The Erotic Highway

Their first mistake...
PussyPump 1733 reads
1 / 14

In my limited time on SA I have noticed SB profiles that make me smile, laugh out loud, or want to cry. Perhaps we can compare? Some I remember.

- Brand new profile, just today. Photo of SB sitting on a grave, in brown-dirt, dead cemetery. Just awful...

- Substantial/high profiles, where the profile photo is taken in a public toilet. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at these. Who are they kidding?  

- Substantial/high profiles, where the SB or the room are visibly filthy. As in a new SB within last few days with black soles to her bare feet, on her bed...

- Substantial/high profiles, where there is no content other than the minimum 50 characters per field. Called "salesmanship".  Are they aware of what sums are supposedly associated with substantial or high?  

- Then there are the astonishing number of "platonic only" SBs, much commented on on other threads. But I still can't figure out: can they really, really be that stupid? Or is it the other way around, that they think that SDs are really, really stupid?

- The many profiles that harangue, hector and threaten. I get enough of that at home, thank you. Not what I am looking for on SA.

- The outdated or never updated profiles. You know, the profiles that are several years old, but still say, "new here", or "need someone to show me the ropes".  Couldn't be bothered to ever revise the wording.

- A couple of profiles where the SB is holding money in her hand. Except it is not USD, but Euro! Seem to be sure to be fake profiles/scams.

- There are so many simply awful SB profiles, not that many well written ones, while humorous ones seem completely absent. Has humor gone out of fashion? Would certainly catch my attention!

With the SD:SB ratio stacked against them, many just don't seem to realize that they need more than a feeling of self-entitlement to get ahead and stand out.

-- Modified on 6/20/2017 1:28:54 AM

mrfisher 108 Reviews 86 reads
2 / 14

50% of the people in this world are no good at anything.

49% are OK at just one thing.

1% are great at something, and good at other things.

So, if you meet a gal who sucks at making up her profile, the odds are almost 50/50 that she'll at least be OK at being a SB.   You're not going to find the 1% on there, in any case.  Most likely a gal who is good at making up a profile, will be a fail at being a SB.

airmantroy 28 Reviews 84 reads
3 / 14

Using fake pictures that are of someone who is quite infamous on social media... ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS right click and search Google !!! Especially pics that look like she "attempting" to show how tight her abs are, how nice her ass is etc...

Badboy1234 10 Reviews 82 reads
4 / 14

Smokers, but in their picture they are holding a lighted cigarette. Those really give me a laugh besides the items notes above.

scb19 10 Reviews 86 reads
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saw one just yesterday and the tag line said.."I'm impressed with manors"....being the smart ass that I am I just couldn't pass it up so I responded that I am impressed with spelling, unless you just like big houses.  She said it was intentional to see who was paying attention....

so the biggest slip up for me is the spelling, misuse of words, using non-words like "conversate" and of course those that read like they were written when they were drunk or high.

As to the issue of length, I prefer the shorter ones that get the point across.  I found from being on vanilla dating sites that there is a direct correlation between length of profile and how high a maintenance woman they are.  Short and sweet, as long as they get the message across, does it for me.  

2timesanalias 72 reads
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Or how they like luxary items....I laughed my ass off at that one, the worse the spelling, the dimmer the bulb....

magoo251 29 Reviews 109 reads
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Discrete (as opposed to continuous, I suppose)

Pirate2008 8 Reviews 66 reads
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The ones I like state "prefer not to say" as to children and then talk about their children and/or being a mother in the about me section.

PussyPump 79 reads
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Posted By: magoo251
Re: The many variations of "Discreet"
+1. I keep thinking the ones wanting a "discrete relationship" intend to chop me up!

PussyPump 108 reads
10 / 14

A shout-out for the SBs with guns in their photos! - I don't want to be used for target practice!
[Yet another advantage of an Asian grad student from abroad is that she is far less likely to shoot you].

sweetman 93 Reviews 98 reads
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Good comments and observations PP. But yeah, when the girl starts talking about how she expects Louboutins and fancy gifts, wi absolutely nothing about what she's going to do for me, I  tiurn the page.

herbtcat 6 Reviews 74 reads
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This is a site for SD/SB arrangements. When the profile text mentions a laundry list of arrangement flavors like NSA, LTR Married guys ok, open relationships, travel dates, and more I lose interest. These are often just cut and pasted text blocks from another site, and are a high potential red flag for cat fishing as well.  

The POT SB's that say they want something more specific and that fits the overall profile as well (i.e.: Students who need help with tuition and rent) keep me reading.  I don't expect a serious student to want to travel with me for a month in Europe.  

In the other site (WYP) my instant-stop criteria are profiles where the "Type of dating" area has all, or almost all checked. It's not logical to accept that she is equally interested in:  Sugar Daddy/Sugar Baby, LTR, Married Dating AND Marriage Minded.  That's just casting a wide net in an attempt to catch a guy too lazy to actually read.  

Seriously, if I wanted a wife I'd go to Thailand or the Philippines (but definitely NOT Russia) and buy one. :p

mapper 6 Reviews 90 reads
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I don't have much experience on SA, just a few weeks, so this is just my not so well informed opinion. There are women on SA who think it's, some who think it's TER, but most are in between. I expect there are men who want a pure escort experience but for less money, many that just want a woman to email/talk to them with no intent to ever start a real arrangement, and many that want a real FWB. Literally, a genuine friendship from which the sex arises organically, not just as a pretense for the transaction. Sounds a lot like a girlfriend, and it's the NSA distinguishes GF from FWB. I find that most SBs puts up the most flattering photos of themselves (who wouldn't) but some cross the line to false or misleading advertising. And I've met one SB that deliberately undersells how beautiful she is in her profile, to the point that her photos are misleading in the other direction.  I never received a reply from an SB that has been inactive for more than five days, so the actual local pool of SBs is far far smaller than the number of search hits on SA.

tozer 72 Reviews 93 reads
14 / 14

... as in "take me shopping," etc., I turn the page. Same for any mention of Luboutins or other pricey apparrel. The potential for a shallow, grasping SB is too great and there are too many other great women out here to be bothered with moneygrubbers.

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