The Erotic Highway

Yes, but......
Cardinal_Richelieu 2 Reviews 354 reads

I learned to follow the ways of the esteemed GaGambler and quickly replaced her with young SBs who were younger, prettier, and less expensive.

You are great and wise, O GaGambler.

According to herbtcat's excellent 8 Point Unicorn Screening System, my two current young SBs both qualify as Unicorns.  And of course I'm always corresponding with new ones, trying to keep the pipeline full.  And I've enjoyed the intimate company of many others. So life is good here in my personal Bowl of Sugar and I have no reason to complain.  But there's this one very special SB who stopped seeing me a year ago after a year of amazing arrangement who I still carry a torch for and miss. She really got into my brain, under my skin, deep in my heart, whatever you want to call it.  So when she decided it was time to move on in her life and leave me behind it hurt.  I deal with it in the recommended fashion:  find other sweet playmates to play with.  But I'm surprised by the depth and longevity of my attachment to this one special girl who got away.  Do any of you guys experience the same thing?

GaGambler316 reads

She was much closer to being age appropriate about half my age at 28 lol, We had set up a date and she ghosted on me for a few months and later explained she had had a longtime BF that had been pressuring her to marry him and that she had given him "one more shot"

She came back onto the site about three months later and we had a date, our date consisted of three bottles of wines, several hours of sex and not a word about money, except her mentioning she didn't care about money. We saw each other several times, the sex was GREAT, she was one of those women who actually LIKED non stop sex for hours, unlike most women who get sore after maybe 20-30 minutes. Things were great and then one day POOF, gone. I can only imagine she went back to the boyfriend, I've dropped her a text a couple of times over the last few months, but crickets.  

Yeah, I'd love to hit that "just one more time" lol

I am actually glad that everything which ended did so and when I look back, most if not all, carried over for a bit longer than necessary! In my own personal experience, complacency had set in with less appreciation and taking matters for granted.  

These days I have a little test which basically goes along the lines of a $100 - $150 gift (consisting of either a particle of clothing or a gift card from a very popular yoga attire store). If she's not too appreciative and all over me, that would be my cue for dumping her because I know that she either thinks that she deserved more or just doesn't appreciate an act of genuine kindness. When I buy the gift for her an give it to her, when my line to her is something along this: "I want you to have something to remember our time by" means I'm gonna ghost very soon! But if I say something like this' "I'd love to see how that fits the contours of your body before it hits the floor at precisely 9.8 m/s", I'll be sticking around for a while.

Sweetie, you're just too farking romantic man! Don't get me wrong, I'm really a gentleman and most often even a gent's Gent but I block out emotional attachment despite all the post coital devil hormones which can play havoc. As our esteemed friend, the philosopher known as Chubby had put it so eloquently, at the end of the day the these women are fcuking guys 25+ years their own senior for beneficial reasons. Developing an emotional attachment under the guise of Sugar will lead to what you experience with that one who got away!

Clearly I need to take some Insensitivity Training!

Just get GaGa breath into a bottle and then have him send it down your way. That MoFo is the antithesis of you Sweetie!

I learned to follow the ways of the esteemed GaGambler and quickly replaced her with young SBs who were younger, prettier, and less expensive.

You are great and wise, O GaGambler.

She was way age inappropriate but she had great ass and would cum quickly and often. She didnt have a car so sometimes I'd drive her to school. Fee for such was a HJ. If she'd borrow my car I would pick her up. Come back to my place. She would blow in the car cim swallow or in my apartment. And of course fuck her when she brought it back. Yhe other fun time was going to the jacuzzi. She would wear the tiny thong I  bought her. If guys were there the looks were priceless.  Then back to my place to fuck. The best part is she was an ex student of my ex wife in elementary school. Alas she moved away. She got 800 per month.

Appreciate the shout out for the "8 point Unicorn Test" :p  

One of my first SB's (met through WYP) has been the "top kick emeritus" on my list and always will be - even during the times when she's "offline" to me.  

Now 28, she was 21 when we met. She is slim (103 lbs), Filipino (5'1"), pretty, bi, LOVES sex like it's a narcotic and doesn't demand I mortgage my house to fund her sugar needs.  Taken her on overnights, weekend and week-long trips all with a great time and no drama or BSC emerging on the road.  

BUT! She disappears on me, sometimes for months or more at a time. I'm fairly sure she is still seeing a Sugar Momma (and perhaps other SD's?), plus she has been working through some immigration and legal issues I won't get into, so that (plausibly) explains the periods of radio silence.  

But make no mistake, she owns me;  heart, soul, and bank account - if she wants them.  I would actually consider marriage and children with her if I thought she had any interest in that.  

Ah well... just have to pass the time with the latest batch of 18-26 yr old pussy...

Sometimes you know why, sometimes you think you know why, and other times you have no fucking idea why they vanished.

It makes life interesting, but it's part of this way of life, so we must live with it.

On the flip side, there are some gals I've stopped seeing, and they probably wonder as well.

So, it a case of karma, as always.

I don't know where she is but I miss her.  A petite, athletic, devilish-grinned latina.  After we were done fucking, she would just keep sucking my cock.  I would tell her, I don't think I can come again.  "So don't come," she would reply, and go back to lovingly sucking me.  I miss you muchacha.

Posted By: sweetman
According to herbtcat's excellent 8 Point Unicorn Screening System, my two current young SBs both qualify as Unicorns.  And of course I'm always corresponding with new ones, trying to keep the pipeline full.  And I've enjoyed the intimate company of many others. So life is good here in my personal Bowl of Sugar and I have no reason to complain.  But there's this one very special SB who stopped seeing me a year ago after a year of amazing arrangement who I still carry a torch for and miss. She really got into my brain, under my skin, deep in my heart, whatever you want to call it.  So when she decided it was time to move on in her life and leave me behind it hurt.  I deal with it in the recommended fashion:  find other sweet playmates to play with.  But I'm surprised by the depth and longevity of my attachment to this one special girl who got away.  Do any of you guys experience the same thing?

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