The Erotic Highway

Sweatman...current atf?
sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 239 reads

Isn't an alltime favorite singular. Maybe go with my current #1?

I could stretch my budget and probably afford about a Grand a month to spend on a SB, not including expenses.  I figure this should get me two or three dates or a weekend together.  Yes I prefer a PPM situation-especially at the beginning.  Am I out of my league?  Should I just stick to PFP?  I don't know.  I did meet one lady a couple of hours away that said she would meet me PPM for $400 per date.  She is in the more mature range, which is what I prefer as I think the younger women are just, well, Bitches.  I've seen women as big around as they are tall with "Practical" expectations. WTF are these girls thinking.  What's the minimum amount a SD is able to shell out to be considered a real SD?

GaGambler259 reads

I have seen multiple SBs who have "substantial" or even "high" expectations who have been quite happy with $300 PPM or even less.

Yes, by some SB's standards you are a "Salt Daddy" but fuck them, or more accurately "don't" fuck them. lol

If you prefer the more mature ladies and you have any game at all, you should be able to find at least what you are looking for. The beauty about the Sugar World is that you get to write your own rules and you can spend as much or as little as you want and still have a good time.

I don't share your preference for the more mature women, I much prefer the 25-30 age group and living in a college town I see a LOT of SB's in the sub 21 age range, but I did have a date with a 38 year old a couple of weeks ago. I met her at her apartment with plans to chat a bit, me to head into Dallas to do some business and then return for an actual date for dinner. We sat and talked for about fifteen minutes and I decided WTF, and made a move, She was quite responsive and we fucked for a good hour. As planned I left, took care of business, came back a few hours later, we went to dinner and then fucked again. I was planning on going home as I had an early morning planned, but she asked me to stay, so as they say in the reviews "who was I to refuse?" lol I woke up at about 4 AM and we fucked again and I headed home a very happy man. I think I gave her about $150 and bought her dinner and she was very happy with it.

So, don't sell yourself short, There are plenty of women on SA who are looking for company just as much as they are looking for money, and if YOU are a good lay and decent company they will keep coming back for more with minimal financial support.

BTW, I know you aren't partial to the "young ones" but I have had several 18-20 yr olds that I give $100-200 on a PPM basis that are BCD only dates. It's just like being a regular with a hooker, but at a fraction of the price. I don't take them anywhere, we don't go on "dates" it's just sex and rarely do we spend more than an hour together.

fun_sugar_xxx201 reads

I've seen you mentioned the sub $200 before which I think is a good idea in some situations.  I like to negotiate in person to gauge reaction and gather information.  In general I have offered between $200 and $300 and this always seems to work.  However there have been cases where based on how readily she agreed I could have gone lower.  I wonder what is the best way to couch a $100-199 offer that sounds really good without coming off cheap (or is this impossible)?


GaGambler241 reads

I have made the offer to a couple of SBs that I would be their $100 ATM and that I would see them as often as they liked for that rate, In their mind they can see popping over to my house four or five times a week for an hour or so and making twice the money they could make at their regular job by doing so.

I have a pretty "big appetite" sex-wise and this has worked out quite well for me.

I have another college coed SB where we have never even discussed "price" she lives barely a quarter mile from me, and she is free to ask me for rides when she needs one, shopping for the little things she needs from time to time, and I give her a few bucks on top of that whenever she needs some walking around money.  

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind giving a SB more money, but I like to keep these girls "grounded" showering them with money and gifts only serves to make them feel entitled and I am convinced you get WORSE "service" by doing so, not better.

