The Erotic Highway

She wants a Macbook!
Riley007 44 Reviews 340 reads

She keeps messaging, now it's drinks and a Macbook.

Posted By: Riley007
I got this from an SB that I have never met.  
 ", well to be honest im having the worst day. I dropped my purse getting out of my car and it had my laptop and phone in it and i broke my laptop :(  
 Would you wanna grab drink and appetizers tonight and then buy me a new laptop for whatever you seem fair?"  
 A decent laptop is $600. I want her and her two 19 YO lipstick lesbian friends to come over and fuck for hours.

I got this from an SB that I have never met.

", well to be honest im having the worst day. I dropped my purse getting out of my car and it had my laptop and phone in it and i broke my laptop :(  

Would you wanna grab drink and appetizers tonight and then buy me a new laptop for whatever you seem fair?"

A decent laptop is $600. I want her and her two 19 YO lipstick lesbian friends to come over and fuck for hours.

I've heard so many negative comments based off of the quality of woman on SA. It's basically an online Goldigger site. The SB's are forgetting the companion part of the SD/SB relationship.....but then some girls are lucky and they snag Mr. Idiot who will splurge on them without even meeting.

Their batteries die on their cell phones. They are bad drivers or have bad drivers around them. Their kids or they get suddenly ill. They have mean bosses that change their schedules on them. They mysteriously miss messages. Their periods can appear at any time. And they have a lot of issues with car reliability.

And I've noticed they keep forgetting when their kids' birthdays are.  One told me three times in six months she couldn't meet because it was her son's birthday.

I havent got that one yet. But I  did see one lady that was adopted by a lady that had adopted 40 kids. This lady considered them to be her sisters and brothers. Thats a lot of BDS.

They always seem to have all kinds of reasons or excuses when the moment of reality hits.

Amazingly enough I'm dealing with one who wants to play this game. She's been blowing up my phone and I may be inclined to answer it eventually.

You would think they would be more appreciative of having someone stable around, especially when they are in more.rural.areas.

Finding it's significantly easier just finding new.ladies here to meet. No fuss and it doesn't consume so much time.

Full stop!  

Seen this before in several flavors.  Let me tell you how they will play this:  

1. You will agree to meet for BDC and then buy her a $600 laptop.  

2. She will agree and will throw in the 2 lesbo's who will conveniently agree to swing hetero with you for the night.  

3. You will both agree on a place, date and time.  

4. Just before the time, preferably (for her) after you have checked into a hotel, showered, ordered champagne for the room and any other pre-meet expense you can imagine, she will have an emergency and need to reschedule! (OMG, your Mom's in the hospital! That's awful!)  

5. She will be soooo sorry, and will promise to make it up when you reschedule. If she didn't add in the lesbo's before, she will add them now.  

6. She will agree to a future date to meet, but will repeat how fucked her life is (or how fucked your life is) because she still needs her laptop and she can't guarantee her meeting with you without a good laptop because she needs it for (insert any reason here - it will be a lie).  

7. She will tap you to send her cash to get the laptop so she can fix her (lies) problem and she can't wait to fuck you silly!! Oh yeah, she means her AND the (non-existent) lesbo's! Please, please, just send the money by gift card, Snap-cash or other non-reversible, anonymous payment method.

8. You literally use your erect penis to key in your financial info into an app on your mobile phone.  Doesn't even hurt 'cause you gonna get some Super Pussy!  

9. Radio silence.... forever. She blocks you on SA and probably issues a complaint about you to SA alleging you have been harassing her.  

All this has happened to me - once.  Only once.  

For me, it was an 18 yr old HS grad needing $500 for books for college, and the "lesbos" was going to be her 20 yr old sister. But it's really the same story.  

Don't let it happen to you.

But we live and learn, at least I hope so and I recognize the scams really fast now.  One nearly as bad variation on this theme is the SBs who upsell.  I finally met an amazing model quality 18yo last year after she got cold feet and claimed she was scared to meet me irl life due previous abusive guys in her life.  That got my guard down and my sympathies up.  She did finally agree to meet me for a pre-agreed upon ppm of $300. But when she showed up she claimed that was for companionship only and she would not have any intimacy for less than $600.   I could not reason or bargain with her. I had already bought food, taken a vitamin V, driven 60 miles to see her, etc, so I caved and gave her the $600.  And she was indeed a real hottie and a great little fuck.  But I hate the upsell and will never see her again.

She keeps messaging, now it's drinks and a Macbook.

Posted By: Riley007
I got this from an SB that I have never met.  
 ", well to be honest im having the worst day. I dropped my purse getting out of my car and it had my laptop and phone in it and i broke my laptop :(  
 Would you wanna grab drink and appetizers tonight and then buy me a new laptop for whatever you seem fair?"  
 A decent laptop is $600. I want her and her two 19 YO lipstick lesbian friends to come over and fuck for hours.

God, now she sounds like my ex-wife

Posted By: Riley007
She keeps messaging, now it's drinks and a Macbook.
Posted By: Riley007
I got this from an SB that I have never met.  
  ", well to be honest im having the worst day. I dropped my purse getting out of my car and it had my laptop and phone in it and i broke my laptop :(    
  Would you wanna grab drink and appetizers tonight and then buy me a new laptop for whatever you seem fair?"  
  A decent laptop is $600. I want her and her two 19 YO lipstick lesbian friends to come over and fuck for hours.

BlueeyeJack264 reads

Tell her that your 10 year old will get a macbook before her and block that bitch!

GaGambler371 reads

I don't think I have blocked a single SB since being on the site and having conversations with literally hundreds of SB's.

Do you guys also "ignore" the posters on TER that you don't care for?


I have had contact with many POT SB's which didn't end in a conversion to BCD.  In fact, I'd say I talk to 5 to 8 women before I connect with one I'll end up meeting. I can stay polite and respectful even when saying "no", so no need to block really. There is always the chance that they will reconsider...  

On my side, I only recall blocking one profile and that was on WYP. It was a 45-ish chubby mom of 3 who was looking for Sugar.   That's just not going to happen, as I'll never got BCD with someone who is less attractive than me. :p I used the site's function to reject her winks, explaining that I was not interested - about 12 times.  She kept sending new winks and offers around $50.  So I had to block her.  

The only time I blocked on SA was a scammer that had taken me for about $700 (I previously posted about this).  I reported her and blocked her.  About a year later she contacted me from a new profile and had the nerve to ask me to meet her again.  Told her she'd need to blow me for free about 7 times before I ever considered giving her any $$. She actually agreed - if I could pay her airfare from Texas to Los Angeles.  Re-block.

GaGambler282 reads

There were several scammers I reported for "soliciting money before meeting" and one who I reported for not just being a hooker, but for also having a manager. She is the one that I tossed out of my house when she claimed she would "get in trouble" if she didn't bring back a certain amount of money. The minute I heard she had a pimp I tossed her out the fucking door and told her if her pimp had anything to say about it he better no be standing right in front of the door while knocking because I might not bother answering the door before shooting who ever was knocking and that went for her too. lol

So yes, I have reported a few, but I've never blocked them as I figured I'd give them plenty of rope (got rope?) to hang themselves with.

8pointbuck301 reads

I reported one that robbed me.     Helped her to buy Christmas and never laid eyes on her again.
Not seen her on the site again.    1600     I never give much in advance anymore.    Another one is my cars torn up .   I don't know how I will get to work.    They make up all kinds of stories.

She forgot to mention that the phone is acting up since the drop and she would like a Google Pixel phone too.

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