The Erotic Highway

Scammers and common sense
sweetman 93 Reviews 98 reads

Gambler hit lots of important points, so kudos dude!  As for the prevalence of scammers, I don't think there are that many percentage-wise.  But if you give even a sincere girl the opportunity to run off with the money many will take  the opportunity and run off.  So don't give them that chance!  What's more prevalent in my experience is SBs who just don't understand that sex is going to be involved!  I find I'm spending a lot of time and energy separating the ones who get it from those who don't. But the payoff is wonderful! Just had my 12th date bcd with a lovely sexy 22 yo blonde I adore and the sex just keeps getting better. Gotta love it.

I just had my fill.  I know I posted about how wonderful the bowl had been, and when it's good it's great.  But when it's flaky it sucks.  

I've had my college girls and they are all hot, fun and game for anything.  I've had too many times where they just don't show after a hotel room is purchased.  

I had a pair of SB's, two who would play together decide 20 minutes to our meet time they just didn't feel like it.  5 Benjamin's for the pair and 2 for the room.  After multiple texts with naughty pics (I'm sure the parents would not approve but Hustler would).  I didn't pay them but I did have a hotel.  

Now the most recent.  Freaking hot little spinner!!  Enthusiastic at it all!  First meet was great, multiple shots, Bbbj incredible!!   Schedule a second and the plan was evening fun and I'd come back in the am for before work fun.  Got the first half, second half she was mia.  Gone, didn't even sleep in the room I paid for.  She took all my cash which was for two meets not just one.  As we left she kissed me and said "see you in the morning!"  

Pros will be there.  Pros have incall.  I'm going pro.

8pointbuck119 reads

I have been scammed 3 times myself and see it as part of the game.      Try meeting SB before you book a room and do it on a day when rooms are easy to get.   Never make a payment ahead of time.      Most of the time you will just be scammed for your help.       No matter how big the problem is.      Their are lady's that need the help and will be a lot of fun.      I like a long term SB.      4 months with the present one.    I think SB are safer but Pro's are less trouble to deal with.      Both are a lot of fun.      

You see them in person... even if you've had bcd action before and have built rapport... only pay in advance after a few or several bcd if you start to trust their reliability

GaGambler100 reads

It's just common sense not to book the hotel until you are positive they are coming. I NEVER book a room whether it for a pro or an SB until I have confirmation that she is at least "on her way" and usually if the room is only for the purpose of having a place to host, I wait until she is actually there "just in case" as shit does happen.

The second was also your own damn fault. You paid for a session in advance, that's on you. Would you pay a hooker for a session to take place later? Of course not.  

Are SB's flakey? Of course they are, they are young women and young women tend to be flaky, even "well reviewed TER providers" The key to dealing with them is to take into account that they are flaky and plan accordingly.

Here's an example of the "right way" to do this. I had an overnight a few months ago in a city about 100 miles away, so as with most SB's I had to get a room. The agreed upon gift was $500 for a date that was supposed to be about 12 hours. Everything goes fine, we have dinner, drinks, great sex and are lying in bed together at a little after midnight when she gets a text from her roommate with some kind of emergency and she tells me she is going to have to go home, but that she'll be back by 8 AM, I don't really have much of a choice, so I say ok. Then she tells me she needs the "gift" now, because she has to give the money to her roommate that night for rent (yeah right, that S tattooed on my forehead doesn't really stand for STUPID) Your response most likely would have been to give her the $500 and hope for the best, my response OTOH went like this

"Here is $200, it's all I have in my pocket. (see, one good lie deserves another) but we can go right to the ATM in the morning on our way to breakfast when you come back"  

Her response of course was "can't we go to the ATM now?" To which I simply responded "NO" when she pressed me with "why can't we go now?" My simple answer was "I don't feel like it" lol

Fast forward to the next morning, 8 AM comes around and I don't hear from her, so I enjoy a leisurely morning and without really giving a lot of thought about her showing up I leave the room at about 9 AM, head to the local Asian market and buy a bunch of lobsters to steam while watching the football games later that day, This was a Sunday morning in the fall of course. At a little after nine I hear from her, but by this time I am halfway to the seafood market and in no real mood to turn around to go back to the room, so I told her I have already left and that I'll just see her "next time" and "no hard feelings about her leaving early and then calling me late" lol This of course brings a barrage of texts claiming how badly she needed the money and at first begging me to reconsider followed by "I can't believe you would do this to me" lol

Obviously there was no "next time", and since I didn't waste my morning waiting around for her, I was home in plenty of time to steam my first lobster, open a bottle of wine and still catch the opening kickoff at noon.  

