
No, I got a long bitchy private message in my mail box. EOMconfused_smile
Sancho2 13 Reviews 764 reads


Hello, all...   : )

Just though I would throw something out there and see what people think, as I am sure I cannot be the only one that has had what at first seems to be a truly positive connection with someone, then it go somehow unexpectedly off the tracks of "delightful", to fairly mediocre, at best... the end of the day, a review I found was insultingly shallow of the energy shared, truly (unnecessarily) sarcastic in some very unexpected ways, and not reflective of the actual experience shared with that person... ...especially as I even  *asked*  the person to write one.... (Girls - if you thought you actually had a bad/fair/poor experience with someone, would  *any*  of you out there actually **ask** for it to be written about, in the first place?  

seems rather odd, that...

So... our first impressions - excellent correspondence of emails prior to our first telephone conversation. Then, our first phone contact - truly nice, easy to screen, and warmly open for both of us...

My First impression upon meeting ? - the gentleman is handsome and smart, and clearly VERY pleased by my appearance, and immediately goes for not just the warm welcoming hug I *always* offer to everyone,  but a *full-on both hands ass-grab*, and obviously cannot wait to immediately explore further... he is warmly easygoing, easy to talk with, and truly pleasant...

followed by...moments of truly good humor in my getting a *real* warm "proper" hug (more sarcasm in the review) ....but a good solid warm hug is truly a great way to tone down nervousness, especially with newer seekers), and then - clear relief in a person seeing that you actually are a dead-on match to your photos, as opposed to just another typical fake or ripoff or worse, etc...  Yes - impressed by my appearance...

Then - down to connecting.... we have warm & open conversation - my usual absolute politeness and TOTAL 100% hospitality (offering anything - wine, tea, water, Sake  (a personal favorite of mine - but even that was sarcastically referred to as  -  "Am I sensing a "theme" here?",  as opposed to any warm recounting of what only amounts to my totally consistent & always genuine hospitality...)

Then...a passionate encounter now begins... mutual touching, electric passionate body rubbing ALL OVER ONE ANOTHER, then kissing slowly at first, finding thru my senses what makes this person squirm in their shoes with desire to do more... kissing an ear, then kissing him all over his face, then the outlines of his lips, gentle playful nips and tugs, asking if his nipples like to be played with - pinching them with approval - then mutually returned, all the while feeling his manner continue to increase, and increase, in intensity of genuine excitement - clearly vibrating throughout both of our entire minds and bodies...  

...gradually reaching a peak of foreplay, only to rest briefly to start again with intensity... encouraging a light spanking (as any truly naughty girl should have), allowing myself to be placed on my knees for a thorough oral, which I clearly and joyfully provided...

moving onto trying to accommodate his earlier suggestion that he may wish to be "topped" by a woman like myself.... and keeping in mind, I have never - not ever once, in a decade of erotic arts, advertised myself as a "top" for males.... and sometimes the kind of chemistry just isn't there for me to go that way with a man.... anyone out there willing to relate?

...and in that moment I could not satisfy that specific desire of his... very rare for me... we switch and he proceeds to make love to me at a pace and intensity that he stated was literally   "A world class ass-fuck!",   to mutual hand play and as *Always*,  I'm able to *fully* orgasm (yes, functional me (although I had recently had a slight dr's. change in some of my hormones, which I think also contributed to my just not being into doing *him* that day...)... then starting an incredibly warm massage (yes, gladly sharing that, even *after* we have finished our sex).... a VERY warm goodbye, me asking "how we did for a first time connecting" being given the answer "Great!".... me asking if they ever write reviews,  told "yes" he'd be glad to, and finally parting company with a warm hug, kiss on the cheek (the lipstick, I suppose) , and mutual sparklingly warm smiles.... then, a follow-up email telling me  "you were truly a delight"  

then.... a scantly mediocre review that complained of everything from my distance away in driving time (as if you didn't know that, when you booked with me?)

to my lipstick...oooooo  "BEWARE"  -  as if I was intentionally out to just indiscreetly lipstick the whole world... realllly?     ummmmm... what mature, feminine, girly-girl of a real woman doesn't wear cosmetics, especially on a first impression, UNLESS specifically requested NOT to do so, beforehand of meeting?  

...but then complain in the review with a statement like "BEWARE" - are you kidding me?  

...more than a decade of being kind, loving, honorable, accurate, punctual, truly joyful, playful, still curious to always expand and explore more, always generous of my time, never focused on just "the gifts", totally genuine of passion and politeness both, never rude, never fake, never sketchy - in upscale erotic arts and discreet companionships, hundreds of exceptional dates over the years, and then, that ???  

Anyone have an opinion on this ?

...and not even rate as "attractive"..... I am used to people meeting me for the first time, and generally being somewhere between *completely* pleased, to simply blown away, as if I didn't possess a mirror of my own, or trained hard for many years to be in exceptional shape... but nothing - not hardly one mention of any single positive personal quality - just droning, mediocre, somewhat sarcastic, almost complaint-filled, so-called "review" that I actually *asked* for???  

....after being told everything was great and that I was truly a delight?

what the.... ?

anyone ever have such an experience totally not reflective of what you know you shared with someone, yet they posted something almost completely the opposite of the genuine energy, passion, or impressions you know for sure you saw them have with your own eyes and senses at least once, before they walked out that door that day ?

I am sure I am not alone in this... I am also sure I am not such a bad judge of instinct and mutually shared energy that I could possibly have been THAT far mistaken, as to actually ask for a mediocre review, much less expect one that empty of any real compliments towards me after the fact...? utterly preposterous.

anyone have any ideas or suggestions as to motivations?    

I always thought that The TER is here to discuss, forum, protect and inform, as much to encourage people writing reviews - to do at least two things.... to reward good and excellent and honorable companions for truly giving their best as consistently as possible,  or conversely,  quickly exposing the far too many fakes, flakes, ripoffs, or worse, and ultimately to protect all of us, and make erotic life easier and safer for all....

