The Erotic Highway

True, but they were diluted there as there weren't many SD/SB threads on GD
GaGambler 199 reads

Once they started being concentrated on this board, he went from being a self appointed "expert" on the subject to "laughing stock" in a few short months.

nobody3053005 reads

Seeking some advice from people who has use seeking Arrangement web site

From your experience using this website. How trustworthy are the ladies on it, or what percentage would you say that they are? The price for a lady is it different then most escort rates, after all this is a different type of arrangement. Have you found any warning sign to stay away from a lady, if so what where they? Any other information would greatly be appreciated.

Thank you

nobody305121 reads

I am asking for advice from anybody that has experience in this alternative hobby. Is that I am about to get my feet wet with my first lady from this web site. I don't want to make a rookie mistake and mess it up. So any and all suggestion and advice will be welcome.

GaGambler224 reads

I guess it was about a year ago that we petitioned Admin to pull that stupid "pinned thread" that had killed all conversation on that board for close to two years and made it the de-facto "Sugar Board"

I guess there were two of us mainly responsible, myself and "Zangari" but he proved to be so unpleasant and WRONG with virtually all his advice where it comes to the Sugar World that he left with his tail between his legs, but the board has been doing just fine without him.

FakawiTribe123 reads

changed that forum name to Sugar Board during the "upgrade".

...He was the same way when the SB/SD threads were on the General board.

GaGambler200 reads

Once they started being concentrated on this board, he went from being a self appointed "expert" on the subject to "laughing stock" in a few short months.

Zangari195 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
 I guess there were two of us mainly responsible, myself and "Zangari"  --snip--
Still taking credit for something you had absolutely nothing to do with (other than your idiotic "I Agree!!" cheerleading).
 Check the link below to the "Suggestion & Policy"  post I wrote a year ago about this board.  As  everyone else can see, your claim above is just another example of your blatant dishonesty on this board.  

But I'm glad my TER brothers in the sugar bowl have this forum now.  --z  

Zangari119 reads

How fun, you just abandoned your “Founder of the SB board” claim.  Like any con man, you just switched to another empty claim with zero evidence.  Some things never change.  

One wonders which is worse:  your insecure egomania or your compulsive dishonesty.  But thanks for throwing my name out there on the board.  Next time:  go to the mirror, light a candle, and say my name *three* times.  Maybe I’ll show up, lol —z

GaGambler183 reads

Dumb ass, Dumb ass, Dumb ass.  

Now lets see if you show up again after crawling away with your tail between your legs just like you've done on all the other TER boards once people have had enough of your crap.

But PLEASE come on back if you've started missing the abuse. Just like every village needs an idiot, every board needs a piñata and this board has been entirely too friendly without anyone particularly stupid or unlikeable around to laugh at. Since you fit both categories your return would be welcome.

Zangari207 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
Dumb ass, Dumb ass, Dumb ass.  
Excellent idea--say that three times in front of your mirror every day.  You'll see someone who is spending most of his life on a fuck board.  --z

1. Read posts on this board about questions asked by other rookies. There are a lot of really good threads.

2. Realize that there is a learning curve on SA. You will have to "hone your craft" to get good SBs. It takes time and effort to "get some game." Game comes with practice, patience, and changing your approach based on experience. You will make mistakes (otherwise, there's no learning curve....right?)  You just want to minimize the cost of your mistakes.

3. To help minimize the cost of mistakes (a short beginning list):

a. No money up front. Period. End of sentence. (Now, occasionally, I will pay a token amount for gas money, but I *NEVER* agree to it up front). There will be quite the variety of sad sob stories--all of which can be solved if you front some money. But, see the first sentence of 3a.

b. Engage in enough PMs to get a sense of her. Do NOT give her your real name, phone number, or email address. Use aliases. Now, *I* generally give out real name before we go BCD. The SBs like to feel safe. I like SBs that feel safe. Better sex.

c. Try to get off the site and onto other ways to communicate asap. Easiest road to setting up a meeting in person.

d. Stick to what you can afford. If you can afford $700 per meeting, stick to it. If you can only afford $200 per date, stick to it (it will be harder to find SBs the lower the price--IN GENERAL--unless you have GA Gambler Chops, which, I am guessing you do not.)

e. NO MONTHLY ALLOWANCES--unless paid at the end of the month. Tricky to get agreement sometimes, but tell her you've has SBs try to take advantage of you, and that you can handle an installment on her allowance quite discreetly each time you meet. NO sugar without sugar--unless you agree to have occasional "out and about" dates.

f. Be prepared to walk away from each and every face to face meeting--especially the very first one.  

g. Have fun. It's NSA. You do not need to hear about her problems. Don't go there. You're not looking for a girlfriend. I tell SBs that I'm happy to lend a helping ear if she eschews the allowance.  

h. Tell her the truth. Now, you don't have to reveal anything, but anything you say should be true. EXPECT the truth from her. Tell her that any lie, no matter how small, is grounds for you breaking it off.  

i. Communication is key. Make sure that you do not assume anything. I like to revisit whether she wants to keep seeing me from time to time. Sometimes, the answer will be no. Fine.  

j. SBs like to think they're the only one. Don't lie to her about it. They would *loathe* it if they knew you exchanged info about her with other guys (like on this board).

k. Find out if she really wants to eat before private time. She might think YOU need the meal to get into the mood. Maybe wine and appetizers (or a bottle in the room) is just fine.

Lots of other guys will jump in, and add to or comment on, this list.

Good luck. Have fun. Be safe.

1) those that want money for a meet and greet
2) those that don't have transportation and are needing money for a car
3) those that just seem desperate for dollars.

Basically, I like the ladies that don't bring up anything about $$$ until you have at least messaged several time or you have met.

HappyChanges133 reads

I dabbled with it for short time but it just did not fit my lifestyle.  Way too much work and communication for my liking. I met some cute girls on there but I probably would have been divorced within a year if I kept it up.  Definitely alot cheaper than paying providers by the hour though.  The "pay her to leave" aspect of the hobby is well worth the extra cash for me.

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