The Erotic Highway

principium 157 reads

I have come to learn that with you, what you write (or see) is what you get. You do not come across as an embellishing monger/SD grinding an ax or someone agenda driven (antithesis of someone called Z on here in the past). Once I put the two together that A0 you have a very active libido with an insatiable sex drive and B) you are playing with limited (less so than some of the punters on here) discretionary and expendable fund$, I see some sense in your crazy and chaotic month(s) of SA activities. I don't blame you for sniping the best bang for your bucks!

So I had one meeting left after my membership ran out... One unresolved matter...

An ex pornstar/escort/dancer who is taking care of her sick father in a relatively remote part of the area...

I was able to negotiate her to $250+ my drive time, gas, and a hotel room...(from her initial ask of $600) she was reasonable.  But very skeptical that I could please her.

Before the date I did some research on here and found that not only were her escort reviews great but she was a $1500/hr. girl.  And a lot of guys on here said she was their favorite PSE.  So I'm thinking wow, what a deal...  

Well boy.... She was late getting to me, so I played games on my phone... but what followed was maybe the hottest sex I've ever had... We had the CRAZIEST chemistry....  I think we fucked for like 5 hours straight... She had orgasms that lasted over a minute... she would get wet again from me just touching her...   She said her body had never reacted that way to anyone...  It was insane.

I thought I'd be lucky to get 2-3 hours out of her... she would have kept fucking till dawn.  Too bad I didn't plan on an overnight so I didn't have my meds and the drive home was 50 mins.... so I cut things short at 3am...  I paid her the agreed sum but She agreed without hesitation that I should never have to pay her for that again.

So there's my singular SA success story... and none of you will be surprised that she was and esscot and pornstar.


Posted By: LovesEmNaughty
So I had one meeting left after my membership ran out... One unresolved matter...  
 An ex pornstar/escort/dancer who is taking care of her sick father in a relatively remote part of the area...  
 I was able to negotiate her to $250+ my drive time, gas, and a hotel room...(from her initial ask of $600) she was reasonable.  But very skeptical that I could please her.  
 Before the date I did some research on here and found that not only were her escort reviews great but she was a $1500/hr. girl.  And a lot of guys on here said she was their favorite PSE.  So I'm thinking wow, what a deal...  
 Well boy.... She was late getting to me, so I played games on my phone... but what followed was maybe the hottest sex I've ever had... We had the CRAZIEST chemistry....  I think we fucked for like 5 hours straight... She had orgasms that lasted over a minute... she would get wet again from me just touching her...   She said her body had never reacted that way to anyone...  It was insane.  
 I thought I'd be lucky to get 2-3 hours out of her... she would have kept fucking till dawn.  Too bad I didn't plan on an overnight so I didn't have my meds and the drive home was 50 mins.... so I cut things short at 3am...  I paid her the agreed sum but She agreed without hesitation that I should never have to pay her for that again.  
 So there's my singular SA success story... and none of you will be surprised that she was and esscot and pornstar.  

happened this summer with a very experienced well reviewed provider in LA.  I took her out sailing in quite windy conditions, then back to the marina for some fun.  During greek sex she had a huge hands free O which she said had never happened before.  And 2 days later she emailed me saying I have some kind of powerful effect on her because she had a dream about fucking me on the deck of my boat and woke up having an orgasm.  But she sure didn't offer me any discounts so you certainly win this round!

