The Erotic Highway

Your question makes me want to retell one of my favorite stories
sweetman 93 Reviews 199 reads

I know I've recounted this before, but it's apropos here. A while back I made a date with a super hot young blonde SB.  She wanted to meet for drinks and snacks in a cellar bar she liked, so we met and had a fine time drinking and eating and flirting and making eyes at each other.  After a while this middle age guy comes in and sits at the bar and is paying way too much attention to us.  Obviously he could see our body language getting all hot and bothered.  My date and I decided to finish our drinks and head to a motel but we had to walk past this guy as we left.  She passed him and then he turned to me and said "Oh, Daddy/Daughter night out?" When she heard this, my girl simply turned to me and gave me a huge wet mouth to mouth kiss that left no doubts at all about the direction our evening was going.  Certainly put that creep in his place.  What a class act she was!

Headed back to pros for a variety of reasons.

1. I hated having my picture on SA. Too much potential for trouble.  If I go back, no public picture.

2. My last date was the perfect example of an normal SA date. We met 2 months ago for lunch, clicked and set up another date for drinks. I go super busy and didn't get back to her for a month. The drinks date went well and she was tready for the next step.  

Got super busy again, out of country for a while, etc.  Finally got an email asking if I was still interested. Hell yes (time invested and ready for BCD), so set up a date for last week.  Met at the W hotel, had drinks, went upstairs, had some fun and split. The sex was better than I expected but I couldn't get my head in the game. It was too early in the day and I was too exposed at this location.  

Finally, drinks $80, Room $175, Tip $300. I'm out 3 hours of my time in the middle of the day and my name is on the register at the hotel. On the way down security got on from another floor. He seemed a bit too interested in a couple 15 year apart in age, kind of followed us out.  Probably paranoid, but the paranoid survive in this game.

For $350 to $450 I can nail all kinds of pros, local and traveling. I get in and out in an hour and my real name never comes up.

I sometimes like the longer dates with SB's, but sometimes they are a PIA.  I also hate telling them who I really am, which is not an issue with pros. And then there is the massive time sink in getting to the BCD phase.  I can't justify it.

I'm in the bowl only because the Pro tour is pretty non existent in my town.  It's all a huge crapshoot.  Pros allow us to stay behind the veil.  SB's we need to meet and then the hotel, it is very dangerous.   Best of luck to you!!

I understand your position though and I think your decision is the right one for you. As for me, I'm retired, I'm married in an open polyamorous relationship, so I don't give one tiny flying fuck who might notice what I'm up to. Just yesterday I had a fantastic lunch date with a brand new SB I met irl for the first time after some exchanges of messages. We discovered we clicked and shared the same attitudes and opinions about everything.   We plan to meet again bcd as soon as our busy schedules allow, but even if that  never happens, the conversation itself was so much fun it was worthwhile as a stand alone experience.  And there's a 52 year age difference between us!  We were in a very public restaurant and neither she nor I gave a fuck about who might be noticing us or our body language towards each other. I do share your aversion to being noticed at a hotel, which is why I don't use them anymore. I drive my RV to an agreed upon location, pick up my SB and go park somewhere anonymous and safe.

GaGambler254 reads

but for a VERY different reason. I have a reputation to uphold and 15 years younger than me is still OLD and I can't be seen with any old broads. lol

Ironically, I did see a woman 20 years younger than me a couple of weeks ago and when we went out to dinner the other people at the table (Japanese steakhouse) just assumed we were a married couple. I still feel a lot more comfortable with women 25-30 years younger than myself. lol

I will agree that for some guys, especially married guys with limited playtime, hookers can be a much better and even more cost effective option. For me as a happily divorced guy, I spend maybe a quarter as much in the Sugar World as I was in the hooker world.

easternpacific220 reads

Agree with GG, I actually like being in public with women 20-30 years younger than me. Now I do look younger than my age, am fit but the salt and pepper hair is a giveaway. Then there's the SB's, some seem a little more conscious about it and other's could care less. Went to a small outdoor patio restaurant a few weeks ago for food and live music, a cover band for a 60-70's rock legend, so you can imagine the average age of the clientele. My SB had the time of her life and there was some nice but respectful PDA's. What is the consensus of the board here...keep it toned down a bit to not draw any attention. Or ignore the disgusted 50+ y/o women and their lecherous spouses.  

I know I've recounted this before, but it's apropos here. A while back I made a date with a super hot young blonde SB.  She wanted to meet for drinks and snacks in a cellar bar she liked, so we met and had a fine time drinking and eating and flirting and making eyes at each other.  After a while this middle age guy comes in and sits at the bar and is paying way too much attention to us.  Obviously he could see our body language getting all hot and bothered.  My date and I decided to finish our drinks and head to a motel but we had to walk past this guy as we left.  She passed him and then he turned to me and said "Oh, Daddy/Daughter night out?" When she heard this, my girl simply turned to me and gave me a huge wet mouth to mouth kiss that left no doubts at all about the direction our evening was going.  Certainly put that creep in his place.  What a class act she was!

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