...but what would motivate someone to leave with a twinkle and a warm smile -  "Great" in a first time connecting.... ...then write a half-complaining review that makes someone sound pretentious, overtly "instructive",  haughty, unskilled or excuse-making, and not even the kindness to say "attractive",  as if it were a total amateur?

any thoughts ?

most kindly and sincerely, always,



-- Modified on 7/8/2015 1:25:14 AM

Dear Sancho... :)  

...two of my favorite songs I found apropo in this instance...  The Prince song from Purple Rain - always loved it and found it inspirational at times.... "Go Crazy"  
 And the song that Seal did a great cover of, a few years ago.... "un-less, you get a little crazy...."  
 I promised this man I would direct no spite or games at him.. so there was no vitriol directed out of meanness or spite... but I have expressed in detail my shock, dismay, hurt, some frustration, and the real concern of a fairly good repute being damaged in any way, when I have given so long and so much of my genuine & generally only very kindhearted self into this ? a lifetime commitment that has been incredible fun, exploration, challenge, adventure, growth, and sometimes painful but nonetheless positive learning, of the last decade plus... Frustrated and deeply disturbed about letting that stand on my name any longer? Yes. Very much so.  
 Everyone ultimately has differing perceptions of the same things. Two people look at the same photo and see completely different things. This is why I have never had a "script" when it comes to erotic arts... Everyone I have ever seen is different in every way from another, and that has to be taken seriously in order to learn how to really connect with each person in the most individual and sometimes awesomely special of shared ways.... everyone, like our fingerprints, are uniquely different no matter how much some may wish to group themselves as the same in some ways...  
 No two people on the entire planet have the *exact* same catalogue of desires, turn-ons or turn-offs, or pace of doing things, or same mental emotional & erotic timing, or identically perfect tastes for the exact same things in general... To say such a thing would be ridiculous to me.....  
 ...and to treat others like no more than a production line, a cookie cutter form, when talking about what is for many, the very most intimate and often deeply personal (yes of course there is straightforward searing animalism as well) of all possible arts that a woman can undertake to excel at... not my bag.... yes - I have a "Theme" as indicated rather sarcastically in the review... it's called truly old fashioned politeness. Loving kindness. Good manners. True Respectfulness towards all others. Deep Hospitality. Genuine Warmth. True Love of my art.  
 My "Theme" as rudely mocked by the reviewer, is Inspiration by other cultures and my own heart and mind.... Instead of what is most often rude, coldly transactional, fake passions, clockwatching, fake photos, rushed, ripoffs, etc etc etc etc that largely dominates most of Western escort culture here today.... and I say that, based on every bit of feedback from at least 8 out of 10 of my special friends (I never use the word "client"), in more than 10 years (a quarter of my adult life) of commitment to what can often be the most controversial and difficult of arts for many women of all kinds, whether TS or GG or otherwise...  
 we are too varied and complex for that, and I believe that people here tend to forget that...sometimes it just stays with only black and white of this good or that fake or that BJ or This DT or whatever terminology one uses... and less and less in-between, or variances to accommodate for individual differences of tastes and perceptions and perspectives...  
 If I am guilty of being crazy, it would be for one thing... Crazy passionate about being forthright, kind, respectful, accurate, forthright, tasteful, passionate, real, open, warm, polite.  
 There are three things in this world that a person should not EVER play games with towards another person, no matter what.  
 You don't ever play games with a person's family, their home, or their money. NOT EVER. In this case, two out of the three were compromised to a certain extent, and I have lost sleep over this "game" that someone just casually and cavalierly decided to play with my life and my repute.  
 Shall I Stand down? Edit the reality of what to me is a very serious thing? Sit back and just take it like a good little girl? Not take the risks to get a little crazy to defend myself and my own honor?  
 Now *That's* crazy.    
 LoveRespectAlways, Sancho...  
 You've long posted cool and funny stuff here, and you know I like you.  
 Best always,  

-- Modified on 7/8/2015 2:12:27 PM

I read his review. That he didn't like you is plain to see. But he paid you and went politely
through the session. I notice he ranked yr appearance below what it should be. It works
the other way too. Guys throw out 10's for girls who don't deserve that honorific because
they liked the girl. I sense this not terrible review hurts you especially because he rejects
what he called romance and what I would call your schtick. Don't be offended...we all have
one, just as we all have a shadow. If I ever get to see you I'll be looking for you on the shady  
side of the street.

I agree with your sentiment, and you and I have parried wits before to some truly positive means and rather ascerbic humor as well I might add...  

no... it does not hurt me at all, of the possible rejection of "romance".... which is a term I have very, very, rarely ever used in context of my arts... it was more of what I wrote to Sancho about games and cavalier appearances of saying one thing, and then doing another, while apparently blithely (or coldly) unthinking of the effects that such things may actually have on another person's real life...

to call my relationship to being a truly loving, warm, polite, old fashioned, "romantically-minded" kind of woman a "schtick" is so far from the truth of what motivates me and who I am and what I strive for, that I am surprised you used that particular term. "Schtick" is a word one uses to describe a huckster or snake oil seller of often questionable wares, or even if not questionable, there is an element of showmanship and overt carnival-like overtones in the way that person "peddles their goods" so to speak.

There is an extreme difference between possessing true kindness, genuine warmth, deeply believing in elegant and true old-world kinds of hospitality, sharing genuine and fiery passions, and someone who just tries to act the part of such things. One is insincere. The other is possessed of that as natural character traits.

One is an act or a display of either something they are not, or are trying too hard to be so it comes across ultimately like a "schtick" as you put it, and the other actually is simply being who and what they really are, as opposed to needing to act that way just for appearances sake or to "make the sale".

Not everyone is a fake or phony. The reason that I (and most TS's have transitioned) is because I could no longer bear the weight of trying to be all the things I really wasn't. As a woman *and* a passionately committed erotic companion, I now can be *all* the things I really am, always was, and have always wished to be (open, fearlessly) and express my intimacy and passions and erotic nature the very most - without fear, without reserve, without needing a "schtick" anymore, so to speak.  

I like you, but I found that mis-perceptive and somewhat insulting, love.

Til we next (and do sincerely I hope we meet under the most pleasant and "sunny" of circumstances at some point in time :)

Most kindly, always



-- Modified on 7/8/2015 3:19:48 PM

Angela, I hear you. I'm kinda rough on my own self perceptions and I see that the word I used... schtick... is hurtful to you.
I insult intended. I had a wonderful, wise, Jewish Professor who tended to see what people are willing to present to the world as their genuine selves...was a kind of theatre...schtick. This idea I have found incredibly useful and yes, funny. It tells me that often when I feel upset about some form of character assassanation  I'm gripping the reigns of identity too tightly... I need to loosen up...The true self is so much more than what I have been able to construct.  

