
LMAO. You know I almost feel sorry for you. But then again, I don't. What kind of fool who...teeth_smile
Man4woods 1830 reads

would send $$$ to anyone they've never met before?

It's like those guys who keep on getting scammed over and over and over again and then bitch about it.
This is exactly what they say " STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES".  
Yes, you need to get over it and move on

So I had been very interested in meeting TS Natalie for a long time.  It was actually a friend of hers, TS Lana, that gave Natalie my number and she got in touch with me.  We talked a couple times and she was extremely nice, smart, down to earth and feminine sounding...melted me like butter.  She said if I prepaid, she would come up to NC to visit me and really laid the sweetness on.  I gave in and paypal'd her $500 with a promise of an amazing VIP visit.  

The day came and I had one missed call from her, which I tried to return and got no response.  That night, past the time of the arranged meeting, I finally got a hold of her and she said she tried to call to reschedule and got caught up visiting her family.  It wasn't a good night for me anyways so I said it was perfectly fine and we set it for another day.  

The day came, and again, I had trouble getting a hold of her.  An hour past the arranged time she finally answered the phone.  She said she couldn't make it, because the passenger side seat warmer in her car broke and she had to get it fixed. Yeah.  But whatever, she sweet talked me again, and even said I would get a mind blowing experience with several free visits for compensation.  I said that was fine, don't worry, and we'll be in touch.

That was several months ago and I have not heard from her since.  She ignores my calls and texts.  I tried to dispute the charge through paypal but that didn't work (note: make sure you pay attention to how you send paypal payments...always label it as for a good/service and not accidentally family/gift cause otherwise I could have got it back) and so I'm now out $500.  

I'm fairly new to all this, so I take it as a tough lesson.  I knew better than to pre pay but thought I'd take a risk and got burned.  Oh well, the world keeps turning and someone else more deserving will get my money person though of course.

Darets3099 reads

Sorry she got you too.  She's had a long history of deception and just weirdness as reported here through the years.  Saw her one time and ran fast as I could.  Knew she wasn't to be trusted and regretted my decision to give her a chance even knowing all of her past run ins and rip offs.  I suspect mental issues are at work.  Have to be.  

Also, can you confirm that "Lana" does exist?  How is she?  Pics looked great but I just always thought it was Natalie posing with an alias name in another scheme since Lana ads never appeared unless the other one did too.

LATSDog3005 reads

Over the years, I have paid cash, credit card, Paypal, issued post dated checks to cash later, and even traded computer equipment for services rendered :)  

Paypal is a great way to go because you can either deduct it out of your bank account 24/7, so if you are planning a later night incall, you don't have to venture out to the ATM if you don't have that amount of cash on hand.  What I recommend is you log into Paypal right before they get there.  When they come inside, you send them the payment.  They can confirm instantly that it was paid/received.

I did almost get burned one time from a provider who I had used PayPal to pay.  She had come over many times, but never with Paypal.  I'm not sure if you know, but if you look at the Paypal history, you will see their real name.  You can do a lot with a real name.  I sent the person that scammed me her full  name, DOB, and wished her happy Bday and told her that she better pay me or else.  Guess what,  I got paid back in a session later that night.

Good luck and be safe.  

Remember, most TS girls do not take Diners Club or department store credit cards :)

LATSDog2099 reads

Over the years, I have paid cash, credit card, Paypal, issued post dated checks to cash later, and even traded computer equipment for services rendered :)  

Paypal is a great way to go because you can either deduct it out of your bank account 24/7, so if you are planning a later night incall, you don't have to venture out to the ATM if you don't have that amount of cash on hand.  What I recommend is you log into Paypal right before they get there.  When they come inside, you send them the payment.  They can confirm instantly that it was paid/received.

I did almost get burned one time from a provider who I had used PayPal to pay.  She had come over many times, but never with Paypal.  I'm not sure if you know, but if you look at the Paypal history, you will see their real name.  You can do a lot with a real name.  I sent the person that scammed me her full  name, DOB, and wished her happy Bday and told her that she better pay me or else.  Guess what,  I got paid back in a session later that night.

Good luck and be safe.  

Remember, most TS girls do not take Diners Club or department store credit cards :)

Posted By: Darets
Sorry she got you too.  She's had a long history of deception and just weirdness as reported here through the years.  Saw her one time and ran fast as I could.  Knew she wasn't to be trusted and regretted my decision to give her a chance even knowing all of her past run ins and rip offs.  I suspect mental issues are at work.  Have to be.  
 Also, can you confirm that "Lana" does exist?  How is she?  Pics looked great but I just always thought it was Natalie posing with an alias name in another scheme since Lana ads never appeared unless the other one did too.  
I caught Lana on the phone as she was leaving, so I couldn't arrange a meeting.  She sounded a bit different on the phone from Natalie, but now that you mention it, it does seem pretty strange and her voice wasn't that far off from Natalie's so it's very plausible that she faked it (like everything else apparently).

