The Erotic Highway

Worst Sugar Date Ever
Zangari 3117 reads

t had been raining & flooding for two weeks in my redneck state (this becomes important later on).   I make a first date with a 19 year old SB who lives in a small town about 40 miles away. It's not a bad drive--all highway, no traffic.  She asks me to pick her up at her house--an unusual request (she lives with friends). I arrive late in the afternoon & she comes out.  OMG, she's even hotter than her photos--a honey blonde with a smoking hot body. She's a 9 on a 10 scale (I don't give out 10s).   We have great rapport in the car, she's really sweet.  She wants a traditional date--dinner & movie in a slightly bigger town 20 miles away (the county seat).   With my SO out of state visiting relatives, I have all kinds of time to spend with this girl.  

 At dinner, I describe my previous arrangement ($300 once a week, intimate arrangement).   She wants the arrangement & asks if we can start next week.  Sure, why not.  After dinner, a storm moves in as we go to the theater.  Thirty minutes into the film, they stop the projector.  The theater manager announces a tornado warning.  Outside all hell has broken loose--torrential rain, flash flooding, and the tornado sirens are wailing.  The weather guys on TV are going nuts.  "Don't drive, take shelter", etc.  

 We watch the weather reports in the theater lobby.  It's flooding everywhere, the ground already saturated from two weeks of rain. We talk it over & decide to book a room at a nearby hotel & wait it out.   We get drenched running from the parking lot to the hotel.  We're finally alone in our room, our clothes soaking wet--orphans of the storm.  My text-tone goes off--I read it, shake my head & sit down on the couch.  

 SB:  is that your wife texting you?

 Z:  No, it's an SB I met for lunch last week.  I'm not interested, but she keeps texting me. I've stopped replying to her texts.  

 SB:  Don't do that--tell her you've met someone else!  

 Z:   Someone like you, maybe?  Here's my cell, you can text her.

 I'm teasing of course, but she takes my cell & reads the texts from the other SB. Then she types a rejection text on my cell, reciting what she's typing:
 "Hey we had some fun together, but I've met someone that I really click with!  Goodbye."   She sends the text, omg.    

 She hands me back my phone,  smiling sheepishly.  I take her hand & gently pull her down on the couch.  She's on top of me now & we're french kissing.  Her tits are bulging out of her wet blouse.  My hands are all over her.  Things are progressing nicely.   Dudes, I wish I could tell you I fucked her right there, but that's not what happened.  Disaster is about to strike.  Her text-tone rings out, half a dozen times.  Someone (boyfriend) is  blowing up her cell. She gets up & starts texting back.   The room temperature seems to drop 10 degrees.  

 SB:  I need to go home.  

  Z:  Babe, it's dangerous right now.  I can book you a separate room if you don't want to stay with me.

 SB:  If you don't take me home, then someone will have to come & get me.  

  Z:  Ok, I'll take you home.  

 Note here:  Since I picked her up & drove her to the county seat, I have a gentleman's obligation to take her home.  Stupid, I know.  

 Outside, things have gotten worse.  It's dark now, and many roads are already flooding.  As we leave town, the tornado sirens  wail again.  I turn on my car radio.  The weather guys are flipping out.  A tornado is on the ground, and we're driving right into the storm.  The weathermen warn that the tornado is rain-wrapped, so we won't see it till it's right on top of us.   Torrential rains & high wind rock my car.  I pull over & stop.  

 Z:  Babe, let's go back, I'll get you your own room.  
 SB:  Let's just wait here.  

 She's really tense and adamant about getting home.  I'm hesitant about doing anything against her will--even for her own protection.   I don't need a trumped up rape/kidnapping charge in this small town.  The townies will see a 50 year old rich guy from the city messing with a 19 year old local girl.  They will fucking send me to prison.  

 We sit in the car as the storm roars around us.   More high wind and torrential rain.  We can barely see through the windshield.  Trees-are-bending.  I'm really scared now, and I think she's too stupid to be scared.  The worst thing to do right now is driving in the dark in the middle of nowhere.  The rain finally lets up and the wind dies down.  I start driving again. I lose the radio signal.  There are no highway lights out here.  The road is dark, only lit by my headlights and water is running freely over the highway.  I finally get her home.  

 I look for a place to stay in her tiny town--there's only one hotel off the highway, no vacancy.  But the storm seems to have subsided.  No radio signal here.  So I make the return trip back to my hotel at the county seat.  Bad mistake.  I run into more blinding, torrential rain.  Once I get back to the county seat, many roads are flooded & closed.  After several detours, I finally make it back to my hotel, stressed and exhausted.  There's a text on my cell from her:  

 SB:  I don't think I can do this again.  