Posted By: AngelaMarie
I agree with your sentiment, and you and I have parried wits before to some truly positive means and rather ascerbic humor as well I might add...  
 no... it does not hurt me at all, of the possible rejection of "romance".... which is a term I have very, very, rarely ever used in context of my arts... it was more of what I wrote to Sancho about games and cavalier appearances of saying one thing, and then doing another, while apparently blithely (or coldly) unthinking of the effects that such things may actually have on another person's real life...  
 to call my relationship to being a truly loving, warm, polite, old fashioned, "romantically-minded" kind of woman a "schtick" is so far from the truth of what motivates me and who I am and what I strive for, that I am surprised you used that particular term. "Schtick" is a word one uses to describe a huckster or snake oil seller of often questionable wares, or even if not questionable, there is an element of showmanship and overt carnival-like overtones in the way that person "peddles their goods" so to speak.  
 There is an extreme difference between possessing true kindness, genuine warmth, deeply believing in elegant and true old-world kinds of hospitality, sharing genuine and fiery passions, and someone who just tries to act the part of such things. One is insincere. The other is possessed of that as natural character traits.  
 One is an act or a display of either something they are not, or are trying too hard to be so it comes across ultimately like a "schtick" as you put it, and the other actually is simply being who and what they really are, as opposed to needing to act that way just for appearances sake or to "make the sale".  
 Not everyone is a fake or phony. The reason that I (and most TS's have transitioned) is because I could no longer bear the weight of trying to be all the things I really wasn't. As a woman *and* a passionately committed erotic companion, I now can be *all* the things I really am, always was, and have always wished to be (open, fearlessly) and express my intimacy and passions and erotic nature the very most - without fear, without reserve, without needing a "schtick" anymore, so to speak.  
 I like you, but I found that mis-perceptive and somewhat insulting, love.  
 Til we next (and do sincerely I hope we meet under the most pleasant and "sunny" of circumstances at some point in time :)  
 Most kindly, always  

-- Modified on 7/8/2015 3:19:48 PM

I suppose there are all types out there...and who knows why people do the things they do.... but if I got that kind of treatment from you... I'd be singing your praises!

Their are people who do not want to admit to having a really great time, might be an ego thing. Would love to read other reviews he wrote, there probably is a common thread. Do not fret and just move on.

Thank you - truly kindest of thanks.  

and.... In credit where at least some is due, I asked to have it altered or removed, and he gave it an honest shot...  

But that still did little to take the sting out of it all...The forum would not allow it, and ultimately I stopped trying unless I wished to be "delisted" at worst case scenario. In our very last follow-up email he said  "you just can't expect to click with everyone you meet"... and in this, I would agree... but I have had the amazing pleasure of that actually being true of most people that I have ever had the pleasure to spend time intimately connecting with.  

But - I am not so obtuse or blithely entitled of mindset, that I am foolish enough to expect that 100% either.

I give true kindness and generosity, especially so in all deeply intimate explorations with others, and can only hope to expect the same in return... but I am well aware this does not always happen for many of us on both sides of the coin, so to speak...

I am a mature woman that has accomplished with only my natural features and my own mind and training, what many will give tens of thousands for, and I am not a 20-something supermodel that just walked out onto the photo stage.... but I am goodhearted, and real, and true to life, and true to my passions, and my own deeply held convictions about how to treat others.  

For yours, and HappyRoberts', and others' simple kindnesses on this day,  

Namaste' to the fullest,

Be good to yourself and to others, we never know when we may need a kindness equally in return sometime.




Angela Marie,

Did you ever stop to think that this guy may be deeply in the closet and can't face the fact that he actually made love to a Transsexual? It seems as if he's in denial and this is the way he convinces himself that he's truly a totally straight arrow even it he's not. Stating that he actually enjoyed your company would affirm that he is somebody he doesn't really want to admit being. Pity him and move on.  

Posted By: AngelaMarie
Thank you - truly kindest of thanks.  
 and.... In credit where at least some is due, I asked to have it altered or removed, and he gave it an honest shot...  
 But that still did little to take the sting out of it all...The forum would not allow it, and ultimately I stopped trying unless I wished to be "delisted" at worst case scenario. In our very last follow-up email he said  "you just can't expect to click with everyone you meet"... and in this, I would agree... but I have had the amazing pleasure of that actually being true of most people that I have ever had the pleasure to spend time intimately connecting with.    
 But - I am not so obtuse or blithely entitled of mindset, that I am foolish enough to expect that 100% either.  
 I give true kindness and generosity, especially so in all deeply intimate explorations with others, and can only hope to expect the same in return... but I am well aware this does not always happen for many of us on both sides of the coin, so to speak...  
 I am a mature woman that has accomplished with only my natural features and my own mind and training, what many will give tens of thousands for, and I am not a 20-something supermodel that just walked out onto the photo stage.... but I am goodhearted, and real, and true to life, and true to my passions, and my own deeply held convictions about how to treat others.  
 For yours, and HappyRoberts', and others' simple kindnesses on this day,  
 Namaste' to the fullest,  
 Be good to yourself and to others, we never know when we may need a kindness equally in return sometime.  

absolutely agreed 1000%, and... in the process of doing so, love... :)

Thank you for those simple, kind, and wise words.




That's an excellent point Thunder !! Totally agree !! Having been with Angela a couple of times & have gotten 2know her real well , Angela above all is incredibly honest & really smart ! I definitely trust the read she got on the guy, if it weren't true she would never lie or exaggerate about an encounter she had with someone !! Ironically I owe Angela a review from a few months back !! I truly love Angela & she is as hot &sexy as it gets !! Such a hot body omg!! I think thunder hit it on the head though !!

Just because Angela is a great person and a great provider doesn't mean he's a closeted homosexual or there must be something wrong with the client in question. His others reviews reflect that he's a normal and if I may say so, "admirable" guy who didn't create a second handle "just" to review transexuals.  

I think Angela provides courtesan services while the guy was just looking for a hot fuck. Is that too hard to comprehend? The review clearly reflects he just wanted to fuck. He didn't wanna be caressed. We should learn to respect both Angela's perspective and the guys' who isn't here to defend or explain himself. Nor he should. If we start with the assumption that he must be gay then guess what should be assumed also about every single guy that frequents transexuals.  

Angela I understand u take great pride in what you do and that's also to be admired. Also, we weren't there as you guys copulated so we can't judge or analyze it accurately and that's why you seem to disagree with the posters who have a diff perspective and will most likely be honest and give a real answer to you and not just pander because they may personally know you.  

And he gave you an 8. That's a good review in my book. He didn't trash your performance. He just wasn't looking for that. Kisses

Do I sound like I'm joking ?? Practice what u preach ! U want me 2respect his opinion?? Then u have 2respect mine ! Angela is very honest about who she is from the get go always ! The dude's response is rather odd to me at the minimum !

Posted By: TS Sasha
Just because Angela is a great person and a great provider doesn't mean he's a closeted homosexual or there must be something wrong with the client in question. His others reviews reflect that he's a normal and if I may say so, "admirable" guy who didn't create a second handle "just" to review transexuals.  
 I think Angela provides courtesan services while the guy was just looking for a hot fuck. Is that too hard to comprehend? The review clearly reflects he just wanted to fuck. He didn't wanna be caressed. We should learn to respect both Angela's perspective and the guys' who isn't here to defend or explain himself. Nor he should. If we start with the assumption that he must be gay then guess what should be assumed also about every single guy that frequents transexuals.  
 Angela I understand u take great pride in what you do and that's also to be admired. Also, we weren't there as you guys copulated so we can't judge or analyze it accurately and that's why you seem to disagree with the posters who have a diff perspective and will most likely be honest and give a real answer to you and not just pander because they may personally know you.  
 And he gave you an 8. That's a good review in my book. He didn't trash your performance. He just wasn't looking for that. Kisses.  