Now lets think about how my Sunday would have gone if I had paid her the full $500 the night before? First off I would have be stuck waiting for her all fucking morning because it's just human nature once you've paid for something. I seriously doubt she would have ever shown up, meaning most likely I would have wasted my entire Sunday morning waiting for her, I most certainly would have missed opening kickoff and I probably would have spent my Sunday kicking myself for being so dumb instead of laughing all day about how mad she was. I like my outcome a lot better. lol  

Most of this stuff is not that difficult, just use a little common sense and this is a very fun game to play.

Just how pervasive is the bad behavior? The first SB I talked with (by phone) said that 90% of the SBs would try to scam me. I thought she was exaggerating for effect but now I'm not so sure. The first SB that I met in person (in public) seemed very into it, we agreed on terms, and then a few hours later I get a text asking for an advance for a car repair bill. It's very early days for me in the bowl but if it's this flaky it's not worth the wasted time. And that's another thing, every SB profile says 'don't waste my time' which suggests to me that a very large fraction of time spent in the bowl is wasted.

PictThat99 reads

The level of scams and no shows is extremely high.  The last three weeks I have arranged 3-4 meetings a week and they have all turned out to flake at the last minute.  Finally this weekend I met one that I spent two weeks cultivating.  

The amount of effort to get to a small gem is crazy.  For one good meet it is definitely not worth it.  If this works out to a repeatable arrangement and last a few months I will change my mind.  

For now the reward / expense relationship is horrendous.

She told me after I picked her up, and we were driving to the hotel, that her friends that were involved were all scamming... In two months I have accumulated a collection of (non) experiences...

Also what she described of the SD candidates on the site, frankly it looks like there is quite a lot of scum on both sides of the isle...      

AsianManNOVA134 reads

I have done this a few times when I was a newbie: handing over $ before the session starts and have them do a cash-and-dash on me. It's true pros have incall so they can't just take my money and run away.

Also not sure how you can spend 200 on a room. I guess you live in Phoenix from your review history so it can't be that expensive. I live in DC so the hotels are expensive during weekdays for people coming for meetings/conferences, but very cheap from Friday to Sunday. Plenty of 4-star hotels can be had for 60-70 on priceline and hotwire. I also lost money this way before, but only when we agreed to meet at the hotel and it was only a fraction of your cost. Usually, we meet for drinks or lunch first. I then book the room after we meet.

You guys are probably right. With the two incidents I mentioned I think I did get complacent.  I used to live in phoenix now north a bit. Rooms are higher in the mountains.  I'll keep my spidey senses stronger.

I've only been on S.A. 22 days. A true newbie here. But, I make it crystal clear that we're meeting for dinner & drinks first. Then getting a room.. usually I don't have to elaborate why we need a . When we're naked, I show them the allowance and lay it on the table in clear view. Sorry. I know, it's like dealing with a pro. But, after your first bcd with a new sb. You both know you're now on the level, and a certain amount of trust has been established. I've got 5 revolving sb's now. And b-cuz I've read these threads and learned . What's worked for me is a ' meet and greet.  Believe this or not. But, this separates the scammers  from the real s.b. for me, there might not be going back to pro..I love the sugar bowl.

In addition to not making a reservation ahead of time, I try to set meetings before 6 pm. The hotels that I use allow same day cancellations before 6 pm. Also, before agreeing to the date, I check out which days that week the hotel has its lowest rate. If I can't find a decent rate, then I schedule it when there is one.

Gambler hit lots of important points, so kudos dude!  As for the prevalence of scammers, I don't think there are that many percentage-wise.  But if you give even a sincere girl the opportunity to run off with the money many will take  the opportunity and run off.  So don't give them that chance!  What's more prevalent in my experience is SBs who just don't understand that sex is going to be involved!  I find I'm spending a lot of time and energy separating the ones who get it from those who don't. But the payoff is wonderful! Just had my 12th date bcd with a lovely sexy 22 yo blonde I adore and the sex just keeps getting better. Gotta love it.

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