The Erotic Highway

Safety for both in a meeting.
magoo251 29 Reviews 1517 reads
1 / 16

Contacted a older, foxy looking POT SB in the DMV.  

She says, "Sure. Let's meet for dinner and a movie."

Me, to myself, "How about a few drinks and then a few rounds....?"

Um....NOT looking for THAT kind of GFE. Dinner and a movie?!  First meeting? WTF? NO!

It's not just the allowance where expectations can differ.....

AsianManNOVA 424 reads
2 / 16

If I enjoy her company, sure why not? At my age, I can only f*ck 2 hours (3 max) so some public time is fine as long as I am only paying her for BCD time, and she doesn't drink two bottles of expensive wine. LOL.

GaGambler 337 reads
3 / 16

There are very few women who are going to do more damage where it comes to running up a tab than me. I am funny that way. I refuse to "overpay" either hookers or SB's, but I don't bat an eye over a three hundred dollar bar tab.

magoo251 29 Reviews 300 reads
5 / 16

I can only have two drinks before my performance suffers.

But, let her drink what she wants = recipe for fun, no doubt.

I bet GaGam can put a dent into the liquor stock of the bar. Good on ya.

John_Laroche 350 reads
6 / 16

and dinner and a movie is a good way to decide if there is chemistry for the next step.

Why not come back with "how about meeting for coffee first"? If you had any reason to contact her in the first place, I wouldn't throw her on the trash pile for suggesting a dinner meet (unless you're really looking for a cheap hooker).

mrfisher 108 Reviews 316 reads
7 / 16

The last one that got too tipsy on me I ended up having to speak with the po po.

Before that one gal became a mean drunk, and another passed out on me totally.

Maybe I've got bad karma with booze, but I find the sober ones more fun.

sweetman 93 Reviews 318 reads
8 / 16

The few that truly understand that they have entered the realm  of sex work and are really cool with it are the rare ones and they are few and far between indeed.  I always find it very refreshing and relaxing when a SB has a sense of reality regarding her activities.  I currently have one 19yo SB who has no other means of support other than dating men.  She's cool with it, I'm cool with it, and I think she's awesome to be so upfront about it.

sweetman 93 Reviews 392 reads
9 / 16

I don't drink much and never go to bars.  I've never seen a $300 bar tab in my life!  Holy crap, you really spend that kind of money on drinks?  Wow, I cannot wrap my tiny brain around that concept.

sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 365 reads
10 / 16

But what is her opinion of pros?

Posted By: sweetman
The few that truly understand that they have entered the realm  of sex work and are really cool with it are the rare ones and they are few and far between indeed.  I always find it very refreshing and relaxing when a SB has a sense of reality regarding her activities.  I currently have one 19yo SB who has no other means of support other than dating men.  She's cool with it, I'm cool with it, and I think she's awesome to be so upfront about it.

sweetman 93 Reviews 253 reads
11 / 16

She actually respects pros and feels an admirable kinship with them.  She just chooses to work through the Sugar Dating system instead of a site like TER.

8pointbuck 334 reads
12 / 16

Some are hookers but a large portion of the women need help and we are their last resort to put food on the table or pay their rent.       You give your wife money for gas is she a hooker.   If there is more to a meeting than to just lay on the bed makes a difference.     For my SB I have run to town to pay her light bill.    Most of the time above the arrangement.    Glad to do it and she shows her appreciation at a later date.     I make the arrangement low so extras that always come up can be met with no regret.

magoo251 29 Reviews 277 reads
13 / 16

I had one who got knee-walkin' snot-slingin' drunk at rhe bar. On rhe subsequent Uber drive, i thought the driver might call us in!

Another one had 5 drinks at the hotel bar, and was one mean-ass batch BCD. She passed out for 3-4 hours before I poured her into a cab. Nearly took back the envelope, but decided it would likely cause too much furor. Lesson learned--albeit not cheap.

Two drinks or so eases the transition to BCD, and that's essentially sober. :)

That's really what I meant.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 255 reads
14 / 16

Two others I had:

One gal decided to start ranting and raving over some family issue she had which got us permanently banned from a restaurant, and another decided to lift her drink and call out at the top of her lungs:  "Here's to anal sex!" to which I rejoindered:  "What ever that means."

GaGambler 292 reads
15 / 16

One day in Costa Rica me, a buddy of mine and the bartender drank ten bottles of Champagne at three hundred bucks a pop.  

The one thing I learned NOT to do was combining Jaeger Bombs (Jaegermeister and Red Bull) and sex. This puta and I drank about 25 shots apiece one day and then went upstairs to fuck. Between the alcohol and the Red Bull, not to mention the condom, my dick was so desensitized that could barely feel a thing. We fucked for a good hour before giving up on any chance of me cumming until I sobered up. lol

I know most guys here don't like to "get drunk and screw" but I've always enjoyed it. I just don't whine about the times my date gets too drunk to fuck, and yes it's happened to me more than a couple of times, but I take the good with the bad.

Alcoholics go to meetings, drunks like me go to parties. Perhaps someday alcohol will become a problem in my life, but so far it's been relatively harmless fun, I will fully admit to having a rather large appetite for most things in life, whether its booze, sex, or what ever. I tend to like doing things to excess. I suppose some people have issues with my kind of lifestyle, others call it "living large"

GaGambler 301 reads
16 / 16

I do have kind of an Ernest Hemingway attitude towards life.

and it takes pretty much a full bottle of booze before I am "too drunk to fuck" I will confess I reach "too drunk to cum" much earlier than that, but I can probably drink about two bottles of wine or a half a bottle of booze and still be able to cum. Come to think of it, I split a bottle of tequila with a buddy last night, followed it with about a half a bottle of wine and was still able to not only fuck, but finish with an SB who came over an hour or so after my buddy left.

I have learned NOT to let certain women in my life drink too much. Some will simply pass out and I am NOT fucking a corpse, others go BSC, and yet others end up worshipping the  
"porcelain god" before the night is over, but what's life without risk, right? lol

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