Milano -  

You know I adore you...absolutely and unquestionably... we became friends... and to be fair to both of us, I must draw the line at presumptions about certain things that even I could not guess or clearly was unsure, of baffled, or disturbed by, in the time this gentleman and I spent together and how vastly different our views of the time together was that we spent....

Sasha and others stating (yes, and 8 is not bad) are correct in that respect... me feeling underrated in both appearance and in general demeanor of what I felt was a partially complaining, unnecessarily sarcastic, and therefore frankly rather cruel and unexpected way to characterize me after the time we spent - and my reactions to that since then... are as much on my head and heart as anything else...

as said yesterday in my post to Sancho (and other parts of this thread...) I am not so obtusely insulated in my own thinking or values that I would expect everyone to be the same, see things the same, or have the same identical tastes or ways of doing things or what they are looking for.... clearly this was the case, it's just the manner in which it A.) caught me completely off guard and B.) the way it was expressed after personally showing me what I perceived to be real kindness, enjoyment, and satisfaction - that I felt was cavalier, and even dishonorable to me.... as well as having what I felt to be a real effect on some aspects of my business in the weeks following it's publication....  read what I wrote to Sancho earlier and that really puts it into perspective of how it hit me and why I responded in this manner....

but still a fellow human being, and eventually, acceptance must rule the day, and better to move onward and focus on the good potentials in life and in my own relation to my erotic arts....

I had lost sleep, felt betrayed, felt dishonored and disrespected, seen my numbers go down, seen any inquiries that mention TER drop off the map for several weeks, felt I could no longer comfortably write "and please see my reviews online" in my ad postings and have honor and comfort in that for the first time for a long time because I took no pride, and would not wish that to be the first review someone sees, when doing their proper diligence before seeking to see me.... I lost at least a handful of appointments that I am pretty certain of, as a result of that mediocre, droning, half sarcastic, and appearance fair rated review.  

I sat back and read and re read it... as I said to him in one of my mails - if I was a seeker, this is exactly the kind of review that would make me *not* be so enthusiastic about seeing that girl, and much more likely to turn people away from me, which then translates to a very real affect on my life and my practice.  

But this is what fate threw down on my plate like a pile of lemons whether I liked it or not.... finally doing what I felt was a huge risk in openly defending myself and questioning the motivations of the gentleman was what I personally needed to do to alleviate the pressure inside and begin to truly move onward from that.

bottom line is if I didn't care so much about what I do, how I do it, and how that ultimately may affect my life and my business and my practices and the long term view of what mark I leave in this art before I leave it (sooner than later - will likely be retiring within the next year or so), I wouldn't take the time and effort and risk of backlash and other potential consequences to be as real, honest, and open as I am in general about this...

all I can say is I adore you, MilanoLuv, and now enough has been said without a visible defense from the person in question, that further unsupported conjecture may now cause more harm than good.....


You know that's true,

Hugz! (and much, much, more)



Sweet Sasha,

I think what you just shared, truly hits home at every level. I would have to say that was a purrrfectly well stated post as it gets.... he needs credit where due (as I have stated in one or two of my responses thus far), and you clearly have a gift of both true objectivity and real kindness in what you said and how you said it for both of us...

I could not be more thankful for that kind of both sobering (just as Timotl & leMat are always unfailingly so brutally forthright as well) and supportively down to earth perspective of opinion expressed.  

For that, Sasha... Makes me wish to hope we cross paths someday... you could not write such things if your heart and mind were not also in a balanced and fair place that not only understands business, but that also possesses genuine kindness and fair play as well.

Sincerely, always,



Posted 10/11/2013 at 6:55:23 PM 1 of 9
Le Mat
Reviews: 2

Reviewers I hate
Looks: she was hotter than her already incredible pics...I was hard instantly.  
Performance: kissed passionately, dfk. Mutual bbbj. 69 ....omg she fucked my lights out. I paid her back, unbelievable ass.  
                    She fucked me again and then blew her load all over my face and down my throat. Sat on my face while she  
                    Sucked me off. Came in her mouth...and then I followed an intense white light through a tunnel and onto the  
                    The banks of a pearlescent river. Departed friends and family were on the other side smiling and beckoning.  
                    When I came to she was smiling down at me and combing my hair w her fingers..."ready for round 2 cowboy?"  
                    Never seen anything more beautiful ...or felt anything more intense

Love it, Le Mat ;)

Unfailingly acerbic and refreshingly brutal as always.

You rock.


There have been some posters who have tried to cast the reviewer in a negative light. (I'm actually surprised that you would support that Angela.) I read a few of his reviews and I have to say, he seems solid to me. We have some girls in common and his reviews of them are similar to mine. So, I don't buy the "it's his problem" reason, especially since he isn't here to speak up.

You said "I am also sure I am not such a bad judge of instinct and mutually shared energy that I could possibly have been THAT far mistaken" The review says otherwise. It's clear that the two of you had vastly different opinions of how your session went.

I'm not sure why your post is directed towards the girls, since I'm pretty sure that the girls don't write many reviews! There are plenty of reasons for us guys to write reviews though; could be the 15 free VIP days, could be that a girl asks him to do so and he likes her and wants to help, could be that he likes to recall the session as he writes the review, or it could be that he finds value in reading reviews and feels obligated to write reviews as a result....  

If you read his review, he makes it pretty clear why he didn't love your company. Read the last few lines of his review again. It seems to me that he was looking for an experience that you don't provide. I think perhaps his friendliness and politeness say more about him being a gracious client than it does about you being a bad hostess. Clearly he was disappointed, faked his way through the session to cum, then told you it was "great" as he was pulling his pants up to leave. Some guys aren't looking for a courtesan or a geisha, some guys are looking for a whore. Clearly a service you don't provide.

Too raw?

what he said x2.  

Part of being a provider is: Read what is it that your client is looking for, and give him just that :). No more, no less. If one's not very good at reading one's clientele... ask them. but like Jasmine says in her post. Use that review as constructive criticism. I personally am bias now with the whole review system (I know, Im saying this as a provider who would benefit from reviews). We tend to ask only people who we have a great (or decent) time with. I would be a liar if I said I didnt have sessions going awry in the past. It happens to all of us. Sometimes I look at my own reviews and I feel its inaccurate because I know I have had sessions where I didn't have fun, or where things just didn't function well down there. because the chemistry wasn't there.  

He wanted a whore. He got a courtesan. Probably a mistake on his part for not knowing the kind of service you provide. Lack of communication and poor body language reading your part maybe? He saw things from his perspective and one must respect that they have a venue to vent their thoughts on their sessions with girls, and that's "the review system".  

Best advice I could give you (which I now apply for my own self) is... avoid reading your reviews until you understand this is nothing but a business transaction where feelings have no place.  I am saying this with my deepest respect and love for you and every girl in the business.  

