
Not my words ?
sserviceman 2 Reviews 581 reads
2 / 7
LATSDog 593 reads
3 / 7

Which session are you planning to experience?  I'm on a bit of a budget but think I'd bypass the 1 hour of momentary bliss for 300 bones and possibly upgrade to her 1.5 hour taste of heaven.  I wonder what heaven tastes like?  BO, foreskin dick cheese, and sweaty pubic hair all combined into one erotic cocktail?

Be sure to report back.  :)

sserviceman 2 Reviews 576 reads
4 / 7

OMG! Great description!
You sure have a way with words that brings that taste of heaven almost to the tip of one's tongue.

:: whew ::  Glad I didn't have lunch yet before reading it LOL.

LATSDog 463 reads
5 / 7

That was taken directly from her website.  Unfortunately I can not take credit for my graceful back after you have the session. Can't wait for your detailed review.

sserviceman 2 Reviews 512 reads
6 / 7

"BO, foreskin dick cheese, and sweaty pubic hair all combined into one erotic cocktail"

You mean somewhere in her ad or website she states this offering to the crazy-ass, drug addled fringe of the TS market?

LATSDog 541 reads
7 / 7
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