About 7 or 8 yrs ago there were almost no attractive SB's to be found in SWFL so  I contacted a lovely lady on SA who lived on the other coast north of Palm Beach...she sent me some very sexy naked pix and we set a date to meet for dinner at a hotel restaurant near where she lived...there was no prior discussion of her gift or my expectations...I was a newbe and was just happy to have found such a lovely lady to date and " hoping " for the best....WOW did I ever hit the jackpot !
I checked in to the hotel and reserved us a cozy little booth in the restaurant....she arrived looking spectacular, dressed classy to impress but not in any way over the top or slutty. We hit it off right away over the first glass of wine and she told me that she had a day job as the drink cart lady at the local PGA golf course. She snuggled up to me, held my hand and snuck in a sweet short kiss or two during dinner...I was totally smitten ;-)
After dinner I suggested a walk around the pool and the surrounding courtyard...a few minutes of walking with this beauty finally gave me the courage to ask her to join me in my room....still no discussion of our " arrangement " had taken place...she eagerly accepted my suggestion and upon entering my suite we embraced for a very long sweet kiss that became more and more passionate by the second until we were both groping each other all over and finally shed our clothes for one of my fave sexual encounters of all time ;-)
After a couple hrs of great sex and some extended post coital bliss she told me that next time she would be happy to stay overnite with me but that tonite she needed to go home as it was getting very late and she had to be up early in the morning for work.
We both expressed that we were looking forward to our next encounter...after she departed I noticed that she had not picked up the envelope I had placed on the coffee table for her....I was so naive that I really had no idea exactly what I should do next about it !  Hang on....this story only gets a LOT better ;-)
I slept better that nite than ever ...I woke up so horny thinking about her and was so motivated that I called a local escort agency to arrange an incall date to work off my head of steam before driving all the way back home that afternoon to Naples. The date was set for late morning and I arrived at the lady's hotel, got her room number and went up....the door opened and guess WHO opened the door ?   That's my great surprise it was the SAME lady I had met the nite before !
Neither of us said a word about the coincidence as we once again did the dance of romance, groped each other and had FABULOUS my hour ended and I was preparing to depart she said " The agency owner is going to want to be paid " ..I replied " Do you mean for last nite ?"
She said " no, for today "   I pointed out to her that I had put the envelope with 250 in the bathroom upon arriving in her room as I had been instructed by the agency owner...I went on to explain that she had also neglected to pick up the envelope on the coffee table last nite. It was awkward for just a moment but then she actually apologized for overlooking it and we kissed goodbye !
A few days later we had a pleasant phone chat and scheduled another date for an overnite still WITHOUT discussing $$$ for our sugar dates !
On subsequent dates I made sure to put the envelope with 500 in her purse and she always thanked me for for it :)
And she never asked me to make up the $$$$$ from our first date !
Our arrangement of one or two dates a month lasted almost 2 yrs and we NEVER once discussed our accidental meeting thru the agency that morning or her ongoing agency job escorting.....we enjoyed many fun evenings out together attending concerts etc and GREAT SEX EVERY TIME....I still miss her dearly.  
Sometimes we just get lucky....Unicorns don't cum along very often...I'm very fortunate to have had her in my life and will treasure the memories formever ;-)

Is now my head is spun with this chick... sure its the holidays, she's with family... but like I HAVE to know whne I'm going to get that again... and her releasing money from the equation releases control from me... I mean I can always offer her more as incentive....   But I mean this was ATF material, and explosive chemistry... I'm never going to get as much of her as I'll want... She clearly is not affected emotionally by amazing sex... so there's no angle there.  I know she'll do it again... but getting her onto my agenda instead of working on hers is going to be impossible.

Don't get me wrong I'm glad it happened, and if it WAS a one time thing I'd be thrilled... but the prospect of it being ongoing is making me nuts.  She was not a great communicator in setting things up, she's going to be worse if I try to get answers... In person she was fine... I just wish I knew when I was seeing her next and what strategy to employ to get her on my page.

Never been spun from p4p before... annoying as hell.

But if I were you, I would strategize this quite counter intuitively by offering her MORE than that $200-$250! Simply put, tell her that she shorted herself when it came to you and to you, she's worth a lot more! I know you will not try this, but you ought to if she's that Unicorn whom you have craved. Clue: she told you that she has a sick father top take care of. Open the spigot and gain control of the flow.

I would heed what you were saying if that was even remotely within my budget.  Believe me it crossed my mind, but she's not having money problems with her dad, he's got amazing insurance... she's genuinely after great sex and figures she'll get paid just in case.  She had no problem offering to do it for free and her last text said "That was unreal, and I can't wait to do it again"

So as much as I'd like to gain control with dollars, its just not in my possible options.  So my only option is to gain control of myself, and try to establish reasonable expectations the next time I have her in person, preferably after she's had like 20 orgasms.  

Of course she's worth more... but I honestly don't have to pay hot women her age to get their brains fucked out by me IRL if I was willing to make the effort.  

So its a rock and a hard place thing.  I understand what bowl I'm playing in, but I can't make money appear out of nowhere.

And as far as I can tell, no matter what we'd agreed upon she'd had have been equally difficult to schedule with.  We talked about it and she agreed she cares way more about amazing sex then she does about the money.

-- Modified on 12/25/2016 8:39:52 PM

GaGambler186 reads

I have dated a LOT of hookers and if you insist of paying a hooker/SB or even civvie woman who is fucking you because she "wants to" all you can do is fuck up a good thing. If you follow the advice of Princess, one of two things will happen, either she will lose respect for you, (most likely) or she will lose respect for what you have and will no longer enjoy fucking you because you are treating her like whore when she has told you plainly she doesn't want to be your whore.

