
It was a joke -- A JOKE!
PiquedinSoCal 2 Reviews 5598 reads


It was a lame attempt at humor on my part by simply expanding on what you said upstream in your thread about what you would be wearing so people could identify you. I didn't mean to imply you two are in need of a haberdasher in any serious way. Not that I follow anything as fraudulent or choreographed as WWF wrestling, but have you ever seen those guys in their "warm-ups" ? The Red Baron comment speaks to the Aviator's love of flight. Need I say more ? Hello !?
As far as Cal goes, who do you know of who fits the quintessential car saleman look (Ack!) more than Cal himself ? His suits are hideous to say the least. I bet one could track those god awful patterns via satelite, to say nothing of a man who has his toupee stapled to his hat.


Well I had to wait for Felony to get ready. Girls! We got there around 11 and the Aviator flew in around 10. He had already latched on to a cutie (remain nameless but she does advertise on Eros.) We went to the back and occupied a couch to talk and kiss and grope. We did have alittle time to get to talk before the music began. Felony did a few pole dances for us.
The cutie said she was not working and was out for a good time. (Note:To all that think that gurls are always working at Peanuts, work your charm, show your class, express your wit and you might get lucky like the Aviator.) We didn't make the rounds like when we are stag. It was more like being on a date. (Although it seemed like the Aviator was getting numbers while he went on jaunts to the head.) LOL I think he got Felony's number too.
I had asked the cutie if she and the Aviator wanted to come to a motel room with Felony and I. She said she lived close and that the Aviator was gonna divert to an unscheduled landing at her strip.
There were alot of cute gurls there but none that I recognized. I am sure that Piqued would have recognized some but I am not so good with faces (but I know I have seen those breasts somewhere.) Besides I had to make sure my tongue didn't get stepped on.
Felony and I left to check out the Apache but the crowd had already started to disperse. It was around 1:30 when we got there. All in all I think that a good time was had by all. I haven't heard from the Aviator yet but I am sure he had a good time. For you sports fans out there he went "wire to wire." Hit gold from the beginning and closed the deal. When we were saying goodbye he mentioned the Lodge tonight so I am thinking he will be there too. I will bring Felony tonight as well. The Lodge is alittle more laid back. Parking won't cost you $10, the cover is only $5, and the drinks are alittle cheaper.
I hope to see some you out there tonight. Sorry if anybody showed up last night and we didn't meet. We were kinda occupied in the back. Will update tomorrow.

Yeah, right! Youse two guys must really ooze some kind of special charm, class, wit, and personality, in order to have me believe that youse two got THAT lucky and had THAT great a time with these beautiful women dressed like, well, a WWF wrestler, and a poor excuse for the Red Baron. ...Who provided youse two with sartorial advice anyway for last night, Cal Worthington ?


... I'm hoping to make it to Peanuts AND the Lodge sometime next month, but I'm not going to announce which weekend (Hee-hee) my sojourn will fall on just yet, if at all. I'd like to slip under the radar for a while. :)


It was a lame attempt at humor on my part by simply expanding on what you said upstream in your thread about what you would be wearing so people could identify you. I didn't mean to imply you two are in need of a haberdasher in any serious way. Not that I follow anything as fraudulent or choreographed as WWF wrestling, but have you ever seen those guys in their "warm-ups" ? The Red Baron comment speaks to the Aviator's love of flight. Need I say more ? Hello !?
As far as Cal goes, who do you know of who fits the quintessential car saleman look (Ack!) more than Cal himself ? His suits are hideous to say the least. I bet one could track those god awful patterns via satelite, to say nothing of a man who has his toupee stapled to his hat.


BigTimeTSFan6781 reads


I WAS THERE and can vouch for exactly what I saw. The Aviator was dressed in a sport coat, a nice knit shirt, and clean pressed dress slacks, looking very GQ. Wantats was wearing a green hawaiian shirt and tan pants, and looked very spiffy with TS Felony on his arm.

I saw The Aviator "work the room" while he would go outside to smoke and each time beautiful tgurls would come up to him and either give him their phone #'s or just talk to him! He must have some kind of mad juju because he was in the back with wantats most of the time and they were both getting busy with Felony and TS****** who Aviator latched onto and who he left the club with about 1:00!

Aviator's not particularly great looking ..I'd say mid '40s..
but he carries himself well and he is friendly and approachable and TS****** who has been with him (and was with ME Fri nite and who introduced us)says he is a great guy and highly sought after. She also told me he is dating TS******* (who is a well known provider on eros) steadily and that as a result he rarely comes out to the club and spends most of his time with her.

Dunno what he's got, but looking like Cal Worthington ain't it...

And just what are you implying by the mid `40's line, BigTime ? I'm in my mid 40s and most of the women I do things with (go out with) range in age from 21 to early 30s. Yep, most! If today's 60 year old is yesterday's 40 year old, then allow me the liberty to extrapolate on that and say that today's 40 somethings are yesterday's late 20,early 30 somethings. Got that ? No more ageism in here, huh ?

Okay, let me get back to my Hair Club For Men brochure. ;)

I wish you had come in back and sat with us. I had alwasy been taught to share my toys.

BigTimeTSFan8704 reads

I was too focused on ********* . Besides, I DID take a look and I saw ******* and Felony working over the two of you so I decided not to interrupt...

Felicia Katt6081 reads

I was at the Lodge Saturday, but I didn't see anyone in goggles and a white scarf, nor were there any rowdy roddy piper dress alikes in evidence

did any one see me? :)



Sorry I missed you at the Lodge...I got home very late after my Friday nite expedition to Peanuts and had to beg off Sat. as I had work to do and needed some sleep.

Would have come out if I had known you would be there, but as I have a date with TS******** tonite (my regular) I have to ration my hours a bit..

Take Care,


I wish I had known. I would have dragged my ass out of bed to come down there. I had a killer headache and never made it to the Lodge. Spent a quiet evening napping. If I would have known you were going to be there I would have popped a vicodin.
Those damn stars have to line up better.

Felicia Katt9089 reads

well, thanks you guys,  but I'm sure there will be other times, I go out just about every week.


123a45794 reads

New to this. Could you let me know where in the blazes is Peanuts and the Lodge?  Thanks

123a48301 reads

Added: See Peanuts in Garden Grove. Where in Garden Grove and where Lodge? Thanks

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