IMHO if the guy feels that she is doing him a favor by taking his money to spend time with him, you know the type, the same kind of guy who refers to hookers as "Goddesses" The girl is going to believe it too and start treating him that way. Personally, while I do own a mirror, I know exactly how old I am,  and I know these girls would never dream of fucking me if it were not for the financial aspect, I also know I am not bad company, I have a lot to offer these girls and I am still pretty good in the sack and am not a "two pump chump" with no idea how to eat pussy like most 20 year olds, so it's not like hanging out with me is such "tough duty" for these girls. That's my story and I am sticking to it. lol

fun_sugar_xxx232 reads

Hey thanks for the advice!  In fact, I just used it right now and it worked.  I'm in the same boat as you, no two pump chump, excellent cunnilingus, etc.  I'm mid 30's and have an 18 year old slim perky SB I've been seeing for about two months every 8-10 days or so but our dates were like 4+ hours for around 250.  I said "hey I really like seeing you.  If you do want to see me more we could see each other for an hour or so twice a week or more instead for 120 allowance"  She agreed immediately.  I think it helps she knows I'm safe, sane, and good in the sack, this might not work as well on someone you just met, but might.  Lol this might stave off the kid in the candy store feeling for a long while.

GaGambler276 reads

I think the lowest I have "offered" for a first time BCD date was $200. I have paid less than that, actually I have paid nothing at all more than a few times, but in those cases the "conversation" about money never came up. But I can't remember ever "offering" less than $200 for the first time I was being intimate with a girl.  

Somehow I think offering girls a hundred bucks for sex who just met you isn't going to get a guy too far, but once there is a comfort level and "if" she actually likes you, combined with the fact she can still make a lot more money than at a regular job, I consider it a win win.

fun_sugar_xxx217 reads

As a funny follow up, I met my SB for the second time this week, once on Tuesday and once today.  Unfortunately, her pussy was still pretty sore from the double pounding I gave her on Tuesday, she only wanted to give blowjobs, this time and I went down on her and made her come a couple times.  She is 18 and super tight so I didn't want to injure her.

I'm only around 5.9-6" hard but she is the tighest I've ever had (even though she was dripping wet), so I guess that could happen.  Maybe this should be its own thread.  

With tighter younger non-pro pussies and longer sessions 2-3+ hours, have you ever worn out a pussy?  This isn't my first worn out.

If your budget is a grand a month, you should be able to do fairly well (if you are still in the Carolinas where your reviews are). That is more than my budget in DC (more expensive area) and I have done just fine.  

Rule of thumb that I use is that 2-3 hour SB date should be about the same as about 1 hour for a TER 8+ (appearance) pro in your area... so in your case about 3-400 for SB ppm should be completely reasonable. You should be able to get plenty of takers in this range imo... even in the super-hot age range of 21-30. There are lots of young hot women that are struggling to make ends meet. 3-400 per meet would help some of them immensely (my current SB is 24 and makes $7/hour interning for the fed govt so 350 for 3 hours with me is like manna from heaven for her). If you like older women, you could probably offer less or get more dates for the same amount (supply and demand).  

2 things that could slow you down tho... are you messaging the "wrong" types of girls or maybe your approach is wrong. Try to objectively evaluate each of these 2 things to see if you can make any improvements.  

Other than that... just keep plugging away. Don't settle. As KL and Sweetman have spoken to recently, you may have to message 40 POTs to get 1-2 viable options. SA is a war of attrition in some respects. If you go in with this mindset you may not get frustrated as easily. It make take you a bit longer to find the arrangement(s) you really want, but once you find it, you will be glad to have gone thru all the hassles of getting it setup. There will hopefully come a point in the near future that the learning curve will go away and you will be able to speak SB fluently and these things will become somewhat second nature.  

Like GaGa said, don't worry so much about the Expectations. While you probably aren't going to have great luck with High or Substanial, everyone else should be within play in your budget... and there are A LOT of hot prospects in that range. Be clear, polite and direct in your messaging and don't let a 20-year old girl lead you around by the dick (also GaGA quote). If a POT is being bitchy or complacent about your offer, then on to the next one. GL.

Also, search a little here and read other approaches.

SBs take some game, and it's an investment of time and effort to get skilled.

Sticking to your guidelines is paramount. Recently, I had worked on a PYT for sometime. We had agreed to a m&g, with lots of action likely to follow, for 300. Lots of flirty talk. At the last second, she wanted 200 up front to show. Despite the raging blue balls, I told her, "Nope. No lo can do lo."  No pay before play, ever.  

Keep on keepin on.

