
Katarina at Las Vegas Lounge
sserviceman 2 Reviews 2524 reads

Latina, oval face with fine features, photogenic, brown hair, olive skin, tall, athletic with curves, nice breasts, quiet demeanor, she does not advertise, rather gets trix from the bar patrons.  I've chatted with her a few times, 'checked out the goods' and fished around another TS who is a regular there about her and received mild cautionary, non-specific feedback.  There's nothing on Google from the phone number she gave me or her name.  

Any TS-intelligence out there about Katarina?

Stopped at the Las Vegas Lounge last night at 11:30.  Six people there- 3 guys and 3 TSs (heard the girls don't like the term, "trannies", even though I think it sounds cute).  Chatted with a long time regular there who reminded me about Katarina, aka Katrina.  She who told me that a friend of hers took Katarina back to his place and discovered after the meeting that she had raided his wallet, big time, when he took his eye off her.  From what I gathered, Katarina has talents beyond selling sex.

Posted By: sserviceman
Latina, oval face with fine features, photogenic, brown hair, olive skin, tall, athletic with curves, nice breasts, quiet demeanor, she does not advertise, rather gets trix from the bar patrons.  I've chatted with her a few times, 'checked out the goods' and fished around another TS who is a regular there about her and received mild cautionary, non-specific feedback.  There's nothing on Google from the phone number she gave me or her name.  
 Any TS-intelligence out there about Katarina?
Just my 2 cents, but I met Katrina at LVL a few months ago. We chatted and ended up back at her apartment where we had a fantastic time.  It really was more like a date than anything.  I found her to be sweet and funny and kind of romantic. I have a pretty strong " spidery sense" and I was comfortable the entire time, and had no fear at all about being hustled.

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