The Erotic Highway

maxfli15 3 Reviews 70 reads

Well based on my gut and most of the comments here I ended up bailing, too many red flags on this one for me.  Maybe with a little more experience I would have gone for it, but for now I will stick with M&G and go from there.  Thanks for all the feedback here, I really appreciate it.

Hey folks,

Long time lurker of this board but first time poster... thanks to all for the great information provided here.

So I recently joined SA and have been having pretty good luck communicating on the site.  There is one POT lady that favorite me and allowed me to view her private pics, which look very nice.  I sent her a message, she responded and we went to text... negotiated a reasonable PPM and then had a fairly hot back and forth text conversation.  I told her that I needed to be very discreet (married) and she agreed to initial meeting BCD on Friday, which I was happy to agree with.  Then given some time to think, the antennae went up and I started wondering whether this is TGTBT.  

So my question is... aside from the fact that her pics may be outdated and/or highlight only the positives, is there anything else you think I should be concerned with?  Or am I overthinking things as a NewB and should just go and enjoy... guess I could just leave if looks do not align with pics, but interested in comments from the folks here.

BTW... I do not have a public pic on the site and she did not request me to send her any.


PussyPump71 reads

I gather that you have agreed to meet BCD without an initial meet/greet, or her seeing any photos?
To me, that would suggest that either she is a pro, or desperate. Have you done a reverse image search on her photos? Googled her phone no?
Whatever, the answers, I personally like the idea of a non-BCD initial meetup.

Correct - I agreed to meet BCD without initial meet/greet or providing any of my pics to her.

I did reverse image on photos and Googled her phone number and it was all clean... which I think likely eliminates her as a pro.  

So that leaves desperate / TGTBT... and I wonder what the worse case scenario is here?  She has been a member of SA since 2015 - does that provide a level of comfort that she hasn't done anything super crazy during her time there?

Haven't decided what to do yet.

Thanks for the response, I really appreciate it.

I have a strict policy that I meet a POT in public first. I've bailed on many that I though, at the outset, were going to be fine. But, no so much in person....just my 2c.

Good luck.

PS: I meet hookers (providers) without meeting them, of course, but, SA is different. Providers have reviewers (even if the reviews are overblown you can still get a sense of her---especially if she posts from time to time on TER).

Worked well this week. Had a nice looking latina send me pics in a bikini. She had a pear shape so I passed. This other lady was a spinner. She sent pics in short shorts. Great time.

If she is a pro and for some reason is so desperate to agree to a "reasonable rate", it'd be below what she normally gets and she would be committing to a longer time commitment.  So maybe it's a pro that just wants to supplement her normal clients.  Frankly, that's your best case scenario if true, a pro at least will (hopefully) look like her pics and follow through (hopefully a decent performance).

Your other scenarios I can think of are:

1.  Pics are not accurate, but that's not a huge deal as it sounds like you are traveling to her so you can just turn and leave so you're good to go on #1.  

2. It's a scam of some sort.  Are you ready to part ways with whatever you were supposed to give her by way of gun or other threatening situation if need be?  Yes?  Then, you're good to go here too.      

3. She just simply flakes on you.  No big deal other than lost time there.  

As I've said in past, imo, one of the main reasons women go with being a SB instead of a pro is they get to choose who they are with.  Not asking for any pictures of you is a huge red flag in general to me, so that alone would make me pretty suspicious.   The X factor the rest of us don't know, what do you consider "Reasonable Rate"?  Perhaps your reasonable is close to what she (if she is a pro) gets anyway, so you're just a normal client to her.  I did meet once meet a SB similarly, photos and phone number all came up clean, but she sure acted like a pro (more like a BP pro).  Got right to business, was really reserved (everything covered, limited some other things she "wasn't comfortable with yet", etc), and was out the door in an hour, and I definitely don't feel I got my moneys worth.  But even in that case, she asked me for photos (this was early in my SD days before I started putting a public pic on my SA profile).  

All of my successes have been without a meet and greet.  I've requested the m/g but the SB said let's get to it.  The m/g ones have all flaked.  
Now I've had a "large" girl and the rest spinners, my preference.  You'll be fine, just go for it.  

Most of the time, I like to meet to "test the waters" before having her over to my home or hotel (when out of town), and I still prefer it that way as I have been catfished a few times with a couple of girls I would not have fucked on a bet.

That said, I have also had several girls who offered to simply "come on over" and whose offer I have accepted, kind of like scheduling an "outcall" with a hooker. Now not everyone of those girls was exactly as I hoped, but none of them were so bad that I turned them away at the door, or refused to fuck them.  but I will concede that if I do this long enough, the odds will catch up to me and some fat fucking hippo is going to show up at my door and be all butt hurt when I don't let her inside. lol

Well based on my gut and most of the comments here I ended up bailing, too many red flags on this one for me.  Maybe with a little more experience I would have gone for it, but for now I will stick with M&G and go from there.  Thanks for all the feedback here, I really appreciate it.

You said nothing that indicated any?  Pictures are nice. Hot text back and forth. Why are you doubting her pics? Now you have burned that bridge. You could have just walked as you said. I don't get it, but whatever.

All of the advice was to go for it!  There wasn't a red flag.  You should play proV1's  and get in the game.  

At least Tin Cup made the shot, took him a few tries, had a little wind, Romes but he tried, failed and succeeded all on the same hole.  Maxfli you could've found a hole to stick, maybe even a couple more.  

You gave up without playing, I'll bet you play Dunlops instead of Maxfli.  

and you don't need to play proV1's to get in the game, you simply need to grab your club and your balls and head to the fucking course instead of sitting at home watching the pros do it.

Obviously I am talking about fucking and not golf, it's going to be well over a hundred degrees here in Texas today, so my golf is going to be limited to watching the US Open on TV, but I will be doing my own fucking TYVM.

For the record, I have fucked every single POT SB that either met me at my house, her house or a hotel without a "public M&G" first. I completely agree, I didn't see ANYTHING even remotely resembling a red flag either. I think some guys use TER as a crutch and have completely lost any sense of adventure along with their balls.

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