-- Modified on 7/9/2015 1:58:20 AM

-- Modified on 7/9/2015 2:11:06 AM

Dear Sasha.... Love it... and thank you...

Thank you for also contributing... and it means a lot that you did so...  : )

...but we are different -  

after many years, and becoming committed to something which to me, is (and has been for a long time) much, much, more than "just a business".... I honestly often share truly, deeply, lastingly, even lifetime memorable positive connections, and very special experiences with people, and I do so quite often - because that is what I am inspired to do, to share, to give... for both or all concerned....couples, other women, many first timers, many deeply experienced or very mature people that are just fed up with never finding a truly genuine companion, or a deeply real passionate experience with someone - so... maybe i'm just different...  

...and because I have a genuine love for my arts, that means I also translate that into taking real risks to share my real heart, real mind, real intellect, real passions, and real deep personal eroticism to an extent of such intensity of touch and awareness it literally can have a deep affect on myself and others in our experiences - especially once longer term trust has begun to be built -  

and as I look to share only the very best and have always tried to do *exactly* what you say in the first part of your post... "Read what is it that your client is looking for, and give him just that :)" I fully agree with that point 1000%

...except I personally don't agree with only doing the most basic to cover the needs or desires - no more no less.... I have NEVER shot for less than, and have always - *always* strived to far exceed the basic expectation and give at very least, much more - if that is welcomed or invited....  so therefore it matters to me all the more if things (and yes, we all have occasionally had this happen) go "awry", for whatever reason...

it matters to me... both the impressions I leave and make with others - just as much as the gifts or the business side of things....

but I hear you, and deeply respect you, and will always accept your feedback as nothing but valuable, kind, seriously constructive, and deeply worth taking in and hearing at the very least.  

Most kindly and warmly, always

I wish the very very same love and respectfulness right back to you,  



Dear T,

I usually would also not ever advocate such a position, and although I see many of your points as valid from your perspective as a reviewer and a man, I simply have to say I disagree with most of what you said. After spending many years and countless dozens of explorations and experiences (likely far more than you, or he, has ever shared, combined), I have to once again assert I could not possibly be that far of a poor judge of shared energy and experience...  and I never said, or used the term "it's his problem" idea, in any of my posts, or my responses...

As I had said - this forum to me is ideally good for helping others to get a fair read on what's good, what's bad, what's great, what's fake, and what's terrible, or worse.... and for the benefit of all of us... helps weed out all the fakes and flakes, and ideally rewards good companions with good feedback that ultimately (we can hope) supports a path of greater success in our goals, if as a woman and erotic artist, truly committed to being "one of the good ones"....

I actually was hoping that more providers would respond or relate, because this level of inconsistency, inaccuracy from my own knowledge of what I actually shared with this person (and I am NOT given to being dishonest or dishonorable), completely differs from what he wrote, including much unnecessary sarcasm and veiled complaints of everything from the distance to me to the lipstick, to my leading the way...  

and even more that I found in person seemed electric and genuine, yet I found that was also utterly omitted, enough so that as I read it, frankly, if I was a seeker, it would do much more to turn me away from wishing to see "that girl" including a substandard appearance rating, than being of any real value or help to either the forum or the companion...  

and as I had said - why on earth would I suggest a review if I had even the slightest idea I would get one that was so completely mediocre as to actually have had a real effect on my arts in the weeks since it was published.  

No, I do not agree with you, and believe that what was done was not sincere, and not accurate, and therefore I take extreme issue with that, and felt a deep need to defend my honor, my genuine nature of character, and my reputation.  

You, as a "hobbyist" (a word that frankly I find demeaning and offensive), cannot possibly know from my perspective as a fully committed and often *EXTREMELY* erotic companion, what that means on the most personal level - to risk your life, your home, your body, mind, and be *fully* and consistently giving of your most genuine qualities - to only have it ill-rewarded with sarcasm and veiled complaints better left to either tell me in person at the time (honesty and courage of decency) or better left unpublished at all?  No, love... I cannot, and must not agree.  

as far as can or cannot provide service ?  as I have said to many of my special friends over the years, "I am a good woman and a very naughty girl". Take that as you will, but please consider taking it at face value word for word.  

Trust and openness of erotic sharing in my own personal experience also often comes with time, and one cannot possibly expect to encompass the entirety of each individual's personal encyclopedia of tastes, wants, likes, dislikes, tastes, turn offs, turn-ons, pace, timing, and many more possible factors of intimate and erotic explorations and connections...  

I also have discretionary needs and wish to know I can trust and that cannot just happen in 5 or 10 or 15 minutes.  

I am a proper and polite woman, erotic companion, or naughty girl or not... I prefer to have the time to really find the comfort between two people (not to say there are not times that the first 15 minutes have been times where I found such amazing chemistry and wildness with someone that promptly ensued) ....but for me, most people I have seen or known, always A.) wish to see me again, and B.) then we already have a template of trust, time, comfort, and initial exploration that has begun to be built, and over time (usually always by or on the second, or third time connecting) we may have progressed to full-on, all-out, uninhibited, wall crawling, wild-ass freaky awesome monkey sex in every way you can think of, and I am still willing to learn, to explore, to open myself further, to fully commit to absolutely mutual satisfaction, and then some...  

...and I find that if someone comes to me with those kinds of expectations the very first minute of the very first time we connect, and if we may not cover the entire range of trust and exploration in the short snapshot of an hour or two or three, and is expecting the usual scripted kind of action, or complete willingness to acquiesce to every request no matter how presumptuous? no. I do not agree that this is valid for me, either.  

I will not say here what I can and cannot provide as per the exact letter of what you wrote, but I will say that it was not accurate based on my own personal knowledge of what I have shared with many, many, many, more people over the years than most reviewers could ever hope or wish to have done.  

More than a decade of ongoing erotic arts and companionships means a *lot* of learning, exploration, sharing, risk, giving, screening, and building trust & even sharing life changing experiences.... Welcoming as many first time seekers as experienced, or even the most jaded and ready to give up the "game" until they found me, or one of my unusually well written postings or ad sites in places where such things are rare (BP for example), and then completely changing their perceptions of TS women in general, and for good, from that moment onward after we have connected.

If he was faking the kind of electric passion I KNEW for sure and certain that I personally saw and felt with my very open and extremely aware senses after this many years of experience, then that would be the greatest acting job in two hours (including the immediate full-on ass grab in the first 30 seconds of meeting), the clear look in eyes and facial expressions of being impressed at first sight of me, then warm talk, then the 20 or 30 minutes of gradually and wildly intensifying kissing that became so intense he actually said "you better watch yourself, young lady" and then later the loudly exclaimed "a world class ass fuck!" ...not naughty enough? really?  

