The Erotic Highway

tinknal 508 reads

eing on a budget (broke) I raise my eyebrows and say "off the clock?"

I'm going to ask this here...not on the GB so maybe it won't get attacked :)

What if she is having an incredible do you feel when she keeps you because she can't get enough???

Does it make you feel obligated to pay more??  Or do you just enjoy yourself for what she is offering???

Just checking!!!  ;)

I do try to make it up to her in some way; perhaps with some gifts or other services I can do for her.

Just last week she stayed about an hour over, and we just couldn't stop we were having so much fun, and she kept saying as much. I left her a decent tip, that she tried give back saying it wasn't necessary.  

last Dec. I was with a great lady visiting our city (I had seen several times before).  Same thing .... we were  having a great was a night time appt.  She said she wished I could stay the night.  I didn't know how to respond.  Knowing I didn't have the extra $$$ for the overnight, and I needed to be home in the am for the ........
I had to decline.
To my chagrin, she was being genuine, she hadn't awaken w/ a guy in over two years, and wanted the morning.

If she "truely" having an incredible time and her body language and "vibe" make it clear it is "truely" coming from a place of having a good time then I would tend not to feel obligated.

If she makes the extended time feel, well, like extended time.  And yes you can "feel" the difference in extended time vs and incredible time.  then I would feel obligated.

With that said, given the nature of the relationship a simple "don't worry about it..."  (any additional fees for extended time) would go a long way in removing any feelings of obligation.

13handicap847 reads

when she comes back afterwards, gets in bed and asks me to hold her, then I do and I don't wake her up when she falls asleep.

certainly no obligation at all,  if she wants to stay extra it means she wants to be with you a little more.

what she gets is she gets to see me again, which seems she likes that as well

I love it when I know a lady is having a good time, and generally enjoys being with me.

If she does keep me over by her own choice, I am thankful, and I do feel a bit if obligation. What I would choose to do, however, is see the lady again. Do something more for her. Also let her know how that was appreciated, and not expected.

What I wouldn't do is broadcast it. It's great when it does happen, and that's her choice - and it should always be.  

Great question!

If I extend then I pay.  

If she asks me normal I don't pay but offer to take her out for drinks and give a tip. Sometimes the lady excepts and sometimes they don't. I've gone over time on several occasions like this and never once has the word obligated come to mind.

tinknal509 reads

eing on a budget (broke) I raise my eyebrows and say "off the clock?"

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