Had a new SB contact me. Loves boats and loved the way I wrote my Pirate profile. Agreed to meet for 300. This is Vegas, that's a deal. Had a great time, grilled her dinner, then over 4 hours BCD. Next morning at work get a text, "what are you doing tonight?" I tell her nothing but I can't afford you again until next Wednesday (lol). She replies I had such a great time, how about I come over anyway and I give you 2 for 1, 150 tonight and 150 Wednesday? Huh? yea Hello, see you at 7pm.

It's about the game. If you got oral skills and a nice dick and a personality this game is pretty easy, even here in Vegas. I will probably never see a Pro again, they are too high priced here.

In the 25-30 range  (sorry dude, couldn't resist) , I prefer the young ones in the 18 - 24 range.  Thinking back I don't think I,ve played with one older yhan 25 in quite a while. But my point is that yes, some are bitches and I give them a pass. But some are true sweetherts, often I'm the first genuinely nice man they've ever met. As for price, I usually offer $200 if pressed for a number and settle on $250. My current atf SB just turned 22 and I see her every other week, so etimes more often. Usually a 3 hour date BCD with a bottle of cheap wine and lots of sex and conversation. She doesn't ask me to take her out or go shopping or anything. She seems to really crave the intimate activities, maybe more than I  do! And she says I do it really great. It's very possible to have greats sex with a young hottie for few dollars here  in the Sugarbowl.

GaGambler231 reads

I live in a college town and a HUGE percentage of the POT SB pool are college coeds, So it's not really that I prefer fucking "old ladies" in the 26-30 range, it's just that everyone in a while I like to take a girl out on the town who is actually old enough to get served. lol

Isn't an alltime favorite singular. Maybe go with my current #1?

Sure, I'll go for that. I was just thinking about how much I've grown to like her, but current #1 works just fine.

I appreciate the advice, it was all very very helpful.  So let me make sure I've got this straight....
1) It's a numbers game, don't get frustrated
2) I should be able to do well even in my area (Savannah is an hour away-so younger there).
3) My contribution is more than adequate.

So I am diving back in!

feel free to make suggestions:

I am a regular guy with regular tastes.  I have a decent job (6 figures) and have no bills save the mortgage and auto.  I have saved well over the years and am now ready to enjoy the fruits of my labors, I just want someone to enjoy it with from time to time.

First and foremost, someone that would enjoy spending time with an older man.  (It would be nice if the ladies put a maximum age they are willing to date on their profile, lol).  Also, someone near my location.  If you are more than a 2-3 hour drive away, please don't favorite or message me.
I am looking for lady to have a great time with.  I am not looking for marriage, but a companion.  I would like a relationship that falls somewhere between NSA/FWB and a monogamous, live-in.  
As a practical matter, I am looking for someone to spend a weekend or two/month with me (Fri evening -Sunday).  These can be anything from dressing up and going out to weekend getaways, and sometimes just hanging out at home.  Don't worry ladies, NO COOKING  REQUIRED, unless that is your thing and you want to spoil me back. If we really hit it off, maybe a trip or cruise may be in order.
I usually don't reach out on this site.  Soooo many young ladies here but it's hard to tell which ones are not "creeped out" by older men, and I certainly don't want to be that guy.  So, if you've read my profile and think we might enjoy each other's company, please say Hi! Let's meet and see if we meet each others needs.

So a few things... First, kudos on putting your profile up for critique and potential ridicule. To me, that shows your willingness to learn and make SA work for you outweighs any potential embarrassment, so good job and don't take any of my below comments personally.  

Second, sorry to say but this profile is super-boring. Its not going to get any 20-year old girls' panties wet. You need to punch it up a bit. The girls you want to attract are looking for some casual NSA fun in bed in exchange for a little Sugar. They want fun and excitement. That's why they use words like "adventures", "new experiences", "open-minded", etc in their profiles. They want to think they are doing something daring and rebellious They don't want to hear about your car and house payment. They want to be with an older exciting guy who can show them something new. Be that exciting worldly guy. If you can't sell that and have some game, then you will have a tough time on SA and you're best to stick with pros.  

