The Erotic Highway

Would you see a client who....
siainthemiddleeast 2705 reads

Has seen multiple male, TG and TS, providers?  

I have no problem with the LBGT community on a *friendly level of course. But when it comes to swapping saliva with a person who went into great detail (I read his reviews) on his extremely erotic  and sometimes unsafe encounters with more than a handful is not for me.  

No amount of money is worth me getting sick over! And knowing my immune system, I wouldn't risk it!

Unsafe is unsafe regardless of gender, and is sufficient reason for you to decline a meeting with this individual. But please drop the assumption that gay/trans providers are more disease-ridden than their straight counterparts.

Zangari861 reads

Posted By: cocktail-party
Unsafe is unsafe regardless of gender, and is sufficient reason for you to decline a meeting with this individual. But please drop the assumption that gay/trans providers are more disease-ridden than their straight counterparts.
 A male client is a much higher risk if he's had sex with other men. From  

" The risk of getting HIV from receiving anal sex (penis in the anus or “bottoming”) without a condom is higher than any other sexual activity."  

 For men, this "highest risk" activity is only possible when you're having sex with other men. So the OP is lowering her risk by not seeing these clients.  Rage away, --z

But the OP doesn't state exactly what activities the client in question has engaged in, only that he's seen gay/trans providers. A TS that keeps everything covered is going to be safer than a cis female who barebacks. Rather than make a categorical assumption about an entire group, she needs to make her judgment based on the the evidence she can gather about the specific individuals involved.

Zangari864 reads

Posted By: cocktail-party
But the OP doesn't state exactly what activities the client in question has engaged in, only that he's seen gay/trans providers.  
 When screening, you never have the complete sexual history of any client.  So you have to make judgments based on limited info.  
Posted By: cocktail-party
A TS that keeps everything covered is going to be safer than a cis female who barebacks --snip--
 Anyone can pose a counter-hypothetical to your platitude above.  It would also be a waste of time. Men who have sex with other men is a higher risk group than men who don't. That's not a random hypothetical, that's a fact.
Posted By: cocktail-party
Rather than make a categorical assumption about an entire group, she needs to make her judgment based on the the evidence she can gather about the specific individuals involved.
 She doesn't need to do any such thing.  This isn't a court of law.  She's operating in a black market where info cannot be verified.  Given this lawless environment, it's quite reasonable for her to make judgments  based on the risk factors of the group you're in.  I'm a liberal, so I normally wouldn't mind your "celebrate diversity" opinion.  But it's misguided here.    --z

Zangari795 reads

Inclusion in a relatively 'high risk' group isn't a reflection of someone's worth or morality.  TER members are a high risk group-- we're the "P4P Group".   As sexual partners, we're a much higher risk than the "Non-P4P Group".  This is just a statement of fact.  It has nothing to do with personal worth or moral standing.  --z

GaGambler715 reads

but that won't stop the PC crowd from attempting to do so anyhow.

I have had literally thousands of P4P encounters and hundreds of civvy encounters, with a high percentage of the civvy encounters being BB. Does this make me high risk? Of course it does. Am I offended if someone else considers me part of a high risk group. Of course not. Facts are facts, sugar coating them doesn't change a thing.

I saw a girl.. It was good.. protected sex.. I saw her 4 times.. then I saw a review of her from another guy.. In his review he went into detail about his BBFS with her...I checked his other reviews.. He sees TS as well.. I never saw her again.. I felt like calling her & telling that what she is doing is nuts.. regardless..

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