The Erotic Highway

Life is funny
sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 1652 reads

So Ive been seeing this SB that is 40 years younger than me. Not ideal IMO but she hardly wants anything. Somehow our texts this morning ended up that she will come over.  I will bend her over my knee. Put an assplug in her and spank her for being a naughty slut. SMH.

SO. I go out to the pool area for a bit. A dad is playing with his daughter in the pool. As I'm leaving the girl says..."daddy, will you bend me over.....the pool float". I'M going to hell.🤤😁

As long as you are at least 58, you most likely have nothing to worry about. If you are only fifty, I'll be the first one to call the cops on you. lol

and of course you are going to hell, that's where all the parties will be.

an 18-yo SB dating a 'super-old' guy twice her age would make him 36...hardly a good candidate for the bowl  

I'm around there age wise and am having no problem with playing in the sugar bowl.

Not much for 18 year olds usually though.

Suppose so,  just that when I was in my mid-30s I had absolutely no trouble finding beautiful, charming, non-BSC ladies my age, and certainly didn't have to (or wouldn't have) paid them!   It was just was something your normal-type guy does...

OTOH, the assholes following this advice:

should have an 12 foot assplug shoved up them!

and just who the fuck wants to be NORMAL???

I saw my first hooker at age 15, and I have fucked literally thousands of women over the years that I have paid for the privilege, that hasn't stopped me from having "real" relationships, getting married, picking up hot waitresses and every other way of getting laid that you can think of.

Why do you "old fuckers" (my age" constantly have to piss on the parades of younger guys who don't mind paying for pussy every once in a while. I know a young guy who works for a buddy of mine who is only in his mid twenties, he has plenty of game and has a gorgeous GF down in Medellin where he spends most of his time, but when he is in the states he LOVES chocolate and as a 25 year old white guy in Atlanta Georgia who makes decent money his inbox is constantly full of young sistas who want to get with him. He absolutely LOVEs playing in the sugar bowl, so I suppose you would tell him that he too should not be "paying for it"??? Yeah right, I'd love to see you try. lol

See, this is what I keep telling people.  

It's way easier to pay for it. I'm busy, and not about to settle down, so my effort is really better spent elsewhere. I do keep a tinder profile going, and it's getting me laid without too much trouble, but I'm matching with mostly 6's and 7's. With SA, I'm in with  8-10's no problem.  

Also, when you run the numbers gents, sugar babies are cheaper than most real girlfriends.

Well then you'd be me!  My next goal in life is to fuck an 18yo after I turn 72.  I'll be 4 times her age!  Gotta have goals, right?

I was 36 when I discovered the sugar bowl. If you've got the funds, why not?

My goal is to be 120 banging 20 one day.  Will do whatever it takes to maintain myself and have the funds to make it happen, hehe.  

Are you now going to move your encounter today to the pool?  

The only thing better than spanking a naughty slut while she has an ass plug is doing it while she's wearing a wet bikini by the pool.... Just saying.

My concern is that she seems to like me too much. The parting could be a problem. Yhe BSC spidey senses are kicking in.

Parting is easy, normal parting of the ways with an SB entails nothing more than "losing her number" but you can easily get rid of even the most BSC "psycho bitch" if you know how.


All you have to do is create a scenario where she dumps you instead of the other way around (I actually used this to get out of my one marriage as gracefully as possible). All you have to do is figure out what kind of guy she absolutely detests and then become that guy. If she hates "clingy" than text her about 50 times a day. If she hates jealous guys, start acting like a stalker. This really isn't rocket science, my bill is in the mail. lol

If she truly is agreeable to "anything" tell her you refuse to see her anymore unless she brings a new and gorgeous GF with her every time the two of you meet.

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