The Erotic Highway

YES - My personal experience.
HairyBoner 5291 reads

Was able to switch to Levitra and all is right with the world.
Also (personal experience):

Cialis - Softest hardon - lasts 48 hrs but unreliable.
Levitra - Strong hardon - lasts about 12 hours.
Viagra - HARDEST hardon - lasts about one hour.

Kern567581 reads

Sometimes I am unable to ejaculate while with a provider while on Viagra.  Other people have told me that they actually have increased sensitivity in their penis due to Viagra.

Does taking Viagra make it more difficult to ejaculate?  OR Does it make it easier to ejaculate?  I've heard conflicting reports, so I would appreciate some help.

In my experience it DOES NOT make it easier to ejaculate.  What it does is help maintain a good erection so that the lady can bring me to completion.  I have experimented with the dose and found that too much viagra can make it almost impossible for me to least before the lady's vagina , jaw or hand give out...

50mg does the trick for me. Some guys need even less than that.

justtoopersonal7119 reads

There was a study...  a provider pointed it out to me...  that Viagra delayed ejaculation in a study.  The study involved men with PE.  
In my experience, if one needs Viagra, you should use the smallest dose that'll get the job done.  
My MD suggested cutting the tabs.  (They taste like crap, the only reason for the coating.)  V comes in 25, 50, 100 mg & all cost about the same.  My MD rx's 100's & I cut them to 25s.  "More bang for my buck!"  (sorry, I couldn't help it)

TheLoveGoddess5339 reads

Dear Kern56,

The simplest answer to your question is that for SOME, Viagra can delay ejaculation in that it will help maintain erection for as long as the individual is physically responding to the drug.

I am not a physician, nor do I advocate other posters encouraging people to experiment with the drug. My suggestion is that you discuss this with the medical professional who prescribed the Viagra for you. It may be something as simple as changing the dosage or changing from one ED med to another, in order to achieve the most beneficial effect. What you shouldn't do is go off and experiment on your own. Let someone else shoulder the responsibility of tweaking these meds for you. But yes, "woody V" has been reported by some in otherwise "conflicting studies."

It's still not an exact science,
The Love Goddess

The ONLY experimentation I have ever done with Viagra has been at my doctor's recommendation and with a prescription written by him.  It is not unusual with this particular medication for a doctor to prescribe 100mg tablets and let the patient determine how much of a dose is needed to achieve results with the caveat not to take anymore than one 100mg tablet.  

I would never advocate any non doctor-prescribed and directed use of any medication.

Shintaro5910 reads

My doc gave me 100mg and the headache nearly killed me. Now I bight a 50 in half - and that does the trick just fine.

cobramaster6333 reads

Kern, I took it for the first time recently and it was really hard for me to cum.

I was finally able to thanks to a great blow job which finished me off and the hours of fucking
on and off was totally worth it.

You have to figure out what works best but I would take only half a pill...

Let me start by stating that I am a Physician and anything I am about to tell you can be found int the 2009 Physicians Desk Reference.  Viagra has been shown to increase time to ejaculation or in some higher doses prevent it all together.  Patients should never be started on 100mg they should be started on the smallest dose that acheives erection, usually 25mg.  Most doctors are happy to prescibe 100mg tablets and a pill cutter since cost is the same for 100mg, 50mg, or 25mg.  Dont increase dosage without doctors permission.  It is generally people taking more viagra then needed  that experience delayed or the inability to ejaculate.  This is often a problem that fixes itself once a patient gets use to taking the same dosage of viagra all the time.  If problems still persist with ejaculation another ED med such as cialis can be tried.  Cialis is generally considered to have fewer side effects then viagra

HairyBoner5292 reads

Was able to switch to Levitra and all is right with the world.
Also (personal experience):

Cialis - Softest hardon - lasts 48 hrs but unreliable.
Levitra - Strong hardon - lasts about 12 hours.
Viagra - HARDEST hardon - lasts about one hour.

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