
I'm lucky to be able to post a msg. on here...
hrdrockr2112 9 Reviews 518 reads

and actually include a link. That's about the extent of my computer skills! lol! No idea what a "reverse-image-search" is much less how to do one...:(  
 That's what you guys are for!! :-)Ha!!
   Whenever I try to pull a pic from Eros is says "No Right Click Allowed"...and B.P. I can't seem to be able to "lift it off" the whole ad page when I tried to get it to go to "google image". Total pain in the ass...:P!!  

Posted By: timotl
I found this website. Can't read it because it's in Turkish but it's got all the pics on the BP ad plus a lot more.  
 As an aside, you never mentioned doing a reverse image search... Do you know how to do one? I ask because I think you likely would have found this on your own if you did one...

  Same thing as yesterday, searched the board, reviews, red flags but no real info either. Just once can I get a "why yes, she's real and looks just like her pics!"  :-) Thanx in advance everybody...

I found this website. Can't read it because it's in Turkish but it's got all the pics on the BP ad plus a lot more.

As an aside, you never mentioned doing a reverse image search... Do you know how to do one? I ask because I think you likely would have found this on your own if you did one...

and actually include a link. That's about the extent of my computer skills! lol! No idea what a "reverse-image-search" is much less how to do one...:(  
 That's what you guys are for!! :-)Ha!!
   Whenever I try to pull a pic from Eros is says "No Right Click Allowed"...and B.P. I can't seem to be able to "lift it off" the whole ad page when I tried to get it to go to "google image". Total pain in the ass...:P!!  

Posted By: timotl
I found this website. Can't read it because it's in Turkish but it's got all the pics on the BP ad plus a lot more.  
 As an aside, you never mentioned doing a reverse image search... Do you know how to do one? I ask because I think you likely would have found this on your own if you did one...

LATSDog517 reads

You have to select the pic, then click on the link that says 'create a direct link' or something similar.  A pop up window is created with the direct link to that specific picture.

Highlight the link, right click, copy......Alt/Tab to TER and paste.

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