...and if that actually *is* the case, and is followed by "you are a delight" feedback, and then publish anything but delightful - no, T,  that is just plain dishonorable and/or deceptive to me, there are other personal issues at play here that I touched or triggered somehow, and not something I would have asked for, or much less ever done to another, if the roles were reversed. Your description is honestly incorrect and fairly far off the mark of what I saw and felt that day from this person. also characterized "telling you it was great as he was pulling up his pants to leave" is also not accurate of you to say, as that is not the way the scene was playing out at all.... we had already spent a couple of hours, already both expended massive energy, had begun a truly exceptional massage *after* that point... we had both moved into the next mode and talked warmly for several minutes as he was preparing to leave because he had to...  

Please, T. , do not cast images of my personal time, for others to read, that you were not personally there to witness for yourself.  

you know I respect you... we have also shared other postings and "vigorous debates" of good spirit, so all I can say is I truly respect you and how you express these things, but in this case, I have to simply agree to disagree with you. My apologies for any offense or disappointment as that would also not ever be intended...

Namaste' to the fullest,

Most kindly, always,



-- Modified on 7/8/2015 11:53:06 PM

Fair enough Angela. You have your opinion and I have mine. You can disagree with me all you like, but I'll say this to you and to any other provider...the most honest review you can ever get is given with the wallet. You let us know when this guy returns with cash in hand....  

Understand also that a client doesn't need to be genuine, we pay to fuck you not to like you or be liked by you. I'm not saying that we can't like each other and genuinely share a good time together, but we go to sessions with expectations that are not always met, no matter how experienced and engaging the girl is. We are under no obligation to tell the girls during the session.

Anyway, I'm sure you'll recover, you're a strong woman. As Sasha 8 is actually pretty good.

Too raw u ask ?? Certainly was !

Posted By: timotl
There have been some posters who have tried to cast the reviewer in a negative light. (I'm actually surprised that you would support that Angela.) I read a few of his reviews and I have to say, he seems solid to me. We have some girls in common and his reviews of them are similar to mine. So, I don't buy the "it's his problem" reason, especially since he isn't here to speak up.  
 You said "I am also sure I am not such a bad judge of instinct and mutually shared energy that I could possibly have been THAT far mistaken" The review says otherwise. It's clear that the two of you had vastly different opinions of how your session went.  
 I'm not sure why your post is directed towards the girls, since I'm pretty sure that the girls don't write many reviews! There are plenty of reasons for us guys to write reviews though; could be the 15 free VIP days, could be that a girl asks him to do so and he likes her and wants to help, could be that he likes to recall the session as he writes the review, or it could be that he finds value in reading reviews and feels obligated to write reviews as a result....  
 If you read his review, he makes it pretty clear why he didn't love your company. Read the last few lines of his review again. It seems to me that he was looking for an experience that you don't provide. I think perhaps his friendliness and politeness say more about him being a gracious client than it does about you being a bad hostess. Clearly he was disappointed, faked his way through the session to cum, then told you it was "great" as he was pulling his pants up to leave. Some guys aren't looking for a courtesan or a geisha, some guys are looking for a whore. Clearly a service you don't provide.  
 Too raw?

Posted By: timotl
There have been some posters who have tried to cast the reviewer in a negative light. (I'm actually surprised that you would support that Angela.) I read a few of his reviews and I have to say, he seems solid to me. We have some girls in common and his reviews of them are similar to mine. So, I don't buy the "it's his problem" reason, especially since he isn't here to speak up.  
 You said "I am also sure I am not such a bad judge of instinct and mutually shared energy that I could possibly have been THAT far mistaken" The review says otherwise. It's clear that the two of you had vastly different opinions of how your session went.  
 I'm not sure why your post is directed towards the girls, since I'm pretty sure that the girls don't write many reviews! There are plenty of reasons for us guys to write reviews though; could be the 15 free VIP days, could be that a girl asks him to do so and he likes her and wants to help, could be that he likes to recall the session as he writes the review, or it could be that he finds value in reading reviews and feels obligated to write reviews as a result....  
 If you read his review, he makes it pretty clear why he didn't love your company. Read the last few lines of his review again. It seems to me that he was looking for an experience that you don't provide. I think perhaps his friendliness and politeness say more about him being a gracious client than it does about you being a bad hostess. Clearly he was disappointed, faked his way through the session to cum, then told you it was "great" as he was pulling his pants up to leave. Some guys aren't looking for a courtesan or a geisha, some guys are looking for a whore. Clearly a service you don't provide.  
 Too raw?
I agree with your assessment completely. He was being a nice and gracious client but didn't receive what he had hoped or bargained for. I can't count how many times that has happened to me and I'm pretty certain that the providers thought I had a great time ; however, it was mediocre at best . I've heard from their friends that they don't understand why I won't see them again either. 😎

Then u don't know Angela at all , she makes it very clear who she is & isn't from the very beginning ! U know exactly the style that u r walking into !! "A fuck & run" isn't Angela & "she" makes that perfectly clear from the very beginning !

You're right I don't know Angela . She wanted to know about the disparity in her perception of the session and the reviewer's. I was merely agree with the poster's assessment as to why there was such a disparity. It's fairly obvious that he didn't have as good of a time as she thought. There are lots of potential reasons  one of which concern me ; I can just relate to such a difference in perception. For all we know , the lack of her sites showing any clear facial photos may have led to some disappointment on the physical attraction and he was just making the best of it.

As far as you having such a great time with her , great for you.

Dear Enthusiastic,

I have my own apparently unique style of doing things... and I respect your view... and In response to your interchange with MilanoLuv, hope this helps.

In terms of your questions - about why or how disappointment... let's just say that I, like most seekers in the word, also have an extremely high level of discretionary needs...  

and therefore my entire history is to publish only extremely clean, tasteful, and very discreet photography... and yes, once a year, I publish a full face shot, usually during Christmas week... I have always done this... in all of my years I have never published (or privately sent to an unknown person's phone or email) one single photo that was even stronger than R rated, to be honest...  

I should be able to (and have very effectively for many years) say just as much with elegance, and eloquence, and high discretion as those that publish XXX rated....  

....but that is my personal preference and it suits my style, my beliefs, and my very high level of discretionary needs without ever crossing the line of "pornographic" (i.e. essentially what you see in any lingerie catalog suitable for general public viewing without crossing a certain line)  

...what you see and find with me *is* in fact exactly what you get.... and I am extremely up-front about that in all of my screening and correspondence, & that has never changed, nor will it.... \ ads (and all of my responses to any inquiries) are **Always** going to be some of the most clean, mature, well written, cleanly shot, & discreet, out of hundreds if not thousands, on any given site(s), especially in places like BP where at least half are fakes, flakes, rip-offs, stolen or horribly altered photos, and are written all in caps, misspelled, a thousand exclamation points, and vulgar language...   and the fact that I place something of real clean and mature substance in that morass of fakes, rip-offs, and vulgarity - that ultimately always gets noticed by the more mature and discriminating eye and mind, which is exactly the impact I wish to have.  

