The Erotic Highway

MartyG 2 Reviews 219 reads

GaG, I had the exact same experience as you. It must be the same person.

GaGambler1445 reads

I am sure we have all had numerous scammers contact us, ranging from cam girls to scams that sound a lot like they originated in Nigeria. lol

So guys, what is the most one of these "women" has tried to hit you for up front?

I'll go first, up until last night the most any of these "women" and I use the term quite loosely as there is no way of knowing if any of these scammers are even women at all, but until last night they have always tried to hit me up for a few hundred at most, until last night that is.

I had a hottie favorite me from Australia last night with the come on that she was NOT a cam girl or anything of the like and that she was relocating to my area, so far so good, right? Well the very next text she tells me she is a nurse and that she is going to participate in a "nursing exchange program" if of course she can come up with the $3,200 in up front costs. lol

To make a long story short, she ended up calling me all sorts of names and blocking me after I started asking "her" about how well her scam had been working for her so far. It was amusing to say the least.

I bet it will be interesting to hear about all the other successful and unsuccessful scams that have been run, and/or attempted to be run on the rest of us.

easternpacific236 reads

Just the other day had one try to hit me up for a RT first class ticket from bucktucky  to get here asap plus 800 per meet and an uber to and from the airport. I said pm me when you get here and I'll pay you back later. She blocked me, I assume she didn't think my credit was any good

Auto repar, fly me into town, ,take the money snd run

and her car broke down 50 miles short of my town and she had to sleep in the car and she got hassled by the cops and got beat up and has no money to get home and therefore I owe her $500.  What the freakin Fuck kind of logic is that?

Lol. I  had one hit my liquor supply hard. 5 hours later she gets in a minor 1 car accident. She wants me to pay $1500 in repairs because "it was kind of my fault ".  Told her to f off.

GaG, I had the exact same experience as you. It must be the same person.

I've had a lot of plane ticket requests but I live in Florida lol. I delete all out of state messages unless they are going to be in my area anyway or are already here visiting. I've gotten a few that wanted $1,000 upfront usually under the guise that they want to know if I'm "serious." I just got a message from a SB wanting $3,000 up front. I just ignore and delete all of those. Usually their profiles disappear quickly thereafter.

8pointbuck192 reads

Never saw the chic again.    Reported her as a crook on SA but not seen her pic on there again.     Met another chic who has seen her on face book so I spread the thief word about her.      

Messaging back n forth. Finally ready to meet but wants me to send 300 to he booker first before meeting. Told her  an her booker I'd give it to her in person. They said they've never had a problem before an asked why I wouldn't pay up front. Duuuuuh!

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