
A Question for the new Admin
Rickster33 13 Reviews 5882 reads

Hey Luv Em,

I've always wondered about this, so I figured I'd ask you, now that you're the man.

About every other day, there's a post asking for review info on a provider that can't be found. Inevitably, the answer is always "refine your search to include bad websites." Is there a way to change the default so that it always shows bad websites and excluding them is the option?

Seems like there's a good amount of providers who change websites.


Unfortunately, no, there is not currently a way to change the default to include bad websites.  I am pretty sure this has been posted on the suggestion board before, but if enough people request it there might be a better chance of it being changed.

Just a quick note about how I almost always search for reviews.  

Include Bad Websites: Yes
Phone Number: (type in last 4 digits of phone number)
Transsexual: Yes, Pre-Op
Click Search.

Since TS providers make up a fairly small fraction of the total database, this is usually a pretty good level of detail for the search.

I usually leave the name blank.  These girls frequently change their names and you might miss out on reviews posted using a previous name if you only search for the new one.  The spelling could also be slightly different in the review database.

I also usually leave the city blank on the search form.  By default, it will be set to the city of the last profile you viewed so I will make sure that it is cleared before searching again.  

The majority of info requests are for traveling girls so it is possible that her reviews were posted using a different city than the one she is visiting.  They may have been posted using her home city.  But it isn't always easy to determine which is her home city based on her phone number nowadays since many cell phone plans include free national roaming.

Anyone else want to share other tips for searching the review database or message forum?

Posting a link to an ad can be tricky and frustrating so I decided to offer some help.  

Many of the escort websites have thumbnails of different girls along one side of the screen for you to scroll through.  These sites are using a web design technique called frames.  When this is the case, the url in the address at the top of your browser usually refers to a generic category page and will not change regardless of the specific ad you are currently viewing.  This link, in itself, will get the reader to the right site and category, but they will still need to scroll through to find the specific girl you are referring to.

In order to get the direct link to a specific girls ad:
- Position your mouse over the thumbnail and click the right mouse button.  
- When the right click options appear, select
Copy Shortcut (for Internet Explorer)
Copy Link Location (for Mozilla)
Copy Link Address (for Opera)  
Something similar to these (for other browsers)

This will copy the correct link information to your clipboard.  Then paste the resulting link into your message here on TER.  You can test it by pasting the link into a separate browser window and pressing enter to see the page that loads.

Hope this helps.

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