Thank you very much for contributing your thoughts and perspectives.... gladly heard and well accepted because of your objectivity as well as your own personal perspective of your own experiences.






Posted By: AngelaMarie
Milano -  
 You know I adore you...absolutely and unquestionably... we became friends... and to be fair to both of us, I must draw the line at presumptions about certain things that even I could not guess or clearly was unsure, of baffled, or disturbed by, in the time this gentleman and I spent together and how vastly different our views of the time together was that we spent....  
 Sasha and others stating (yes, and 8 is not bad) are correct in that respect... me feeling underrated in both appearance and in general demeanor of what I felt was a partially complaining, unnecessarily sarcastic, and therefore frankly rather cruel and unexpected way to characterize me after the time we spent - and my reactions to that since then... are as much on my head and heart as anything else...  
 as said yesterday in my post to Sancho (and other parts of this thread...) I am not so obtusely insulated in my own thinking or values that I would expect everyone to be the same, see things the same, or have the same identical tastes or ways of doing things or what they are looking for.... clearly this was the case, it's just the manner in which it A.) caught me completely off guard and B.) the way it was expressed after personally showing me what I perceived to be real kindness, enjoyment, and satisfaction - that I felt was cavalier, and even dishonorable to me.... as well as having what I felt to be a real effect on some aspects of my business in the weeks following it's publication....  read what I wrote to Sancho earlier and that really puts it into perspective of how it hit me and why I responded in this manner....  
 but still a fellow human being, and eventually, acceptance must rule the day, and better to move onward and focus on the good potentials in life and in my own relation to my erotic arts....  
 I had lost sleep, felt betrayed, felt dishonored and disrespected, seen my numbers go down, seen any inquiries that mention TER drop off the map for several weeks, felt I could no longer comfortably write "and please see my reviews online" in my ad postings and have honor and comfort in that for the first time for a long time because I took no pride, and would not wish that to be the first review someone sees, when doing their proper diligence before seeking to see me.... I lost at least a handful of appointments that I am pretty certain of, as a result of that mediocre, droning, half sarcastic, and appearance fair rated review.  
 I sat back and read and re read it... as I said to him in one of my mails - if I was a seeker, this is exactly the kind of review that would make me *not* be so enthusiastic about seeing that girl, and much more likely to turn people away from me, which then translates to a very real affect on my life and my practice.    
 But this is what fate threw down on my plate like a pile of lemons whether I liked it or not.... finally doing what I felt was a huge risk in openly defending myself and questioning the motivations of the gentleman was what I personally needed to do to alleviate the pressure inside and begin to truly move onward from that.  
...bottom line - is if I didn't care so much about what I do, how I do it, and how that ultimately may affect my life and my business and my practices and the long term view of what mark I leave in this art before I leave it (sooner than later - will likely be retiring within the next year or so), I wouldn't take the time and effort and risk of backlash and other potential consequences to be as real, honest, and open as I am in general about this...  
 all I can say is I adore you, MilanoLuv, and now enough has been said without a visible defense from the person in question, that further unsupported conjecture may now cause more harm than good.....  
 You know that's true,  
 Hugz! (and much, much, more)  

tsjasminejewels882 reads

Although I occasionally monitor this board I try to bite my tongue I not comment. But you sound like such a sweetheart I thought I'd share my 2 cents.

Read some of his reviews, he seems consistent & sounds like he projected a few unnecessary things but overall, I'd move on and focus on what you do best with men who value your service..

which is why when a gent offers a review i kindly say, I think I have enough reviews so don't go out of your way for my sake.

Plus, most guys don't pay for VIP membership & the guy gave you an 8 performance. I wouldn't take it personal and continue your mantra of intimate services for gents eager to play with you and come out with a positive experience...

Use it as constructive criticism and focus on your more positive experiences...


-- Modified on 7/8/2015 11:32:56 PM

I absolutely agree to the very word. You were very kind to take the time out to lend also very valid feedback as a fellow provider, and it sounds like you are a true sweetheart as well, love.

Just thank you for the very real perspective from your side, as that is also of truly great value to me.  

...and yes... I am, I do, and I will, always :)

Thank you, most kindly... these few words don't seem enough as I feel true kindness from you as well, ....and that, to me, above all else, matters.  


Be well & much more good in return to you,



Listen lady, I could give a shit if you have a beef with one of the reviewers that has a posted review on this sight. Join the club. It is though, as you may or may not recall, a review site. If you want to get a bitch session going, this is not the place.

If you can't resist though, please try to keep it below a million words.

Fuckin A,

Dude u remind of why I stay away from this site u dick head !!

Sniff, feeling so left out.

OK- you play the role of the the small little doggie so many of our TS Lady friends enjoy as travel companions. How many Back Page ad photos have a little doggie? I stand by my posts, this one, & every other one I have made here.
It is a review site LeMat, try writing a few more & then we'll talk.

Dear Sancho, and all forum viewers....  
 Actually, you did **NOT** get any such thing in your mailbox. and just so everyone here knows, this is an absolute lie to the highest extent.  
 After your initial post, calling me crazy, I sent you A VERY short and VERY warm & complimentary message, 5 sentences long, with a warm greeting and warm salutation.  
 Not only did I **apologize** to you in case I had offended you somehow for my initial post being so long,  and then in LITERALLY 1 single sentence, explained why it was so detailed, and then I simply said (jokingly I might add), that being crazy was not one of my faults as a sane & warmly kindhearted woman.... well, I complimented you for always being a strong voice & of good wit, and that I had always appreciated your posts over time, as well as having exchanged some warm & healthy pm's in the past,  
 I then closed with a friendly  
 "Most Sincerely always",  

Actually, oh high and shiny BIG DOG, you misunderstood my post. I was wanting to be included as one of the dickhead reasons milanoluv left the forum...and I was feeling left out of another of his damsel in distress frenzies. I quite enjoyed
Your under a million words post lmfao, though I might ad, if I'm not interrupting whatever you may be pissing on at the moment...I don't need to read a single review you ever wrote or will write to figure out who I might enjoy spending my money on.

Posted By: Sancho2
OK- you play the role of the the small little doggie so many of our TS Lady friends enjoy as travel companions. How many Back Page ad photos have a little doggie? I stand by my posts, this one, & every other one I have made here.  
 It is a review site LeMat, try writing a few more & then we'll talk.

Dear Sancho, and all forum viewers,  

Actually, this is a lie.  
 No, I did not update my profile since this was published.    
 why would you assert something completely false to the viewing public when I did not, in fact, do as you say.  
  Again, no offense was intended at all, as I wrote you in a rather short (7 or 8 sentences) and very complimentary PM. (where I actually told you I liked you, reminded you we had exchanged a couple of warm messages in the past, and had always appreciated your posts here on the boards.  
  most sincerely always,  

-- Modified on 7/10/2015 11:51:46 PM

Dear Sancho, and all forum viewers....

