The Erotic Highway

Yes, if you want variety, you do seem to have found it.
GaGambler 255 reads

I am kind of jealous of you guys who find the older broads sexually desirable. I really wish I could bring myself to fuck women over forty, my dating pool would expand exponentially, and I could save countless thousands of dollars in the process.

Right now all my SB's with only one exception are under 21. I am considering doing a double with the one "over 21" SB in my rotation with her GF. I met her just a few days ago, she is 26 and offered to bring her GF tomorrow night if I am interested. I am not committing until after I see her GF's pics.

I guess I should be thankful I am not in an area as "target rich" as you and Princess. I am over a hundred miles from Dallas now and it's really not worth having more than one or two SB's that far away, and there is a VERY limited selection of POT SB's within fifty miles of me. If I still lived in Dallas, I wouldn't have anytime to even post about my exploits as I would be trying (and most likely failing) to juggle a dozen different SB's all at the same time. lol

So I'm sitting around watching sports and I got notified that I gad a message on SA. 61 YO LADY.  Ok looking. Might be rich so I reply. I  told her she wasnt the norm on SA

Her response out of left field??

You must not understand the site. It is not for the poor or desperate.....WTF!

GaGambler338 reads

It most likely does explain why she is 61 and "available"  

And by "Ok looking" do you really care to expound? Sophia Loren was "ok looking" at age 61, I can't imagine any woman on SA comparing.

Definitely not a sophia loren. But if she paid me a $20k allowance she could be. Lol.  

Posted By: GaGambler
It most likely does explain why she is 61 and "available"  
 And by "Ok looking" do you really care to expound? Sophia Loren was "ok looking" at age 61, I can't imagine any woman on SA comparing.

GaGambler293 reads

Just to see if there were ANY "over sixties" than I would even consider having sex with. I found only a few that I could manage to fuck, even for $20 K a week.  

Interestingly enough, of the small handful of women that I clicked on their profile to get a closer look at, virtually every one of them viewed me back and most of them immediately favorited me. I guess I can always be a hit at the old folks home when I am done fucking young hotties. lol

I find it humorous that Im currently fucking a hot 39 yo panamanian. Have a 51 yo married lady that just wants cock lined up. And currently negotiating  wth 2 different 20 yo latinas. What a world.

GaGambler256 reads

I am kind of jealous of you guys who find the older broads sexually desirable. I really wish I could bring myself to fuck women over forty, my dating pool would expand exponentially, and I could save countless thousands of dollars in the process.

Right now all my SB's with only one exception are under 21. I am considering doing a double with the one "over 21" SB in my rotation with her GF. I met her just a few days ago, she is 26 and offered to bring her GF tomorrow night if I am interested. I am not committing until after I see her GF's pics.

I guess I should be thankful I am not in an area as "target rich" as you and Princess. I am over a hundred miles from Dallas now and it's really not worth having more than one or two SB's that far away, and there is a VERY limited selection of POT SB's within fifty miles of me. If I still lived in Dallas, I wouldn't have anytime to even post about my exploits as I would be trying (and most likely failing) to juggle a dozen different SB's all at the same time. lol

Posted By: GaGambler
I am kind of jealous of you guys who find the older broads sexually desirable. I really wish I could bring myself to fuck women over forty, my dating pool would expand exponentially, and I could save countless thousands of dollars in the process.  
"...countless thousands of dollars in the process."

By your own admission Goomba you have spent "countless thousands" on young SBs. Yet you insisted via PM that you pay little for your SBs. You sound like a politician on the campaign trail who can't get the story right.

The Guru of SBs? Maybe...the Guru of BS.

Too funny GaG.   The oldest woman I have fucked is 54 and she happens to be in Tampa.   She is still active, tall, blonde and voluptuous.

She said she would get a room and when I  asked what she likes she said....CFS. lol

Would be the ones whom I actually had fucked when they were in their 20's and early 30's IF they kept up with their good shape and appearances! Otherwise in the next decade or so when I'm in my mid 60's, I would consider fucking 40 year olds with the same caveat as stated. The hookerville experiences which I have had taught me some invaluable lessons as to how NOT to get separated from my $$$ by some old and haggard women totally misrepresenting themselves! Thanks "ladies"!

What I find hilarious about SftD's OP is that he had thought, "maybe she had money"???!!! WTF???!!! When did SftD turn into a male sugarbaby?! LOLz.

GaGambler308 reads

Keep in mind, I spent a lot of time at the Del Rey in Costa Rica where none of this is done online, it's all done in person with the girls working the bars.  

Since I have been frequenting Costa Rica for around 5 years, and I have fucked literally WELL over a thousand different chicas there, it's not unusual to run into all sorts of women that I have fucked before. Sometimes chicas, just like hookers here, get married or for other reasons quit "working" only to find themselves having to go back to work years later.  I have run into a lot of chicas that I fuked when they were "joven y dulce" only to see them again ten years later completely unrecognizable from the last time I saw them.  

No, I am sorry, when seeing them the first thought that comes to mind is "I am so fucking happy I didn't take one of these chicas off the market by marrying them" lol

Posted By: GaGambler
Since I have been frequenting Costa Rica for around 5 years, and I have fucked literally WELL over a thousand different chicas there
...a thousand different chicas...

Goomba is the Hugh Hefner of Central America.

GaGambler259 reads

Why don't you run along and go play in traffic. No one wanted to talk to you the last time you were here and no one wants to talk to you now. and that goes double on the K-Girl board.

BTW, it looks like I made a typo, I have been frequenting CR for about 15 years, not 5.  

Now run along cunty boy, there is nothing for you here.

I keep an open mind to all things profitable.

Posted By: principium
Would be the ones whom I actually had fucked when they were in their 20's and early 30's IF they kept up with their good shape and appearances! Otherwise in the next decade or so when I'm in my mid 60's, I would consider fucking 40 year olds with the same caveat as stated. The hookerville experiences which I have had taught me some invaluable lessons as to how NOT to get separated from my $$$ by some old and haggard women totally misrepresenting themselves! Thanks "ladies"!  
 What I find hilarious about SftD's OP is that he had thought, "maybe she had money"???!!! WTF???!!! When did SftD turn into a male sugarbaby?! LOLz.  

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