
Provider's viewpoint
DanaDelvey See my TER Reviews 95 reads

All of you gentlemen make good points.   This site is clunky (just a little, bit for real) The cultural factors are real and myriad

I think there has  been a migration in mindset on the intent away from the free wheeling collaborative view of the '0's. There is also a shift away from quality encounters  towards instant encounters. I've noticed a shift in my ad traffic towards right now even though I'm in the upper third of my location in terms of fee. Also a lot of guys without a ref. have become super reticent to do any screening since Covid not to mention a modest deposit (like when asking a provider to travel two hours each day on an outcall).  For both of those,  I point to reddit where guys who got burned are very loud and since a lot of new entrants likely go where they're most comfortable for their first info,  I think a lot of new clients are diving the reddit boards target than coming here ( where the information is much me reliable)

I have been on the site for since 2004, it was a great resource to avoid being ripped off by scammers. Lately the reviews have been few in So Cal. To many girls without reviews. I am seeing the same girls over and over for fear of getting taken. In San Diego all the new ladies are unknown , are they reviewed on other sites? A little Hispanic hottie in the valley TS Luna caught my eye but I am not sure if it an Only Fan misdirection. Sure saving a lot of money. How do we solve this problem gentleman.

Agree and we all need to toftt once in a while or the pool never grows

What was it?  Something like 2 years unavailable after the atrocious FOSTA-SESTA laws came along?
I STILL bump into people occasionally: "Oh, TER is back?  I didn't know that!"
My favorite lady for years now still has a thing in her ads: "If you're a VPN user see my reviews. Log into a Canadian server." and then shares her TER link.

IDK - spread the word at any opportunity:
-----> TER IS BACK, Baby!

Agree, traffic/reviews on this board has gone down relative to what is available. It's hard to pin-point exactly why, but I think it's a variety of things already mentioned (FOSTA, Only Fans, etc) AND a shift in culture. 2004 was almost twenty years ago! Much has changed during this time period.....millennials are a different breed, and don't get me started with the "Gen Z" folks who will upend everything. "How do we solve this problem"? I don't think there is a solution, at least as it relates to TER.

Millennials and Gen Z have more progressive views on sex work (and in this case gender) than any of the previous generations. If anything things will get better in the coming years (decades) and it will be legalized and normalized like it should be.

Yes, much of what you've said about millennials and gen-z is true, but the topic was TER site usage decline (at least on this board). My point is that millennials and gen-z  both represent a cultural shift. It is well known that both of these generations are having less sex and sex later in life, contrary to the whole "hook up" culture narrative. It's also known that personal/financial independence is not as high of a value with these two generations vs. boomers...this "hobby" requires $$$ and having a pad to take someone back home too.

Agreed with much of the comments and topics in this entire thread. There seem to be less reviews overall possibly due to less overall sessions happening. Or are men and trans connecting through other apps or social media like Grindr? The population is always increasing and I doubt there is a drop in "the worlds oldest profession" lol. Two thoughts on that: 1) are genetic girl reviews also down? 2) what other review boards are still popular?  

I think more and more people are relying on this place for info without pitching in. Not everyone wants to have in writing their deepest secrets. Not to mention, a SO finds this on your browser and you may be losing half of everything you worked for.  

Also, i notice a lot of "regulars" that dont post many reviews these days, if any at all.

I agree with all that is said. I think it is partly due to more people are now just creepers in general. Want to get the info, but giving back is something they just don't take the time. I think TER could be more generous with reviews for more free time. Go from 2 weeks for a review, to a month. If I had to guess, most of the paid players, dont review much at all. I try to post a few a year. I have been on here since 2004 or so and love this board. However, I lost my old password and email, so I started again, but it is a great place, maybe just reward those of us that do post with more freetime.

A very interesting conversation today about the escort industry with both genetic and trans women with a guy in his late 20s. Being in my 50s I remember when the internet took off with old style chat rooms, a moderator etc. there was a formality to it. We had to learn terms like lol or lmao or even bbbj. Today these kids are sexting these terms as teenagers and a big reason why he thought people don't post reviews or bother with review sites like this is becasue they're so dated.  

It's wasn't meant to be not a knock on this site. This site has improved but overall it's the same as it was 20+ years ago, that kids was probably in kindergarten when this site began in 1999. It wasn't just a conversation about this site, he said his contemporaneous find most of the review sites antiquated and dated and clunky to write a review that is then rejected or you don't verify things or there is some stupid captcha.  

I think we can all agree to those types of frustrating things. Especially that they might get in the way of a new hobbyist posting a review due to the hassle. He didn't know what the solution was but he said something I agree with; I bet the people programing these sites are over 40, they need kids 18-22 year olds to do it. Again, he wasn't knocking this site, he was commenting on all the escort review and add sites. That they all seem to be run by some old fat guy in a motel like a pimp from the 80s.  

It was a hilarious conversation but I think that may also be part of the decline of escort review sites, in addition to what's been brought up here already.  

When everyone tries to cover their asses, everyone lives in a bubble and has to learn the hard way --- by getting burned from bad experiences. The politically correct and the litigation weapon stifles free exchange of very useful information such as provided at TER. So yeah --- be trendy, be cool, go woke, get screwed, get old, go broke ... s-l-o-w-l-y.

All of you gentlemen make good points.   This site is clunky (just a little, bit for real) The cultural factors are real and myriad

I think there has  been a migration in mindset on the intent away from the free wheeling collaborative view of the '0's. There is also a shift away from quality encounters  towards instant encounters. I've noticed a shift in my ad traffic towards right now even though I'm in the upper third of my location in terms of fee. Also a lot of guys without a ref. have become super reticent to do any screening since Covid not to mention a modest deposit (like when asking a provider to travel two hours each day on an outcall).  For both of those,  I point to reddit where guys who got burned are very loud and since a lot of new entrants likely go where they're most comfortable for their first info,  I think a lot of new clients are diving the reddit boards target than coming here ( where the information is much me reliable)

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