 I don't reply to her text.  I turn on the TV in my hotel room--bad flooding in my home town.  I call my mum to make sure she's ok.   I then crash on the hotel bed and sleep like a dead man for 10 hours straight.  I drive home the following morning.  She texts me again with an embarrassing attempt at small talk.  

 SB: Hey, that book you were talking about--they're making a movie out of it!  

 I ignore this text as well.  She put us both at risk just to please her hillbilly boyfriend back in Hicksville.  She's out.  --

That was quite selfish of her wow.  And luckily it did not turn out worse than it did because the weather conditions you described sounded terrrrible! I would have neverrr drove or made someone drive in that!.....Good story! sucks she had a bf ....but at 19... How much can you expect ?  

Good luck on your search for your next SB (;

Zangari905 reads

Posted By: OnlyLiveTwice
Wow... A good reason not to date (nearly) teenagers
 I knew this post was coming--it's amazing how sanctimonious people can be on a fuck board.  In America, we have no problem sending "teenagers" (18 or 19 year olds)  into a war zone. They're old enough to kill or be killed in Iraq or Afghanistan or any other third world shit hole. We consider this to be a fine and patriotic thing to do.  

 But when it comes to sex (or even alcohol), these same  "teenagers" are just too young & innocent to handle it.   Everyone got that?   This hypocrisy is really tiresome.   --

...than those with some more life experience. That age tends to be more idealistic, self-righteous, and less appreciative of "shades of grey." This is not a judgment on your choice of sex partners (hey, I've dipped in those waters a-plenty), just an observation that a slightly older lady would be more willing to give her BF the finger in that situation, rather than one who was still hung up on her douchey high school sweetheart (generally speaking).  

And yes, it's totally fucked that a kid can be sent into combat, but can't buy a fucking beer (but that's a whole other topic)!

Zangari933 reads

Posted By: cocktail-party
...than those with some more life experience. That age tends to be more idealistic, self-righteous, and less appreciative of "shades of grey." This is not a judgment on your choice of sex partners (hey, I've dipped in those waters a-plenty), just an observation
  I appreciate that your argument is pragmatic and not based on smug moral grounds. Was anyone on this board still a virgin at 19?  I was fucking at 16, and no one took advantage of me--I knew exactly what I wanted. This SB  told me she was turning 20 the following month.  If I had posted that she was 20, no one would've mentioned her age. It's quite strange how we treat young adults in the 18-19 age range.  --z

But I can still recall those years in my life, and along with working among undergrads at a major University, there's a big leap in maturity and life experience that occurs from 18 to 21 (generally speaking of course, individual results will vary).

She was only 18, and pretty experienced as well.

Probably more mature than I was,  come to think of it

Zangari906 reads

Fisher, I'm a bit astonished that you were a 22 year old virgin.  I'm sure that you were just saving yourself for all these lucky providers on TER, lol.  --


I have read your sugarbowl adventures and escapades and I have also swam in those waters quite a few times myself. Although this particular experience would have been a very harrowing one for anyone in that situation, count yourself fortunate that perhaps because of the demography and the geography, you still seem to be batting well above average as compared to the situations which I have personally encountered and also others have shared many similar situations. Here in CA, when it comes to SD / SB, it is generally speaking a cesspool and a total sellers' market. Your typical $300 offering per meeting will almost always get you the same experience in here with those 19 YO types, sans the tornado storms ;)

Zangari1145 reads

Posted By: casinostocks
Z~ still seem to be batting well above average as compared to the situations which I have personally encountered and also others have shared many similar situations. Here in CA, when it comes to SD / SB, it is generally speaking a cesspool and a total sellers' market. Your typical $300 offering per meeting will almost always get you the same experience in here with those 19 YO types, sans the tornado storms ;)
 CS:  The College SB wave isn't something I've dreamed up.  The national media is all over this story: CNN, Dr. Phil, Vanity Fair, even the NY Times.  College SBs will fuck guys twice their age for a modest allowance--that fact has scandalized the nation.  $300 a week = $1200 a month.  In cow country, that will cover a college girl's rent & groceries.  You may have to pay a bit more in CA, but no more than you're currently giving your ATF.    

 I pay for it just like you.  But the sugar bowl requires a different approach. I've got to believe that you (& a few others here) are doing something wrong.  I'll post a Sugar primer on this board. Hopefully some useful info will get out there.  --z

Z~ I think that you missed the point. Let me preface by saying that I had three stints on SA and I was actually quite successful in terms of finding an SB or multiple SBs during my travels. I don't know what gave you the idea that I was unsuccessful, but back to the point:

300 is a low entry level "allowance" in this neck of the woods and all it gets you is either the wide eyed 18-19 YO right out of HS while holding a min wage sort of job, or the over the hill and long in tooth cougar types whose years of glory had a 1 and 9 in front of it ;)  

I have personally refrained from pre 21 YO for a multitude of reasons, one being the same kind of drama which your POT was seemingly afflicted with. In fact even in my mongering life, I stay away from under 21's, but that is just me. Here in CA there is a definite premium which guys are willing to pay for young Caucasian hotties which culminates in overbidding thus creating a sellers' market as previously stated. In fact in places such as Beverley Hills and Hollywood the notion that a POT SB (those who are experienced) even contemplates on getting on a sh*tty site like SA (or similar) is quite a laughable notion! All they will have to do is to show up with a GF (never alone) at a fancy hotel during the happy hour. Many very prolific SD/SB relationships just grow organically from those kind of hotbeds.