Very true, and I should have known better.  It'll be a good reminder to play it smarter in the future.

Best way to get your money back is to call your bank/credit card n disputed thro them.  They will reverse the charge back . At this point PayPal will try to go after her for the fund! Hope this help  
.  PayPal is a nightmare  and the worsen company to deal with "

LATSDog2391 reads

but I guess once a criminal, always a criminal.  Too bad cuzz she is attractive.

This POS slag has been rippen off people for a while, she will be back on here saying its all a missunderstanding, blah blah blah, lets put her out of business keep posting that she is a theif warn anyone who might fall for her BS...

Thanks for the tip!  I'm just gonna let it go.  I tried through paypal and it didn't workout, and yeah $500 is a good chunk of money but it didn't break me or anything.  Just gonna use it as a "painful" reminder to play it smart in the future.

...that I wasn't a bit harsher in my review. Pretty girl. Bad service. Sorry to hear what she did to you.

Man4woods1831 reads

would send $$$ to anyone they've never met before?

It's like those guys who keep on getting scammed over and over and over again and then bitch about it.
This is exactly what they say " STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES".  
Yes, you need to get over it and move on

You're right, I was very stupid.  I'm not looking for sympathy, just trying to give a heads up to future potential customers googling her number (until she changes it again and scams some more).

I saw her once in Chicago, never again.  And she said she was going to move here.  The worst part, she is actually better looking than her pictures...but the worst part is she knows it.  She told me that she would see girls that were hot and just laid there instead of anyone average.  Than told me who her friends in Chicago I'll never see them either with that type of philosophy.

I always meant to post a review, but too much time passed.  When I saw her I swear she spent a good 20 minutes telling me her bad reviews were legit (I had missed those) but it was the guys fault.  Oh, and this was after her bad directions (wrong hotel name) made me 30 minutes late.  Should have left.  Than we got to play, but it turned suddenly when she found out I wanted to top.  Than she claimed I had a weird smell down south and should just leave.  I told her to give me my money back than but she said I had already been there half my time.  Luckily I stood my ground and got all but $25 back and left.
Of course I was concerned that I did smell though, so I went and saw someone else I knew would be honest and she said I was completely fine (I am really odd in that I don't generate smells, good or bad).  And than I had a great time so the story ended with a real happy ending

LATSDog1368 reads

I myself can count maybe once or twice where the session went south and I felt comfortable asking or grabbing most of my money back.  Too often dudes leave and just consider it a loss.  If I forked out top dollar, you can bet your next paycheck that if things are not going well, I'm going to get my hard earned money back for sure.

Congrats amigo, good job!!!!!!!

suddenly 2 reviews appear, not fishy at all??

I saw her in person - set gift down as she was naked and on the phone. Then she takes a different call and starts rushing me out. Fuck her crazy ass.  Crazy and bitchy and a total rip off.

Posted By: tehdrew
So I had been very interested in meeting TS Natalie for a long time.  It was actually a friend of hers, TS Lana, that gave Natalie my number and she got in touch with me.  We talked a couple times and she was extremely nice, smart, down to earth and feminine sounding...melted me like butter.  She said if I prepaid, she would come up to NC to visit me and really laid the sweetness on.  I gave in and paypal'd her $500 with a promise of an amazing VIP visit.    
 The day came and I had one missed call from her, which I tried to return and got no response.  That night, past the time of the arranged meeting, I finally got a hold of her and she said she tried to call to reschedule and got caught up visiting her family.  It wasn't a good night for me anyways so I said it was perfectly fine and we set it for another day.    
 The day came, and again, I had trouble getting a hold of her.  An hour past the arranged time she finally answered the phone.  She said she couldn't make it, because the passenger side seat warmer in her car broke and she had to get it fixed. Yeah.  But whatever, she sweet talked me again, and even said I would get a mind blowing experience with several free visits for compensation.  I said that was fine, don't worry, and we'll be in touch.  
 That was several months ago and I have not heard from her since.  She ignores my calls and texts.  I tried to dispute the charge through paypal but that didn't work (note: make sure you pay attention to how you send paypal payments...always label it as for a good/service and not accidentally family/gift cause otherwise I could have got it back) and so I'm now out $500.    
 I'm fairly new to all this, so I take it as a tough lesson.  I knew better than to pre pay but thought I'd take a risk and got burned.  Oh well, the world keeps turning and someone else more deserving will get my money person though of course.  

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