The Erotic Highway

Scabies - K Girls in LA
MMKK 5538 reads

So a few weeks ago there was, what I thought, a pimple on my chest.  Then there were a few pimples.

I went to the doctor and he told me I have scabies.  I'm getting treatment now. I've only been with providers the past month, so chances are they gave it to me.  

So, what bothers me now is not only did I get scabies from a provider, but I have seen other providers while I was infected.  I have probably passed it to them as well.

Also, now I'm paranoid because I don't want to get scabies again so I'm hesitant to see providers.  

Advice?  Scabies is highly contagious, and if there was body to body contact that means there was probably transmission.  All it takes is 1 guy or gal to pass it to a lot of people.

Do I call bookers and tell them their provider probably has scabies?  I see mostly K-girls in LA.  

Damn!  I got gonorrhea from a provider this year, and now scabies.  

fyi: Scabies is basically mites that are highly contagious.  Like body lice.

TheLoveGoddess5351 reads

Well, MMKK,

It would seem to me that if you are 100% sure that you got scabies from a provider, then yes, you should probably inform the responsible party.

Aside from that, I am not a fan of any type of mass provider enterprises, particularly not Asian "Massage Parlors" or whatever they call themselves. I'm not surprised that you became infected - it's not the same as going to someone's private home where cleanliness is to be expected. As to the gonorrhea, that was most unfortunate. But if you don't have safe sex, that can certainly happen.

Additionally, you will now have to stop hobbying for a while, because what upscale provider would now want to see you? It all comes down to one thing: You lay down with dogs, you wake up with fleas.

Start patronizing upscale providers who insist on practicing safe sex,
The Love Goddess

MMKK4628 reads

I won't be seeing any providers or having sex with anybody for the near future.

Going to let this heal completely.  To be honest, I like seeing k-girls and LA hobbyists are pretty lucky to have them.  

At this point, I honestly believe that scabies is hard to avoid simply because of the nature of scabies and how contagious it is, and how K-girls in LA operate.  They try their best to have a clean environment and do practice safe sex, but it's the volume of customers that makes it a problem.

Customers are not always clean nor honest.  If a customer has scabies, body to body contact will easily pass it on.  And in the first couple weeks there are no outward signs of having scabies.

Trust me, I practice safe sex.  But, I mean, body to body contact is a given seeing providers.  You can't put a condom on your whole body.

To me, it's something that I'm now aware of and will be more cautious.  

After I heal I will probably continue seeing providers and K-girls, but I will definitely be on the lookout for red bumps on their body and mine.  And if I see something on my body I will take care of it and not pass it on.  And if they have it, I will let them know on their end.

Scabies starts out as looking like having a pimple or two.  Now I know better, and hope everyone reading this is learning something too!

TheLoveGoddess3661 reads

After all these realizations, you are still going to continue "seeing providers and K girls?"

There are plenty of beautiful and sexually adept Asian providers who are low volume. They operate out of their own apartments or engage in outcall to reputable hotels.

My advice [and opinion, if you must] is to save some money every month and meet with someone who is sophisticated, upscale and who keeps herself away from high volume situations.

Compulsive, maybe,
The Love Goddess

MMKK3313 reads

Good advice.  You are right.  Now I need to decide what I want to do.

How did you get gonorrhea if you practice safe sex?

I am just hoping to avoid the situation.


MMKK4226 reads

There was some private to private action.

masterbationmaster3977 reads

what kind of private to private action? i do some private to private action too sometimes and i want to avoid those from now on

Everyone is telling you to "stop seeing K-girls and AMPs because with their high-volume, you are more likely to get a disease."

1. Scabies isn't even classified as an STD. Some idiot at work whom you shook hands with could have given it to you.

2. So now "low volume" providers are a safer sex option? Where did this nugget of wisdom come from? Scabies is a skin disease caused by a parasite, and it has nothing to do with sex - even a virgin could have it. It appears you can get it from any skin to skin contact (handshake, hug, whatever).

TheLoveGoddess4402 reads

Dear PittPanther,

No one is saying that scabies is an STD. However, I beg to differ regarding your perception that the OP is getting "weird" advice. Scabies are well known to fester in dirty surroundings; dirty or unwashed bedding are particularly juicy breeding grounds for scabies (a type of mite, really.)

A low volume provider would be less likely to harbor scabies in her bedding, since it is most likely that she a) has fewer individuals in it between washings and b) doesn't interact with people in crowded conditions which are favorable to scabies transmission.

As to safer sex, the only 100% safe sex option is abstaining from sex altogether. As to scabies - I still say not to visit with anyone who has high traffic turnover.

Thank you,
The Love Goddess

MMKK3935 reads

Sorry LoveGoddess but I disagree with you.

Having gotten scabies I researched it a lot.  

1.  "Scabies are well known to fester in dirty surroundings; dirty or unwashed bedding are particularly juicy breeding grounds for scabies (a type of mite, really.)

That's not true.  Scabies usually will not live more than 2-3 days if it is not on human skin. Dirty unwashed bedding itself isn't a juicy breeding grounds for scabies.  

2.  "A low volume provider would be less likely to harbor scabies in her bedding, since it is most likely that she a) has fewer individuals in it between washings and b) doesn't interact with people in crowded conditions which are favorable to scabies transmission."

Your assuming that low volume providers will wash their bedding more. Low volume providers may think that because they see lower volume, they don't need to wash as much.  It depends how each provider does business and how clean they are.

I admit that I have seen high-volume places that arn't that clean.  But, in my experiences after seeing 100+ providers, the majority of high-volume places use new towels and new bedding.  I'm not talking AMP here though(lets not lump all asian providers into AMP please).  

When I say high-volume I mean $250.00+ an hour in an upscale nice apartment.  Yes, they just get a lot more business.  

friendwithoutbennies3320 reads


Once in a while a guy tries it and thinks it's okay-it's NOT

One day I may figure out all these expressions.
Camel toe slide -- rubbing penis against vulva???
K-girl -- Korean girl??
Love Goddess, any help would be much appreciated!

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