The Erotic Highway

The primary reason woman are supposed to prefer tall guys
Priapic Primate 12568 reads

When primates came down out of the trees and started to hunt, the taller hunters were more successful because they could see over the tall grass.

I think, if one believes in cultural or physical evolution, the more attractive male today is the one with the better brain.

A better brain helps one become a person of power, (Note: Love Goddesses examples are mostly men of power) the ultimate aphrodisiac!

jumbomania18351 reads

LG, I was hoping you could help me.  As a "vertically challenged" male, I often wonder if I should see providers who are taller than me.  Do they even care?  Thanks for your help, this is a great forum!

LVP16403 reads

I too am vertically challenged  Every provider I’ve seen has been taller than me and none has said anything about it. I love tall thin women

Im 5-7 and was never(51 yr o/25mar) with a woman taller than me.  It happened by accident as the agency site said 5-7.  Turned out she was 5-10or11.  I seamlessly went with the flow and started a mini tear of 3 women over 5-10....I'm still smiling.....:=]
Next is my height as I need to try something!!!
There is usually something special in each woman..I learned by accident(and some repitition)not to limit the women I love to meet by height!  
Relax....have fun!!

Love Goddess18292 reads

Uuuh...Vertically Challenged? Hmm...I take it you feel short in stature?

Jeez, don't let that stop you from anything or anyone. Look at history - Napoleon and Josephine, Sophia Loren and Carlo Ponti, jeez, the list goes on and on. No one cares, seriously. Believe me, when everyone involved is horizontal, vertical doesn't mean squat. In fact, it could even be advantageous (as many a provider probably has noticed :-D) that your genitals meet at just the right angle. Not to mention kissing and fondling without having to stretch or put on uncomfortably high shoes. Unless you are into chicks with six inch heels, of course. It's YOUR call, remember? Otherwise, just ask the provider to wear something slightly lower-heeled if her profile indicates Tall Gal. Remember, opposites attract..and it goes both ways, so go get'em jumbo!

Sounds soo sexy,
the Love Goddess

Thanks for the feedback goddess!  As someone who has grown up hearing women say they like their men "TALL, dark and handsome", I can only vouch for two of three ;-)  Our society is so focused on height that I often get lost in the crowd (literally!)  As I partake in this hobby, I'm hoping that providers are fine with shorter men :-)  We do have lots to offer ;-)

One of my ATFs is Sissy/Paulina from BelledeJour, and she is taller than I am, especially in her spike heels.   But I absolutely love it when she comes over to me because her gigantic breasts are exactly at mouth level.   Maybe she has to bend her neck to kiss me, but I can live with that.

Priapic Primate12569 reads

When primates came down out of the trees and started to hunt, the taller hunters were more successful because they could see over the tall grass.

I think, if one believes in cultural or physical evolution, the more attractive male today is the one with the better brain.

A better brain helps one become a person of power, (Note: Love Goddesses examples are mostly men of power) the ultimate aphrodisiac!

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