The Erotic Highway

Re:LG.. Here is some chemistry for ya!regular_smile
Love Goddess 8741 reads

Well, DiagnosThis,
It simply means that there are individual differences across the board. Also, migraine sufferers have a very specific syndrome trajectory. I'm not a physician, but I believe there is a difference between severe headaches and classic migraines - 12 types, to choose from (see link.) Not that any of them are fun..being a migraine sufferer with some frequency, I can attest personally to that fact!

Now as to the sex drive itself...since it's mostly tied to hormonal output, post 50, it does change for both men and women. For some dramatically, others almost imperceptibly. And of course there are statistical outliers in our midst.

Good thing your headaches went away,
the Love Goddess

-- Modified on 2/1/2007 10:13:58 PM

-- Modified on 2/1/2007 10:15:11 PM

I have been diagnosed with a very low serotonin level which explains my propensity for migraines. Interestingly enough, Wake Forest Medical School conducted a study on low serotonin levels in men resulting in a significantly higher sex drive to the point of potential sexual addiction. I guess serotonin helps men balance the effects of testosterone in the body.

Do you have any addition thoughts on this subject?

Love Goddess8170 reads

Thank you, slyderluvs,

Yes, I've seen data like this before. I have no specific theory as to the male sex drive and low serotonin balancing the effects of testosterone in the body, although some researchers suggest that the aromatization of testosterone to estrogen impacts both serotonin transport and some brain receptors, which in turn play significant roles in emotion, memory, and cognition.

As to SSRI's (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors - medications like Zoloft, Prozac, etc.) in general, one of their well known side effects is diminished sex drive, orgasm difficulties, etc in both sexes. The SSRI's block the too-rapid reuptake of serotonin in the brain, permitting more of this neurotransmitter to become available to the brain's receptors. Conversely, a person with too much serotonin in the brain will become almost sedated and not very interested in sex. Some sensitive individuals can induce a temporary serotonin oversupply by simply eating a ton of complex carbs such as rice; for some, eating 4-5 bananas at a time will render them temporarily sleepy. Of course, bananas, potatoes and rice won't help if you are clinically serotonin-deficient, but it's a neat little confirming experiment.

For women suffering from PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder, a severe form of PMS,) an SSRI called Sarafem is often prescribed for about 14 days prior to menstruation. While "the crazies" often subside for these women on Sarafem, they also stop "being crazy" about sex.

Interestingly enough, we had a posting member here a while back who wrote that his sex drive had never been as high as when he was diagnosed with depression. Clearly, everyone reacts differently. I hope your migraines go away; in the meantime, please report back to us if you experience a change in your sex drive. Always interesting and fun for all of us to know!

Good luck,
the Love Goddess

lassie muncher9742 reads

Interesting.  I suffer from both frequent migraines and a very high sex drive.

DiagnosThis!8168 reads

Hmmm. I always (chilhood to 50+ years old)had severe headaches occasionally until a couple years ago my doctor got my high blood pressure meds adjusted properly and they magically went away. But my sex drive is not what it was, although that did not seem directly tied to the BP meds. (The headache effect was dramatic).

What does it all mean?

Love Goddess8742 reads

Well, DiagnosThis,
It simply means that there are individual differences across the board. Also, migraine sufferers have a very specific syndrome trajectory. I'm not a physician, but I believe there is a difference between severe headaches and classic migraines - 12 types, to choose from (see link.) Not that any of them are fun..being a migraine sufferer with some frequency, I can attest personally to that fact!

Now as to the sex drive itself...since it's mostly tied to hormonal output, post 50, it does change for both men and women. For some dramatically, others almost imperceptibly. And of course there are statistical outliers in our midst.

Good thing your headaches went away,
the Love Goddess

-- Modified on 2/1/2007 10:13:58 PM

-- Modified on 2/1/2007 10:15:11 PM

Thank You LOve Goddess for the links to pain management.  I have migraines as well as chronic pain due to spinal problems.  It is a good web site to visit, very useful.  By the way migraines are terrible but I have been using frova and it seems to help.

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