Third, take out the "creeped out" by older guys part and get that out of your head. They like older guys and they can see how old you are right on your profile. If they didn't, they wouldn't be on SA. Further, you should be reaching out to them instead of them reaching out to you. A lot of other guys will confirm on here that some of the best arrangements come from girls that you approach and not the other way around. There can also be a high scammer rate with girls that reach out to you. I can't explain it... it's just my experience. You should be messaging 3-5 POTs per day until you meet one you like and come to an arrangement.  

Fourth, take out the part about wanting a monogamous live-in gf. You need to work up to that if that's what you really want. Start small with a few short-term arrangements/flings. Play the field and get the lay of the land with SA until you feel comfortable. If you find someone you like, repeat with her and feel out how SHE would feel about an LTA. Most of these girls are saying in their profiles... NSA FWB. They don't want strings! Don't scare them off right off the bat talking about moving in part-time... that sounds like a relationship and they don't want that! Read between the lines a bit for what they are telling you and mirror that back to them.  

This last one is optional but it kinda gets my goat when I see it so I'll mention to you...take out the part about "don't favorite or message me if ur 2-3 hours away". I HATE when people say this. Who the fuck are you to tell me who I can favorite and/or message?!?! I will message or favorite whomever I want. If you want to ignore it or block me... whatever, that's your prerogative, but I'll do what I want thanks. It may seem nit-picky but I find it presumptuous when I read a profile that says that and it makes me less likely to want to reach out to that person no matter how close or far away I am. Anyways, I digress...

You need to make your profile shorter and sweeter... less is more. You're looking for NSA FWB. Open to long-term if connection is good. Looking for someone to share new adventures and experiences with. On the positive side, I do like the part about you're looking for someone who appreciates an older guy. I have something similar on mine. It sets expectations that they will accept me for who I am since I can't make myself any younger or better looking. I'm bringing other things to the table including good oral skills, a nice dick, pleasant fun company, good times, some 💰, and an air of success and that I know what the fuck I'm doing in life.  

What's she bringing to the table?

I'd strike the references to being an older man. (i.e., last paragraph). Just my 2c.

Look, these girls know there are us older guys out there. Some are creeped out--they won't respond. Some are not sure whether they are creeped out--they will engage a little, but not work toward getting to a meeting. Some, a few, can't wait to meet you.

Even though mid-late 20's to mid-late 30's is my sweet spot, I've been working a BUNCH of coeds around me--it's a numbers game. Several have expressed interest in meeting. Some block me when I show private pics (all clean!). Most just don't respond. If you can get a phone number or email addy (with the young ones, texting is vastly preferred), then you are on the way to meeting. If you're nice now, in three years that 21YO who was creeped out is now a 24YO who has a broader outlook on life--age does become a number at some point for most of the ladies.

PussyPump217 reads

I don't think anyone with a grand/month is anywhere close to being a "Splenda" daddy! The Splenda folks are the guys who want it for free.  I get the feeling that there are a lot of them. They want to try out for a "free test drive".  

I only signed up on SA less than a week ago, and I already have an arrangement with a cute grad student at a premier university, for 300 PPM. We had a wonderful initial BCD session, and I am thrilled...

GaGambler177 reads

but I do agree that a guy with a grand a month to spend on a girl, while not a high roller, is certainly not a salt/Splenda/Daddy.

BTW if you are going to be correcting people around here with a grand total of a week on SA and ONE date, you really should do a bit more research to be sure you are correct. Otherwise you look like the pedantic putz who makes spelling mistakes in the very same post he writes correcting someone else for the same offense.

PussyPump196 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
Re: Sorry PP, but the terms are basically interchangeable
but I do agree that a guy with a grand a month to spend on a girl, while not a high roller, is certainly not a salt/Splenda/Daddy.  
 BTW if you are going to be correcting people around here with a grand total of a week on SA and ONE date, you really should do a bit more research to be sure you are correct. Otherwise you look like the pedantic putz who makes spelling mistakes in the very same post he writes correcting someone else for the same offense.
Calm down! Of course the terms are interchangeable. But Splenda is SO much nicer than Salt. I LIKE Splenda, I prefer it to Sugar. I use it all the time!

And while I am new to SA, I am not at all new to the game :) Do you think I scored a real cutie Asian grad student at an elite university on my first SA date just by chance?

-- Modified on 5/23/2017 6:44:37 PM

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