You ought to consider the words of experienced POT SD's in here and not merely dismiss them as those who were failures, unless you are indeed no other than Mr. Donald Trump who naturally thinks everyone else is just a loser!

Zangari1014 reads

Posted By: casinostocks
Z~ I think that you missed the point…. I don't know what gave you the idea that I was unsuccessful --snip--
 Maybe it was the post below, where you sound like Charlie Brown after getting jilted by the little redheaded girl:    
Posted By: casinostocks
you still seem to be batting well above average as compared to the situations which I have personally encountered  
   BTW, thanks for comparing me to a racist politician.  I deserved that after offering you some help (what was I thinking).          
  FYI:  Your "SB" at the hotel bar during happy hour = Hooker.  Any guy on this board could've told you that.   --z reads

Isn't SB = Hooker? What's the attraction of SB over hooker? Sorry if I am asking stupid questions. I am a newbie to SB/SD.

Zangari1072 reads

Posted By:
Isn't SB = Hooker? What's the attraction of SB over hooker? Sorry if I am asking stupid questions. I am a newbie to SB/SD.
 That's not a stupid question.  Providers & SBs are both P4P, but there are some important differences--particularly the websites they choose to be on.  Note there will always be some overlap between these categories.  Some providers  play the sugarbowl, & some SBs eventually become call girls.  Here's a copy/paste from one of my older posts:  

 Here's what I consider to be an SB:  
  Most of the SBs I've met are interested in an "Arrangement" where they're given an "Allowance".  That's a regular hookup where they receive a certain dollar amount, plus occasional gifts.  These girls typically are not providers.  Many are college girls from middle class families who need money.   They will consider a P4P arrangement, but they don't fuck anonymous strangers.  An SB will want to see your photos before you ever meet.  Your first date will be in a public place for  lunch/dinner or a coffee date.
   This is P4P, but you can't approach an SB the same way that you approach a provider/escort. You need to understand that you're playing a different game.  You may have to take her out a few times before you go behind closed doors. I usually give $100 for a dinner date, but I'm quite selective in who I ask to dinner.  During the preliminary photo exchange, give her the exact dates your photos were taken (they need to be recent).  Then ask if her photos are recent.  
 Here's what I've found: you can get a beautiful SB to fuck you on a weekly basis at the same rate ($300--$400 a throw) that you're giving your ATF.  But an arrangement = regular hookup + gifts, so you need to consider if you can afford her. --z  

-- Modified on 7/23/2015 1:09:23 PM reads

All Good Things (Come to an End) :) Is there any difference between provider vs SB when it comes to ending the "relationship"?

Zangari902 reads

Posted By:
All Good Things (Come to an End) :) Is there any difference between provider vs SB when it comes to ending the "relationship"?
  Oh, wow. This is a really tricky aspect of the sugar bowl. I'm sure a lot of guys will be interested in this topic.  I'll post a new thread on this board.  --z


I have bumped into you quite a few times in the past on here when The Love Goddess was moderating. 5 years later, not much has changed about your character. Despite the fact that you have a good ability to analyse arguments and articulate your POV, your ever present extreme sensitivity and petulance overpowers the slick logical Z and compels him to overreact. Apparently in your world, not many know what they are doing or what is best for them, as much as you do. As to whether this is an alter ego play here on TER or just YOU in general, I could only speculate. For your own sake, I truly hope it is just the former scenario.

P.S. Thank you for your conjured benevolence which I had always respectfully declined in the past, as I do both in the present and the future.

Zangari1067 reads

Posted By: casinostocks
I have bumped into you quite a few times in the past on here when The Love Goddess was moderating --snip--  
 Go back & read through this thread. I was willing to let all that go, CS.  But you couldn't help yourself--you had to throw Trump my way--the most despicable man in America.  Not much has changed.  You pretend to be the nice guy while throwing a handful of shit.  Then you act offended when the shit comes flying back & splatters all over you. I've seen your act before.  

 But I'll directly address your previous post: Southern California is the mecca for every wannabe starlet in America. There is no "premium on white girls" except inside your head.  Your assertion that SBs congregate at "hotel bars during happy hour" is enough to make a cat laugh.  It was a bizarre end to your surreal post. --


You are quite delusional stating that I come on a fuck board to play nicely with a bunch of other mongers! Don't give two shiites about it either way.

