The Erotic Highway

What a coincidence, I never lie either...
mrfisher 108 Reviews 60 reads

In fact, I won the first place  prize in a truth telling contest at a church two towns over just the other day.

Well fellas - not sure if you've had this happen but here goes - met this awesome girl at my local bar - she is just getting out of a bad marriage - knew she was in my town - but she never came to bar while she was married and says she has only been with 3 guys her whole life as married at 19 and now divorced at 43- she loves to fuck and said I've already taught her tons she has been missing in the bedroom - so curious as to if I tell her about my sugar life as I've already asked her if she's open to a 3 some and she is leaning toward yessssss  
As she has asked the old dreaded question- how many partners have I had😡
Havnt given her a straight answer yet - love some opinions  

You are "ahead of the game" with this woman. Why shoot yourself in the foot by giving her any info that she may interpret negatively?  If she persists, give her something vague like "i have been with my share of women appropriate for my age." If she is smart, she will get the hint that it is all she is going to get and that you are not a man-whore

Oops I would still be lying. Ok, more than three,less than a million lol

I would never tell a non hooker my "number". Even hookers look at me funny when I tell them anything close to my real number. Hell I bet you my own best guess might be off by a thousand or more

Posted By: GaGambler
Re: More than three and less than a thousand
Oops I would still be lying. Ok, more than three,less than a million lol  
 I would never tell a non hooker my "number". Even hookers look at me funny when I tell them anything close to my real number. Hell I bet you my own best guess might be off by a thousand or more
Too much of anything can be a bad thing Goomba. But if you feel like you've had your fill of the game, a tattooed, motorcycle repairing unicorn SB might be right up your alley. What are you waiting for? Safe travels in the Afterlife--you seedy tinhorn...

proceed with extreme caution......

Then lie.

then it wouldn't be enough.   8o)

Then tell her that you are looking at buying a new boat, and would she like to come with you to the marina.

You need to change the subject, in other words.

Thanks guys - always good advice on here👍
Yes I try and change the subject every time it comes up - I'm still calling BS on her 3 number - as she can suck a mean cock and not sure you can learn that from 3 guys??? - lol
And also think she would be unamused at some time f the ages of some of my past SB's / 22-26 - she has a 21 year old daughter - yikes sounds like I am the whore monger after all - haha  
She has already used the L word - she said she really Likes me - and can see the other L word coming sooner than later - I told her I'm not looking to settle down and just having fun and she is still coming around  
Gotta push for that 3 some sooner than later and maybe she will be hooked on that as well🤗

Nailit44 reads

Be careful, sounds like she is on the rebound. She could get really hurt and you do not want the be that guy.  

Posted By: Boooty
Re: Thanks fellas  
Thanks guys - always good advice on here👍  
 Yes I try and change the subject every time it comes up - I'm still calling BS on her 3 number - as she can suck a mean cock and not sure you can learn that from 3 guys??? - lol  
 And also think she would be unamused at some time f the ages of some of my past SB's / 22-26 - she has a 21 year old daughter - yikes sounds like I am the whore monger after all - haha  
 She has already used the L word - she said she really Likes me - and can see the other L word coming sooner than later - I told her I'm not looking to settle down and just having fun and she is still coming around  
 Gotta push for that 3 some sooner than later and maybe she will be hooked on that as well🤗

Perhaps you could best deflect her question by suggesting that you both focus on the future and ASK her to SHARE HER FANTASIES with you....she might surprise you with FAR MORE than you ever expected 😋

I never lie.  Period.  But look, that doesn't mean you need to divulge everything.  It's totally honest to say to a woman, I am uncomfortable answering that question.  

In fact, I won the first place  prize in a truth telling contest at a church two towns over just the other day.

You're right. I think I've lost a few by being "totally honest".  I still prefer honesty, but declining to answer some things is certainly the wiser choice.

Be vweery vweery cwareful. I  had dinner with 2 of my sisters yesterday. They were curious about my life after 32 years of marriage and now dating.  I mentioned that Id "dated" a 35 yo several times.  Im 59. They both said that anything more than 15 years different in age is disgusting. Seems this us a woman thing. Lol. Thank god they dont know about the numerous 20 to 25 yos

My 80 year old mother has a 59 year old BF, he is about 6 months old than me. Her previous BF was a few months younger than me. I actually took an ex hooker GF thirty years my junior to CA for a visit several years back, I wasn't "taking her home to meet mother" but they did meet and we all went out together while we were in town. My mother and her ended up becoming "Facebook Family" what ever that is, and sometimes they would talk more often than I would .lol At the time I was 53, my GF 23, my mother 75 and her BF 52.  

For the record, my mother ROCKS. It must suck to have uptight relatives that you have to lie to.

AsianManNOVA65 reads

Because there is no way a Chinese woman at her age would have a BF twenty years younger. LOL. Seriously, most Asian girls were just too prudish back when I was in college. That is why I quickly figured out it’s much easier to score with white chicks since most Asian girls would not have pre-marital sex back then. I sure hope they have loosen up a bit.

My mother is 100% Chinese, but also 100% American with 100% American values.

and yes, I guess things have changed a lot since you were in college, Asian chicks "put out" just like white girls now. lol I have had several non-hooker Asian GF's and several other Asian GF's who were/are hookers. I have not found any of them to be even the slightest bit more prudish than white/black/brown girls.

Back to my mother, keep in mind she was strong enough to marry a white guy way back in the 1950's when "good Chinese girls" would never do such a thing. She was the very first member of her family to even date someone who was not Chinese, but times have changed in the last sixty years and I would say at least half of my extended family are now in interracial relationships.

Tell her she is in the club. You lost count after 100. You think she’s about # 172.

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