My advice is completely different, I say respect her wishes and don't try to pay her in the future. Giving her 20 orgasms every time you see her is probably your best bet. lol

Yes, I can certainly subscribe to that but your argument is not well articulated GaGa and here's why:

There is a wide spectrum in the P4P color gamut so to leisurely associating paying to play with Hookers, SBs and civilian women in the same context is an over simplification of the intricacies. If you meet a hooker as a hooker while she is playing that hooker role under that hooker pseudonym and while in that persona, you will just have to pay. After all, it is a business transaction. What happens after a certain period of time when some familiarity and trust is established, I grant you, has a wide range of possibilities. I am certainly in agreement with you that if a hooker tells you in no uncertain terms that she is no longer your hooker and is willing to transcend into a FB, GF, SO; insisting to pay there after is generally NOT a great idea.

As for SBs and GFs through the civilian channels, the ebb and flow of sugar can vary and differ significantly in terms of meaning and alleviating financial pressures. While the offer to pay a GF by allowing her some "sugar" can have some serious negative consequences and blow backs, I have yet personally to come across any POT SB who became infuriated at the idea! To this end, I maintain that my strategy with regards to LEM's situation is a much better solution than that of yours. There is a simple test for this and the whole concept can be approached from a more more tactful angle:

Me: I really enjoyed getting to know you on (whenever) and I feel that our chemistry is so unique and strong that at the expense of humbling myself, I am taking the initiative to propose a more viable plan for us both in terms of our future continued courtship and also your finances.

Her: I also really enjoyed our time together and i most def would like to see you and also to be with you. As far as the financial matters, I have already told you that I do not want to see you under those pretexts!

Me: Your vote of confidence is so refreshing which makes me blush somewhat (BS) but just know that my offer still stands with a looong shelf life. I would like for us to get together on (tomorrow . day after tomorrow). Then I totally STFU.

Her: You know that's very sweet of you and I would most def luv to see you on (whenever) but my dad is blah-blah... My life is blah-blah...  

Sorry bud, you were just beaten to the post again by someone with deeper pockets because if a woman wants to fcuk you and get her next 20 Os (real Os and not TER Os), she would move Heaven and Earth to cum have her bells rung by your c*ck!

Hope this is not how LEM's story ends but he has already said that allowing more is not within his discretionary realm so he better hope that your sage works come true in his case

Sometimes when a woman says she's busy... she actually is.  Now I'm no stranger to "busy"... but not everything has a double meaning.  Plus in this scenario I'm dealing with a porngirl who no doubt already has multiple men and a bf in rotation... Its just not a black and white situation. She's not wired the way a normal woman is, clearly.  I do agree with you that with any normal woman, yeah 100% she'd move the world to get to that amazing sex again, but this is not a normal woman at all.

Based on her recent communication (or lack thereof), I'm starting to wonder if that was going to have been a one shot deal, but if that's the case, it was still the best one shot deal ever.  But its been xmas... and she was a poor responder to begin with.  

Time will tell.

The dream is to have her all night on NYE... but its a longshot.

If you can in all honesty with yourself internalize and then compartmentalize this amazing experience which you ostensibly had for next to naught.  

A question, perhaps somewhat rhetorical in nature: why would anyone want to be in an LTA with a porn girl? I must admit that I find that enclave of P4P the least appealing part of the adult playground, but that is just me.  

I hope that you get your NYE wish.

I must be dreaming....

I can compartmentalize it as great sex that will never amount to more... that won't stop me from wanting more... but I can find it elsewhere.

And I don't find current porngirls with inflated market values very appealing, she hasn't been on film for about 5 years... she's mostly a dancer now.  But the appeal, if you find the right one, is that they can fuck like animals and will dress in mind blowingly slutty attire. If that's your thing.

and thanks... I doubt I'll get the wish... but hopes are what they are.

I have come to learn that with you, what you write (or see) is what you get. You do not come across as an embellishing monger/SD grinding an ax or someone agenda driven (antithesis of someone called Z on here in the past). Once I put the two together that A0 you have a very active libido with an insatiable sex drive and B) you are playing with limited (less so than some of the punters on here) discretionary and expendable fund$, I see some sense in your crazy and chaotic month(s) of SA activities. I don't blame you for sniping the best bang for your bucks!

GaGambler138 reads

Like me, I see him as only one of the three and certainly NOT a liar.  

I do notice he does MUCH better with hookers, or in this case a Porn Star, and not so well with the women who are a bit more guarded about trading sex for money. I have a couple of friends exactly like that and I don't see it as some kind of "character flaw" at all, it's simply who they are.

Not a character flaw whatsoever! Everyone has their own idiosyncrasies that may manifest in certain foibles. I know mine which is that at times, I talk too much which can become over powering and/or intimidating. Boring? Well, if she's extremely under educated but then again, I don't make a habit of making an LT-SB out of them!

I don't think that LEM ought to give up on SA though as long as he heeds to what suits him best and has the patience to peruse and locate quasi hookers, converted hookers or these deactivated porn girls. They are out these in the Sugar Bowl and I think with the New Year just around the corner, they will start repopulating and restocking SA.

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