
DFK a TS and....
flyboy2 11 Reviews 10428 reads

To me, what makes a really good session is when a TS will kiss with tongue.   I think most of us would agree that's pretty erotic and quite satisflying for the total experience for the most part.

The past two TS's I've DFK'd though (3 months apart), have given me some type of "bug".   I got several cold sores on my tongue and one on the lip as well and got a nasty 24 hour bug/virus.    Of couse the first thought is hiv but all I've read about that says  it takes at least several weeks for those symptoms to occur.    

I'd like any responders to be honest and let us (me) know if any of you have had any similar occurences when DFK-ing a TS.

Thanks for your honesty


Yes, that would be way out of line. Flyboy would have to prove what caused his problem let alone who caused it. This kind of thing can hurt innocent people.

I'd never "kiss and tell".   It's very inappropriate to do so as the last poster mentioned.


Boy, lots of you made this thread into your own... and I'd invite you all to go back to the original post.  


beeevis7463 reads

"you get enough germs to catch pneumonia..."

sorry, showing my age. anybody remember dionne warwick before she was a psychic friend? :-)

the only way you could contract HIV through kissing is if he/she was bleeding profusely into the open sores inside your mouth. oooh, i'm getting horny.

if the provider had any kind of viral or bacterial "bug", and you DFK'd, then you probably got it too. TS doesn't enter into the equation. there are no "TS-specific" viruses identified at this time :-)
cold sores on your tongue are more likely to be a coincidence. get tested if it's worrying you, nobody here can help you.

Felicia Katt7297 reads

handshaking is more risky for transmitting a cold or the flu than most kinds of kissing.

-- Modified on 5/26/2005 5:43:53 PM

TS Star9092 reads


>>handshaking is more risky for transmitting a cold or the flu than most kinds of kissing.

That's fine if all you're talking about is colds.  But I'm pretty sure other things can be transmitted as well.  Possibly STD's. (Although probably NOT hiv.)

So here you are with cold sores in your mouth and on your lips and you still want to DFK?   OK, but what about the NEXT guy that DFK's the girl AFTER you???   And what about the guy who saw her BEFORE you... yeah... the guy that just walked out the door... the guy that had her toss his salad.   You still want to DFK her now?

You're all grown ups, you can do what you want to do, but it takes EVERYONE to help stop the spread of things.

Felicia Katt7369 reads

well said, Star.  I didn't mean to imply that people should be irresponsible.  My point was that its not fair to blame a provider for a cold when the client was probably exposed to cold viruses many more times in that same time frame through routine social contacts.

Be Safe!!!


chicksw/dicks6962 reads

I've never gotten a TS to toss my salad, but I was unable to resist tossing a couple.  Maybe I should seek reciprocation!

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