As for the rest of the stuff, apparently you play with baby bottle rats from hickville. The cesspool where is LA is pretty contagious and those baby rats from your neck of the woods learn quite fast here in So. Cal. There is a markup and a premium, no matter how much you'd like to protest and become belligerent with feces play. I still stick by my original statement: the rules are different in here and the stakes are higher. That is no reflection of anyone's supposed wealth or there lack of. Why so sensitive about something as benign as that statement?  

And finally as for Donald Trump comparison, maybe you are equally an expert negotiator as Donald claims to be. I just wanted to add that because I had omitted it in my original post.

Zangari937 reads

Posted By: casinostocks
 You are quite delusional stating that I come on a fuck board to play nicely with a bunch of other mongers! Don't give two shiites about it either way.   As for the rest of the stuff, apparently you play with baby bottle rats from hickville.
  I never called this young woman a "rat", nor would I ever.  But it's interesting that you describe her that way.  
  To be fair, I did refer to her as "stupid" when she forced us into the storm.  But that was a stupid act.  During our dinner conversation, I thought she was quite articulate.  As "Cocktail-Party" alluded to earlier in this thread, my young companion didn't have the life experience to make a sound judgment under dangerous conditions.  And if her boyfriend had been mature, he would've asked her to stay put during the storm,  no matter where she was.   Some 18/19 year olds are quite mature, but not in this case.  
Posted By: casinostocks
The cesspool where is LA is pretty contagious and those baby rats from your neck of the woods learn quite fast here in So. Cal. There is a markup and a premium, no matter how much you'd like to protest
  It's revealing how you keep referring to young women as "rats".  Your words betray you--it shows a deep hostility towards women. Your personality would make a lot of young women uncomfortable.  Maybe that's why you're paying a "premium".  


You have a very strange way of connecting the doubts, but as I had stated before, your petulance surfaces really fast. This is not my first rodeo with you!

A "bottle rat" is someone who mooches on others for free drinks and such. It is actually a unisex term popular with the millennials. Younger SBs who hang around Vegas clubs and prey on table and bottle service popularized that lexicon.  

The fact that an acerbic and coarse character like you is trying to teach me about proper decorum and nice mannerism toward women on a fuck board is just extra comical. So far, I have refrained from rekindling past hostilities with you. All that I had highlighted (essentially) was for you to consider that there are other mongers on here who are also very familiar with the SD/SB paradigm who may have both better game and higher networth than you. Your perspective is just that.

In closing, if it is an escalation and a fight you are looking for, I'm more than ready to grant it. Just LMK

Zangari921 reads

Posted By: casinostocks
 A "bottle rat" is someone who mooches on others for free drinks and such.  
 See below, where you forgot to include "bottle" when referring to young women as vermin (as if that even matters):  
Posted By: casinostocks
 those baby rats from your neck of the woods learn quite fast here in So. Cal.  
 BTW, your new persona of "badass player" doesn't impress.  You seem to think that throwing gutter slang around proves your sophistication.  It actually proves just the opposite.  
Posted By: casinostocks
  In closing, if it is an escalation and a fight you are looking for, I'm more than ready to grant it. Just LMK!    
 Try posting something informative here that might help others.  You're boring everyone now.  --z

It occurred to me when I read your OP that this 19 YO must have found you so repulsive in person that she over came the fear and the fright of a terrible storm and tornado (according to your fertile imagination) that she took a chance on her life being outside than being inside with you! She most probably had her BFF call her incessantly to create a scenario whereby you fell for that BS.  

It's OKPlaya. There will always be the next one and I suspect that one of these days, I will be reading about you (or someone just like you) on the Dirty.Com ;)

You are just a prickly pretend-to-know-it-all PRICK.  

As a clear example of your keyboard prickliness, your acerbic and jaded response to the guy who posted above this thread. So what the farg is it to you if he happened to pay a hooker to get some PDA? You ought to know that hookers for the most part on the clock and if the john wants to hold hand instead and chase butterflies, holding hands and chasing butterflies it shall be. Prick!

RichardLongwood911 reads

Some SBs are more volatile than others.  Some things that help reduce volatility:

Maturity.  A 22-year-old senior may be a better choice for a SB than a 19-year-old sophomore.  A 25-year-old grad may be even more stable.

Absence of drug or alcohol abuse.  One of the guys in DC recounted his experience with a young pothead.  Someone with a substance dependency is likely to be unpredictable and not a great SB candidate.  

Education (possibly).  Women who are more worldly may be more balanced.

Personality.  Spend some time with her and look for red flags.  Some women come across as normal and stable.  Others don't take long to exhibit major warning signs.  

There are lots of qualities that a guy may want in a SD--pulchritude and horniness are obvious.  Stability is also important if someone is going to become a regular SB.

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