
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt ...
GitHerDone 186 reads

your post is patently untrue.

its almost march. make sure you go see Danika for  her quarterly review so you can get those 15 free days of vip. ok buddy?. What baffles me is that you keep giving her 8-9 when its clear shes gorgeous and the fact that she puts up with your sorry ass deserves her a 10+.

Hey there 2Qutie ... please let us know the original post by 'sorry-ass' dax that set you off ...  I looked but couldn't find any that would do that.  And his reviews of Danika were highly complimentary.  Was it simply that you felt the numerical ratings he gave Danika were a cosmic injustice that should not pass without harsh rebuke?  Or are you Danika's publicity agent?
Fill us in on the background ...I luv drama!

InspectorClousseau144 reads

We all know it’s reviewer isn’t a fav of the ladies or gents. So take it that way.  And honestly we all look in the 7-10 range. 10’s have always seem inflated to me.
And he won’t get VIP days out of a re review like SSErviceman said.  
Bitter isn’t CUTE.

Just stumbled on this post, did not know we had a review reviewer. I have seen some exceptional girls over the many year I have participated in the forum and tried to be objective. The admin will not allow certain scores if a few hoop are not jumped thru that may de why I was forced to score lower than I would have liked. Danika is a 10 in my eyes. Love ya baby!
Time to let if go Sasha2cute.

InspectorClousseau139 reads

....she’s jsut 2cute to let it go. When did your “problem” happen..2+ Years now??

I know it would be great for you guys to paint me here as the typical crazy angry tranny but nope. I’m 2cute for a reason. I think dax2u is awesome and I was merely busting his chops. I don’t have time to hold grudges. Life is too short. He does however seem to think I do hold a grudge towards him but it’s fine dax2u. I forgave you long ago.

I'm pretty sure it isn't possible for TER to allow anyone to score any providers at 9 or 10 unless bareback is a service that was offered and provided.  This is just a rumor I've herd from the super secret facebook SW'er groups I'm in.


It is very dangerous when you come to these boards to spread rumors like that without any shred of evidence. They recently made it harder for providers to score higher on reviews but your allegations not only are dangerous but create a bad reputation for providers.

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