the market wants!  I would be motivated to get in touch simply because she may be a bit sharper than the usual clueless population out there, besides her sex appeal.

And, girls, don't put $ signs in your ad.  We already know you want money.  Reminding us of it is hardly going to heighten our incentive to call you.

But alas, for many out there ... "You can't fix stupid."

Yes! That's what I'm talking about! Jessie is so much fun. Clearly, she gives no fucks about the rules of BP. What a gal!

LATSDog598 reads

Yea, not sure what the deal is with those.  Can't stand them myself.

Handsome63487 reads

the Dog ears and nose thing makes my cock flaccid.  It is bad enough that all the ladyboys have this on their FB account but when they are trying to get customers motivated to see them?  

While we are at it my pet peeve is the amateur porn video going on and the TV is always blaring in the background with a old Jerry Springer or Scooby Doo rerun.  Turn the damn TV off and then make your porn video.

Posted By: Handsome63
the Dog ears and nose thing makes my cock flaccid.  It is bad enough that all the ladyboys have this on their FB account but when they are trying to get customers motivated to see them?  
 While we are at it my pet peeve is the amateur porn video going on and the TV is always blaring in the background with a old Jerry Springer or Scooby Doo rerun.  Turn the damn TV off and then make your porn video.  
You'd be surprised how often little stuff like that is overlooked in films.Tue quality of peoples home made movies would be so much better if they took a bit of time to think about it and did stuff like that. Making sure all noises are at a minimum, phones off, an other simple stuff like get a light off the camera.

I, fir the life of me, can't figure out why girls are taking these photos with a tone of dirty clothes all over the place, snot or something else all over the mirror, or in some ratty clothes. If your trying to build an image, starting off with crapy photos is a terrible way to build a good one.

Lol. The ubiquitous dirty room shot! One of my personal favorites.

Honestly, it's about as appealing as watching someone pick their nose. If you really want or need to take a mirror selfie, at least find a spot in a nice looking room (hopefully the bedroom, but given the descriptions of some girls' incalls, that might not be such a good idea, either). Better yet, have a friend take some photos of you; even if it's just with your phone, it'll look a lot better than seeing you strut around in front of a toilet or a dirty shower/bath stall.

I guess it gives people the impression that the photos are real.

I get that, but in this case, I think it's a little *too* real. :(

Posted By: KingBradley99
I guess it gives people the impression that the photos are real.

Skppr527 reads

She loves to take selfies. Chronically and to her detriment. She's pretty cute though so I guess I kind of get it...

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