The Erotic Highway

would love to get a 2nd erection
onexguy 4565 reads

I have been a 1x guy for some time now.  When I see someone I enjoy the journey, usually lasting about 40-50 minutes.  There are sometimes when I'd love to get a 2nd erection and continue the session.  I don't need to get a 2nd pop.  I understand the refractory period can vary in time, but can I do anything to at least get another erection within say a 2 hour period?

TheLoveGoddess3474 reads

Dear onexguy,

The clue to your ability to get a second erection is all in the first sentence - you "have been a 1x guy for some time now."  Since there are no more details offered, this will clearly be a shot in the dark; my guess is that you get so drained during the first orgasm/ejaculation, that you NEED a longer refractory period to recuperate.

Can you do anything? Well, yes, if you don't pop the first time and just do start-stop, you could go on for quite some time. You will avoid the refractory period altogether and just keep percolating. This may not be for everyone, however, as it takes some getting used to more of a "tantric" or slowed-down approach to things. This means arousal, then pulling back, then repeat over and over again. This could involve a combination of oral/vaginal/anal/hand or anything fanciful the provider can cook up.

There are also certain providers who - I swear - can raise Lazarus from the dead. Some providers have extreme oral skills that can produce at least a partial erection or even a dry orgasm after one first big ejaculation. Others are like Shaherzade and have the dirty talk thing down combined with a superb handjob. If you're just after a second erection without the pop, then such a provider may do the trick (yep, pun).

And of course you do know that the better physical shape you're in, the more chance of getting an erection. This means no fattening foods, no tobacco, drugs or alcohol and a stress-free mind - if that's at all possible.

Start spelunking for providers who can walk the walk,
The Love Goddess

onexguy3342 reads

Wow, thanks for the suggestions and comments.  I'll try to search out some of the providers you mentioned.  I'd love to find a provide who can "raise Lazarus from the dead".  

I stay in pretty good shape, very rarely drink and don't smoke.  I'm generally Not stressed out, although I would guess that sometimes performance anxiety does play a role in being able to get a second rise out of me.  I sometimes do get so concerned about cuming too quickly the first time and then not being able to get a second erection for perhaps hours later.

I've even restrained from having no sex or masturbation for weeks prior to a session hoping that multiples will occur.  So far, no success.

You mentioned the start-stop method and I do that, which is why I generally can go for 40 -50 minutes before finally reaching an orgasm.   As I mentioned, I love the journey, but would love to see it last longer.

G24147 reads

maintaining your erection for a much longer period of time.

I've posted about this many times over the years, but I'm tired and it's been a tough day, so I'll just recommend the book I used to learn the technique.  There are many others from which to choose.

"How To Make Love All Night (And Drive A Woman Wild)" by Barbara Keesling, Ph.D.

The technique is actually very simple, but you have to strengthen your PC muscle first, and then really practice the techniques.  You'll know you've accomplished your goal when you've had an orgasm, haven't ejaculated, and are ready to work on your second orgasm without losing your erection.

It is possible to do exactly what the book claims, and in my prime, I was fine-tuned like a Ferrari.  So I know anybody can accomplish this.  And as further proof, I had a PE problem for many years but was able to learn complete ejaculatory control after about three months.

G23897 reads

I think male multiple orgasms is a technique best shared with someone who actually wants you to enjoy yourself, like GF's or escorts, not wives that are waiting for you to finish so they can roll over and go to sleep.

Of course, this is something I only learned after my divorce!

Good advice. I'm out of shape now and lack the stamina to keep going but occasionally I'll still manage to surprise a lady.

I'll never forget my first full body orgasm, either!

would be, if you can afford a slightly longer session, try a dinner date, with some playtime in the beginning, followed by a nice dinner, and returning for dessert. I've found that going to dinner, with an interesting lady seems to take my mind off of the "task at hand", and when we return for dessert, it's brand new again.

DrBeaverboy3712 reads

The book recommended in an earlier response sounds like something that you could really benefit from working on in the long term.

For the time being, here's something you should look into: cock rings.

Basically a cock ring goes around the base of the cock & balls and slightly restricts blood flow -- what this means is that it's easier for blood to go into the penis than it is for it to leave, hence, it's easier to maintain an erection.

It's generally not recommended to leave cock rings on for extended periods of time (longer than half hour), but a lot of people do... you just need to experiment some to see how it feels to you... and of course take it off if it becomes painful or your bits start feeling cool to the touch.  

You could just put the cock ring on a little before or after you've cum (while you're still hard)... and that ought to keep you hard for more fun.

You can also combine cock rings with vacuum pumps to achieve an erection -- basically you use suction (perhaps your partner's mouth? lol) to pull more blood into the penis and then you put the cock ring on to keep the blood there.  This method is actually recommended pretty often to men who regularly have ED and it's marketed as "vacuum erection systems" with "constriction bands." Heh. They just don't want to say "COCK" in the commercials!

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