Actually, you did **NOT** get any such thing in your mailbox. and just so everyone here knows, this is an absolute lie to the highest extent.

After your initial post, calling me crazy, I sent you A VERY short and VERY warm & complimentary message, 5 sentences long, with a warm greeting and warm salutation.  

Not only did I **apologize** to you in case I had offended you somehow for my initial post being so long,  and then in LITERALLY 1 single sentence, explained why it was so detailed, and then I simply said (jokingly I might add), that being crazy was not one of my faults as a sane & warmly kindhearted woman.... well, I complimented you for always being a strong voice & of good wit, and that I had always appreciated your posts over time, as well as having exchanged some warm & healthy pm's in the past,

I then closed with a friendly

"Most Sincerely always",


-- Modified on 7/10/2015 11:50:02 PM

Dear Sancho, and all Forum Viewers,

Actually, this is a lie.  
 No, I did not update my profile since this was published.    
 why would you assert something completely false to the viewing public when I did not, in fact, do as you say.  
  Again, no offense was intended at all, as I wrote you in a rather short (7 or 8 sentences) and very complimentary PM. (where I actually told you I liked you, reminded you we had exchanged a couple of warm messages in the past, and had always appreciated your posts here on the boards.  
  most sincerely always,  

Actually, this is a lie.

No, I did not update my profile since this was published.  

why would you assert something completely false to the viewing public when I did not, in fact, do as you say.

Again, no offense was intended at all, as I wrote you in a rather short (7 or 8 sentences) and very complimentary PM. (where I actually told you I liked you, reminded you we had exchanged a couple of warm messages in the past, and had always appreciated your posts here on the boards.

most sincerely always,


-- Modified on 7/10/2015 10:43:29 PM

Actually, this is a lie.  
 No, I did not update my profile since this was published.  
 why would you assert something completely false to the viewing public when I did not, in fact, do as you say.  
 Again, no offense was intended at all, as I wrote you in a rather short (7 or 8 sentences) and very complimentary PM. (where I actually told you I liked you, reminded you we had exchanged a couple of warm messages in the past, and had always appreciated your posts here on the boards.  
 most sincerely always,  

Please Angela stop responding to these couple of weird little bitches, can't figure the 2 of them out ,again don't lower urself ,let it go !!

The great white knight of the TS section of TER, always to the aid of a TS damsel in distress.  

I dare him to use a comma properly.  Just once

Posted By: MellowSoul
The great white knight of the TS section of TER, always to the aid of a TS damsel in distress.    
 I dare him to use a comma properly.  Just once.    
I know Milano... Kind. Smart. Mature. Loving. Stable. Strong emotions and deeply held beliefs. A Dear sweet friend, and a good man. That's all I can say about him.  

....and Sancho blatantly lied to the entire forum, not just once, but twice....  

1. saying I changed my profile since this had been published - was an OUTRIGHT lie

2. saying I sent a long bitchy message to him PM box... when in fact it was 4 or 5 VERY *short* sentences long, and I not only apologized to him for any offense for the length of my post, as well as complimenting him for his wit in many posts over time.  

Why? I am not sure, but clearly I can only guess it was intended to make me look even worse, which is about as dishonourable and petty/nasty as it gets, even with my breach of some etiquette in defending my own honor and very reasonably good repute...

best to all,  



Hopefully u read what Angela had to say Mellow Yellow ?? She doesn't need my help or anyone's help at all,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, keep worrying about a fuckin comma u barebacking freak !!

I don't know if I fully believe that as you've said in one of your many other posts (that basically rehash the same shit over and over)  that the PM was 7 or 8 sentences.  

I think I believe Sancho in this.

Mello maybe u & sancho should meet, get 2know one another & get married, it's legal now !! & bare back happily ever after u freak !

Hey Mellow , speaking of strange , how are u ?? Damsel in distress ?? Angela ? She don't need me at all u little half man !! Still makin up stories about providers u weirdo?? Thought u b out on the stroll by now dude !! How is that barebacking treating u ???

Figure what out ?? This isn't rocket science dude , u & that other asshole r weird little dudes that's all , ur both rude. & strange & very boring. !!

You know damn right well I am not with going bareback and I've been outspoken against it since I started noticing more providers offering it. Let's just keep the facts as facts, shall we?  

I've got to ask though, because you come off as a little looney on here, are you on meds or some shit? Because you are way out there dude.  I also notice you like to make shit up.  

But hey...that's none of my business....just stating the facts.

Mellow no need 2 overthink it weirdo, talk about being delusional !! Who was that provider from a few yrs ago that u tried 2 destroy?? What was her name dick-head?? Remember that ?? When u ,timoti & Le Mat get together this board becomes a fuckin tacky soap-opera !! 3 freaks !!

Posted By: MellowSoul
You know damn right well I am not with going bareback and I've been outspoken against it since I started noticing more providers offering it. Let's just keep the facts as facts, shall we?  
 I've got to ask though, because you come off as a little looney on here, are you on meds or some shit? Because you are way out there dude.  I also notice you like to make shit up.  
 But hey...that's none of my business....just stating the facts.

So...lets not overthink it, but lets bring up things from years ago.  And for the record, I never tried to destroy anyone.  All I did was state that bareback services were not only being offered, but were almost insisted upon.  Look no further then the past few reviews of that provider on here to confirm what I was saying.

If there is anyone on here that would be considered a weirdo, believe me brother, it's you.  Go ahead and go on a half unreadable rant now...

-- Modified on 7/15/2015 12:57:30 PM

Posted By: MellowSoul
You know damn right well I am not with going bareback and I've been outspoken against it since I started noticing more providers offering it. Let's just keep the facts as facts, shall we?  
 I've got to ask though, because you come off as a little looney on here, are you on meds or some shit? Because you are way out there dude.  I also notice you like to make shit up.  
 But hey...that's none of my business....just stating the facts.
If the topic at hand was exhausted, this now running diatribe of verbal abuse is now running way off track of the original topic. Gentleman - clearly you have differences of opinion here. Mellow - I have never met you and cannot judge you.  

Milano - you know I adore and respect you, and you are demeaning yourself by lowering to vulgarity and cursing and name-calling. You are bigger, better, smarter, and much more cultured than that. Show them this is true as I already know it for myself. :)  

Both of you should take it offline to PM and continue the more personal side of the debate there. You boys seem to have a destructively magnetic (negative) opposite attraction to one another. ;)

Peace &  



Is that weirdo PMing me messages that I can barely read nor comprehend.  

No thanks.

Dude this isn't rocket science !! The one thing I know is Angela is as honest as it gets & ur a weird little asshole !! That's my whole point here u freak !!

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