The Erotic Highway

Unfortunately, I have to concur!
sweetman 93 Reviews 355 reads

A SB will never pay you back, so paying in advance is a waste of money. I've learned this the hard way and will never do it again.

I had a POT SB that peaked my interest so I fired off a short "Hello, blah blah blah blah" message. She reads and responds to it with a paragraph about how she really wants to meet me, loves my profile, etc. Then the hilarity ensues, she says that due to being stood up and having her time wasted she now wants $150 to meet and talk and $350 per meet after that to prove I was serious. I obviously declined that generous offer to watch her chew and swallow food. I figured she would just block me and that would be that, but nooooo she had to tell me how beautiful she was (8 or 9 on the scale) and how amazing a time we could have had and I was missing out on the best thing since Honey Baked Ham.  
I told her that based on my search criteria there were 3400+ POT SB's within a 100 mile radius of me, and even though some were former/current porn stars and print models, I wasn't going to pay them dime to watch them eat.

I'm still waiting for the block.LOL

Met this latina for lunch (which I never do) and her gorgeous breasts make me break down and pay 300 of utilities for her. I had told her 300 was my budget prior to us meeting. So I go to set up a BCD meet and she says she needs 500 and baby im worth it. Im a porn star, love anal blah blah.....she then sayss 350 because she likes me. Nope. Two days later she says 400. I again decline. So today I text her and say are we going to get together or not. She says I need to pay her 300 upfront and the next time is free. I have to say she has some balls. I declined and she says we arent a good match because she needs someone that trusts her. And she will pay me back in a few weeks.  Suu ure

There is absolutely, positively, 100% certainty that an SB will NEVER pay you back.  

It won't happen.  


In fact, even if you do buy the "pay me now and bang me later" line, by the time you meet for BCD she will have completely forgotten that you already paid and will want more sugar.  

She will offer one or more of these possible rationales:  

1. That was favor from Daddy, I never have sex for free  
2. I'm not a hooker, and I can't have sex for a measly $xxx dollars.
3. I need more $$$ to cover (insert anything like phone, rent, food, tuition/books, birth control, etc.) bill so I can keep seeing you.  
4. My time and attention are special, you need to recognize that.  
5. Virtually anything that she thinks sounds like a reasonable explanation.

A SB will never pay you back, so paying in advance is a waste of money. I've learned this the hard way and will never do it again.

GaGambler359 reads

A hooker "might" pay you back, but with an SB we will have to come up with a number less than zero to describe your chances of getting paid back.

Believe it or not, I have actually loaned hookers money and have been repaid either in cash or "services", I have not been paid back every time of course, but my batting average loaning hookers money is about the same as loaning money to any other kind of friend. I recall one time in particular loaning a hooker buddy of mine a couple of grand to furnish her incall several years back, I gave her the money and then forgot all about it as I know what the chances of ever getting more than a couple of hundred bucks are when you loan money to friends. Fast forward about six months and I get a call from her inviting me out to dinner, no big surprise here as we had dinner about once every week or two, strictly as friends. Well surprise of all surprises when we get to dinner she hands me an envelope with not just the money I had loaned her, but with ten percent interest tacked on.  

So yes, it is possible to loan a friend, woman, or hooker money and get repaid. Sugar Babies are a different story, any money giving to a SB should be considered a gift, the best you can hope for is that she won't take kindness for weakness and start expecting more and more money from you.

I've had the same experience with a hooker friend as well, though not at that scale.  

She has on 4 or 5 occasions texted me when she had an unexpected need for cash, usually $50-$100 for a hotel room when a friend bailed on her, a small car repair, gas or once for a locksmith while she was in Las Vegas.  I sent her the asked for cash plus an extra $25-$50 to help her, with the promise of a freebie next time I ask. She's always delivered.  Even when I called at 1:00 am for a quickie when an SB or other date failed to reach BCD status.  

GaGambler377 reads

Back in my casino days when I lived in Atlanta I used to go to Biloxi at least once a month, sometimes more often than that even. I saw this one little spinner who knocked my socks off and saw her a few times, which was great for me as Biloxi hardly had a large selection. One day I get a call from her with some kind of emergency begging for a couple of hundred bucks and a promise to "make it up to me" the next time I was in town. I really thought I was throwing my money away, but I sent her the money and hoping that she wouldn't ghost on me the next time I was in town.

