The Erotic Highway

The Curvy Conundrum
herbtcat 6 Reviews 472 reads

In Seeking (and other sites), search filters are the key to finding those profiles you really want to see in the midst of a sea of listings.  It is literally how we "boil the ocean" down to get past all the less valuable options (aka fat chicks, skanks, and non-locals).  

Most settings are fairly straightforward: Age, distance, smoking/drinking, etc., as they are generally based on objective criteria. A POT is either equal to, over or under a given height as an example.  

Other settings rely on the POT's subjective evaluation of herself, or they are not immediately verifiable from her pics or profile text. So a POT might decide to "bend" the truth in the hopes of appearing more desirable to a wider number of POT SD's (Relationship/Kids status, education, etc.).  

In my experience, the one setting that is most ambiguous, and least "accurate" is Body Type. What do each of the (Seeking) options mean? Is there a definition of "slim" like "Max measurements must be less than 34-24-34" What if the POT is 38-24-34? Is she still slim?  How about "Athletic?"  Does that mean a certain BMI? Can a POT who does competitive body building and has biceps and triceps cut like Arnold Schwarzenegger be considered athletic? Or is she really "muscular?"  Do you want a muscular SB?  I'll skip "average" because WTF is average?  

Now on to todays' discussion point:   Body Type: Curvy.  
On Seeking, "Curvy" is probably the most mis-used type available.  First, POT's who carry an extra 15-35 lbs. may call themselves curvy to avoid using the dreaded "Full Figure" and "Heavyset" types, as they just mean "Fat."  Now I need to call out that there are indeed SD's out there who like the Rubenesque type. I have a female friend (not my SB) who started using Seeking after her divorce. She weighs a good 280+ and connected with at least a dozen SD's in her first 2 years on the site.  But I digress, so back to curvy. The other POT's who mis-use curvy are women who may be larger on top and bottom, but a certainly not fat.  There are a significant number of (IMO) very hot women who use curvy fearing that they don't want to be considered "skinny" as many POT SD's want a "real woman" as an SB.  

In my quest to find the optimal filter settings on Seeking, for many years I left out "curvy" as it included too many fat POT's. In addition, I prefer slimmer, natural (i.e.: no fake boobs) babes. For several years my filter set consistently yielded over 700 results within 10 miles of my location. But as we went into COVID, that number declined and today I get around 250 results. Now 250 sounds like a lot, and for some parts it is. But in Los Angeles, you might find 3 or 4 POT's that are new or recently returned, and who have profiles that I like.  

What to do? Of course, I stated expanding my settings. I resist expanding distance, as in LA 10-12 miles could still be a 30-45 minute drive. So I added "light smoker" and get an additional 50-ish results. Better, but not ideal. Next I added "curvy" and that did a lot, adding another 250 POT's to my results for a total well over 700.  The downside? There are still plenty of fat POTs using curvy, maybe 50%. But the upside? The other 50% are very attractive babes.  

And so the conundrum:  
If you are not including "curvy" in your search you could be missing out on a lot of viable POT profiles.  
If you are including "curvy" in your search you could be adding a lot of UTR fatties that you will need to sort through to find the POTs you want.  

What about you?
- Has the number of search results you get been diminishing in the last 12-18 months?  
- Do you use "Curvy" (and/or "Average")? Why or why not?  
- Have you found any other filter settings that make a huge difference in the number of viable results you get?  

Share, Brothers. Share!  

Life is good

The Cat

I go back and forth as well. I too would like all my SBs to be slim but there’s no clear definition and some gals think curvy sounds cool.
Most of the time I’ll leave out curvy but the flip back to the home page which brings up a few I might have missed with my filters.

The use of curvy is ambiguous so I don't use it as a filter. It's a term used both by the shapely and the fatties. I don't want to throw out the baby with the bath water.

I eliminate curvy from my search criteria but I get messages from POT whose profiles list them as curvy, but they aren’t imho when you examine their pictures. I met one of my current favorites that way. Too many big ladies otherwise.  I include athletic in my search criteria but, again, I get some really big girls in that category.  I realize that football linemen are athletic but that’s not the type of body that I’m looking for in a SB.

I don't really search by body type at all, i hit search my area and let 'er rip!  But "curvy" with only bust-and-up shots is a big red flag for me, I tend to move on.  But I have met a few girls who are curvy in the good way, so I keep on searching.

I search for slim/average/athletic, NOT curvy.  That eliminates most, but not all, of the overweight girls.  I insist on at lest one or two good picture.  I have specifically asked for a clear, full length photo, wearing form fitting clothing, that clearly shows her figure.  Since I have shots like that of myself in my profile it's a reasonable ask if they have not provided any.  From time to time I do a search for only curvy girls, for the purpose f finding those gems who are actually very attractive and not overweight at all.  Sometimes I find a gem that way.  As I've stated in several recent posts, the number of SBs in my area are declining steadily, both in numbers and in honesty.  But intil somebody creates a better site for sugar dating, I'll continue using SA.

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