The Erotic Highway

Why do you care if she is f*cking someone else?
AsianManNOVA 412 reads

As long as the sex is great and you enjoy her companion, what more do you want? You are not her BF. I would try to go back to ppm; monthly allowance is not in your best interest as she lacks incentive to work hard for her money.

Morning All,

This topic has been discussed before, but, I'm going to start a new thread. Found out my unicorn lied to my face when she rescheduled on me last minute giving me some bullshit excuse about not being able to see me (she gave me the password to her phone so naturally i snooped)  also found out she's lurking on SA when she told me she deactivated her profile.. the reason why I care and haven't cut her off is because the sex is the best I've ever had😬

Currently her and I have a long term arrangement but I'm thinking of switching it back to ppm.. how can I approach this delicately without burning bridges?

It took me 6 months to find her.. to give you an idea on my ratio out of 20SB I message I have bcd with 1 or 2... I'm selective on who I end up bcd with... she's the only one that has lasted longer than a month.. the other BCD I've had don't last longer than 2 weeks. So yea I'm hesitant to burn this bridge but I don't like being walked over and lied to.

GaGambler436 reads

The second thing is to tell her what a slut she is for "seeing other guys"

and the third thing you do is DUCK.  

The fourth thing you do is watch this woman who you have had such great sex with walk right out the door to find a man who is not a "whiny little bitch"

You can't "demand" respect, you can only "command" it. People treat you the way you allow them to. You need to man up and let her know that disrespecting your time will not be tolerated, but you have to do it like a man, not like a whiny little bitch. If you don't already know how to do that, I am sorry, but I don't think it's a skill that can be taught.

To each their own, but if I find the love of a lifetime, they can tell me that they are Pope Francis for all I care.

Keep your eye on the prize.

But if you are looking for affirmation, this is what I can add:

Your arrangement has already entered the soon to be toxic zone as mistrust has set in. Less than vigorous sex will follow suit one way or other depending on whether you are willing to confront her or let the body language speak it's own actions!

Snooped on her phone? Come on man! You are supposed to be the grown up, mentor and the Worldly successful benefactor so quit this chicksh*t stuff. You are paying someone to have BCD fun with you and she's in it for the $. If she's looking by sneaking around, she's either unhappy, greedy or most likely BOTH. I went through the same thing sans the snooping around on the personal phone. I let that drag on for a couple of month more which in retrospect I wish I had not.

If you are extremely selective as you claim to be and have the means to pay a decent amount (500 or more) you will definitely be in the driver's seat in most markets as long as you are not in too thin of a market. Speaking for myself, I went back and tried the 300-400 (from the past 500 allowance per) in my locale, but I was either getting chances to go BCD with the lower tier cr*p (older, or more homely looking GND types) or those who would just agree to be polite in order to ghost later from the comfort of their texting zone.

Don't get stuck with just one in Sugar because you never know whom you are missing out on.

-- Modified on 4/4/2017 9:59:54 AM

AsianManNOVA413 reads

As long as the sex is great and you enjoy her companion, what more do you want? You are not her BF. I would try to go back to ppm; monthly allowance is not in your best interest as she lacks incentive to work hard for her money.

May as well go for the kinky shit that you wouldn't have tried before.😆😆😆

So should I confront her or just let it go? Lol

because that all too easily leads to ultimatums being spoken which may be counter productive.  But do talk to her. Tell her your time is valuable and you really don't like last minute changes.  You won't make a promise to see her unless you intend to keep that promise, no matter what other demands on your time or other social opportunities may come up and you hope she'll do the same.  And oh yeah, do go back to a ppm if she'll agree to that.  An allowance implies she is obligated to see you and if she breaks dates, then a ppm is best.

NiceGuyInCapital401 reads

Agreed with this.  Also, it calls the question on how much she values your time and interest.  If she can't deal with PPM, drop her.  

Posted By: sweetman
because that all too easily leads to ultimatums being spoken which may be counter productive.  But do talk to her. Tell her your time is valuable and you really don't like last minute changes.  You won't make a promise to see her unless you intend to keep that promise, no matter what other demands on your time or other social opportunities may come up and you hope she'll do the same.  And oh yeah, do go back to a ppm if she'll agree to that.  An allowance implies she is obligated to see you and if she breaks dates, then a ppm is best.

Thanks, it just sucks because I get a better deal with LTR vs. PPM

in_vino_veritas451 reads

You were mixing up two completely separate issues.
One was the last minute cancellation. Doesn't matter if you're in LTR (whatever that means in a NSA relationship) or PPM. If she doesn't respect your time, you need to get satisfaction or kick her to the curb. You might forgive one instance, but don't let yourself get walked all over.
The other part about her seeing other SD's just made you sound like a whiny bitch ;) (sorry to be blunt). You should always assume that these girls are seeing other guys no matter what they tell you, just like they should always assume we're doing other girls, cause we are.

Personally, I would "chat" about how a last minute cancellation is difficult to accommodate given your hectic schedule. Do it over a friendly appetizer and drinks. That's the only issue I wounderstand address. If that discussion goes poorly, take the high road, call an Uber for her, and then begin to look for a nunicorn.

Confrontation nets nothing in the NSA world. Why even go there?

You screwed up and now it won't ever be the same.  Move on and learn a lesson. You are a grown ass man and if you want to communicate and have honesty,you can't do dishonest shit. If you have a gut feeling follow that....but stop snooping. That is a bitch ass move...js. It wasn't good enough to have great had to go and be a martyr. Smh.

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