
Another poll...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TS Star 10335 reads

Ok, guys.   You requested another poll (well... one of you did) so here it is.

The question this time is;

When it comes to TS girls, which do you, (or would you) prefer?   Do you prefer seeing escorts?  Or would you rather have a LTR with a TS girl?

Think about it.... do you like the fact that you can see an escort and then leave with no baggage?  Girls at your call?  Nobody has to know?  Variety?

Or would you ever want a LTR with a TS girl?  Not just a free hook-up now and then, but a real relationship.   Love?  Trust?  Loyalty?  Closeness?  Intimacy?  Learning & growing together?   Could you handle introducing her to your friends?

Which way do you fall on this?

My feeling is if it a LTR realtionship and the TS is advertising her services (or for that matter, any escort), you had better be very secure with yourself and not care about her career choice, be very rich and turn into a sugar daddy so she can retire, or improve your roll and become her pimp. Other than that, you are messing with fire and are going to get burned. Nothing wrong with seeking a LTR, but I would ask anyone who is seeking this, are you going to be there when they get older and start loosing their looks, help them out with their medical procedures which I am sure can get costly and sometimes numerous, and be secure enough to share her with your family and friends.There is a lot more to a relationship than just great sex.....

From a pure sexual stand point - escorts = variety and a spice for different adventures.
LTR - would be possible except for that commitment word.


Here's my answer. LTR.

Having been privileged to have had an LTR with
a TS girl (if you can call 8 months long term)
I yearn for another relationship where  love, trust, closeness, intimacy, and learning and growing together are lifelong core values.

And yes, I was PROUD to introduce Christy to my friends. And YES, they all loved her...without exception.

She did me proud, and for that I will be forever grateful.

I am putting the pieces back together, inculcating lessons learned, and getting prepared to "take to the skies again" SOON.

Stay Tuned.


LTR's are difficult at best when you consider the divorce rate is 65% here in LA. In a traditional LTR you have all the complications of work, money, and time. Throw on top of that the shallowness of our culture, the images forged into our minds on who we should be and who we want to be as well as who we need to have at our sides to help us get there. Then stir in the catalyst of an overcrowded popuation vying for limited resources and the fear and aggression that creates.
To further complicate matters, if the person you find is an escort, you add in the emotional plays of being with a person who has chosen to be an escort as a profession. Now before you jump to conclusions on this point it is not always what you think. I do not imply that there was abuse and self esteem issues. It could be that she has gotten used to a lifestyle that you cannot provide for her if she gives up her profession. Will she be able to give up the freedom and control that this lifestyle affords her? If she choses to keep working can you handle all the fear and uncertainty this entails?
Then you have all the variables thrown in for transgendered people. Incompatibilities of spirit and bodies and the whole gambit of issues that involves. Then throw in the hormones and the physical and emotional toll that it takes. The shallowness of our culture (I can never re-iterate this enough) and all the predjudice this involves whether in the gay or straight communities.
Keeping all this in mind I would have to say that I would chose love at all cost. How can you turn down the opportunity if you have a chance at that kind of intimacy with another human being. I don't think that my definition of love is traditional. I equate love to intimacy and the closeness and trust that it brings not to sex or fidelity. So if there is love the other questions are moot. If I were in love I would have no problem introducing them to anyone I know. I like what I like and I like who I like and let the world get over their own problems because in the long run it is "their" problem. You can't live your life worrying about the idiocies that have plagued human nature.

TS Star9345 reads

Just to clarify... I'm not necessarily talking about a LTR with an escort.  Just TS girls in general.

OBWANK8291 reads

Its all about the sex, A LTR is not in the cards to much baggage to shift thru. The allure is the fantasy, the process and then the sex. I am not a pig just an honest man. I don't have anything left to give.

With the right girl, I could see a LTR.

no long term relationships with anyone, TG or GG.  Just passionate fun with whom ever I am with.

Sailil8161 reads

I'll take the LTR Star.  I love the one word questions you asked.  Yes to all of 'em.  And yes to the introducing her to my friends.  They'd probably be half of 'em cool about it,  and half of 'em would be weird.  Probably more difficult would be guys I work with.  But I'd do it.
    But you know what Star?  I remember you talking about this a year ago maybe.  Actually responding to a similar question from yours truly.  You made a pretty good point talking about the change in lifestyle for the girl.  But are there two differen categories of T-Girls?  Categories sounds impolite but you know what I mean right?  Ones who keep the roof over their head by escorting and those who work regular jobs. And like I said no disrespect with the category word.  Being nice to T-Girls is the nicest feeling there is.  But the only girls who get any play in conversations here are porn chicks or escorts.  And dammit I'm in love with an escort.  A pretty well known one.  And she knows and she appreciates it and is very nice about it.  But I don't see her settling down on the farm with me.  But she is very wonderful.  But I have no idea how to meet a nice transsexual girl except for eros guide.  It's a ballbusting son of a bitch.
    But don't worry Star.  I ain't gonna jump off a cliff about it.  And I love that you're back here talking about stuff and I think you're cool.    

TS Star7524 reads

"But are there two differen categories of T-Girls?  Categories sounds impolite but you know what I mean right?  Ones who keep the roof over their head by escorting and those who work regular jobs. And like I said no disrespect with the category word.  Being nice to T-Girls is the nicest feeling there is.  But the only girls who get any play in conversations here are porn chicks or escorts....But I have no idea how to meet a nice transsexual girl except for eros guide.  It's a ballbusting son of a bitch."
You don't know how right you are.  It's a messed up situation.   And we all have to realize that this is NOT the only reality.  This is an escort board.  It's only one small part of the real world.  It doesn't make sense to talk about "normal" relationships here, but for some reason I keep on doing it.  Oh well... something to talk about, I guess.

The reason only porn girls and escorts get talked about is because all the other girls that have regular jobs are not public about it.  Nobody knows who they are.   There ARE great, beautiful, smart, sexy TS girls out there that DON'T escort, and work regular jobs but it seems nobody is interested in them or can't find them.  If they are stealth, how is anyone going to know?  I also think guys get star struck and caught up in "celebrity" TS girls.  I think to a lot of people, that seems more impressive.

I'm glad you found someone, and thanks for thinking I'm cool.   :)

I think an escort is the way to go.  The idea of a long term relationship in this context is counter-intuitive and keeping things somewhat matter of fact, without any illusions or baggage is a great benefit.  LTRs are complicated.

While I enjoy going to escorts, it has always been a dream of mine to meet a tgirl that I could fall in love with and have a LTR.  It would require me "coming out" to my family and a lot of my friends.  Only my closest ones know about my hobby.

Does anyone actually announce to friends, family, and neighbors that the woman they are dating is a transsexual?  If so how and why do you do this?  " Everyone gather around...   I want you to meet (insert TS's name here).  She's everything I've ever wanted:  she's funny, intelligent, beautiful, makes me happy, and $50 says she has the biggest cock in the room."  

There's no embarassment in loving a TS, but why announce it to the world unless you are desperate for attention?

Much rather the LTR... mine broke off a year ago this week and I still miss her... it was a paying relationship in the bedroom, but we went to dinner, shopping (she mostly bought her own items)... a lot of fun, and like McDonalds, I almost always knew what I was getting... but these ladies have as many, or more, emotional issues as the rest of us, and it ended, she moved back to New York... I think she became afraid of falling in love with one man.

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