The next time I went down there she spent several hours with me without asking for an additional penny to thank me for helping her out when she needed it. This led to her asking me for small amounts of money on a rather regular basis, but her ALWAYS more than making up for it when I would get to town. She never got more than a few hundred bucks "in the hole" to me and would often spend every night with me when I came to town. Come to think of it, I guess she might have been my first SB as that is kind of what our relationship became. She was also the first woman I ever fucked with a female condom, it felt so fucking good I pulled out in shock thinking she was riding me bareback. lol

But of course, I can also share several stories where the results weren't so great, when I have sent money to hookers never to hear from them again. The key is, NEVER send money you don't mind just giving away. If you ever get it back, consider it a bonus.

I had a SB that I was emailing for a while. She actually got transferred out of town but is flight attendant so would be back in MN shortly.

She needed a place for a night so I grabbed a hotel room. We exchanged linked in profiles so we both knew who we were dealing with, I knew she could rack up a bill in the room, but took the chance.

We met at the lobby bar and hit if off. After a few drinks I slipped her $100 for dinner later, I was busy. We went up to the room and fucked like bunnies; bed, shower, bed.

She texted good bye the next morning and not even a mini bar charge extra.

I'm am looking forward to her next layover.

Seems that there are lots of Splena Daddies on that site that are.creating havoc. The stupid shit they do creates problems in trying to set up an initial meeting. I've had two who stated the same thing. So now they want something as a sign of intention.

These SBs should state that in their profile so I can skip over them. Same with the one's who aren't interested in or understand what this is about. Why would I spend a single penny to have some online contact or communication from them.

Posted By: airmantroy
I had a POT SB that peaked my interest so I fired off a short "Hello, blah blah blah blah" message. She reads and responds to it with a paragraph about how she really wants to meet me, loves my profile, etc. Then the hilarity ensues, she says that due to being stood up and having her time wasted she now wants $150 to meet and talk and $350 per meet after that to prove I was serious. I obviously declined that generous offer to watch her chew and swallow food. I figured she would just block me and that would be that, but nooooo she had to tell me how beautiful she was (8 or 9 on the scale) and how amazing a time we could have had and I was missing out on the best thing since Honey Baked Ham.  
 I told her that based on my search criteria there were 3400+ POT SB's within a 100 mile radius of me, and even though some were former/current porn stars and print models, I wasn't going to pay them dime to watch them eat.  
 I'm still waiting for the block.LOL

This month I paid my SB the full month allowance in advance for the first time. I've been seeing her for a few months. Overall it's been very positive so far. One overnight, plus regular day BCD and a weekend trip.
She's also begun paying for small stuff when we go out. Fingers crossed that it continues.

I could not help laughing when a 23 y/o average looking ( 8) ask me for $500 for meet and greet and mentioned that anything else is an "extra". Best joke was she contacted me initially. I declined politely and wished her luck with her search.

GaGambler386 reads

This was probably ten years ago and this tica was smoking hot, hot enough that I took her to the Four Seasons for a weekend. Towards the end of the weekend she asked me why I had never asked her to "retire" to be with me exclusively. The weekend was almost over so I played along and asked her how much she needed to "retire". She told me $500-600 to which I responded "por mes?" (per month) and she said "no, per week" and then she got mad when I literally started rolling around on the floor laughing my fucking ass off. I guess it was a good thing the weekend was about over, she wouldn't talk to me for the better part of a year. lol

I guess I can't blame her for asking. Stupid gringos would do that kind of shit all the time. They go down there, fall in love with the first puta that fucks them and then they delude themselves into believing they have a girl friend that they are "supporting" by sending them money every week, only to find out some day that the moment they head to the airport to go back to the states, their "girl friend" is headed back to the Del Rey to go to work. jaja

Yes, some bitches be cray cray.

In all fairness...honey baked ham is damn good!!! I guess it may be a southern thing, but I have a hard time saying no to some HBH.  

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