The Erotic Highway

did I overstay my welcome?
infomike 1 Reviews 16896 reads

I saw a provider for the first time for a one hour session. The first 45 minutes or so, we talked about a common interest(non-sexual. After we were done in the bedroom,  we discussed all kinds of things, until I noticed that I had been there for almost 4 hours. She actually didn't seem to mind and I didn't want to leave, but started to worry that I over stayed my welcome and finally left. Being a newbie at this, I am curious as to how common this is and if I should have left after my time was up.

Gahlil Gibran16365 reads

THAT's what I call a GFE!  :)

and she may call it a BFE!

She'll let you know if you overstayed your welcome.

Sometime we just connect.

Love Goddess18439 reads

Good heavens,no! Since she is the one who basically controls the action and she let you stay...more power to you! Believe me, a woman will signal unmistakably when you overstay your welcome. So count your blessings..if you liked her both in and out of the bedroom, maybe you'll see her again? Just don't expect that it will ALWAYS be several hours, even if she might want to. She could have a busy day ahead of her or simply be tired. In that case, she'll let you know.

Congrats to you,
the Love Goddess

Thanks for the advice. Actually, I'm considering asking her to a nice dinner place, all expenses paid by me ...just for talk...nothing else required. I thought that this is better than just paying her for a chat! That just seems tacky. I'm not looking for a relationship, but this woman just fascinates me to no end. She is knowledgeable in areas that I have an interest in. Is this appropriate?

and other little suttle hints such as offering you a shower, glances at the clock, opening the blinds, and my favorite you got to get the fuck out.

First of all, this is my favorite board on TER. Who knew that so many hobbiests had such depth and concern for their own behavior and for their special ladies before this board? This is a phenomenal board and I, myself, appreciate how open and honest all of the gentlemen are. Having studied psychology for years in school and out, I really love the Love Goddesses responses. Kudos to all of you and our residen Clinician! And Kudos to TER for thinking of this topic and board!

Now, as a provider I've had several gents stay much longer than their appointed time. And 99% of the time I don't mind a single bit. My philosophy is, "It's just time. And time well spent with someone with whom you click is precious! Enjoy it!" So, I've had a number of my gentlemen friends do just as you did, book an hour and the next time we look at the clock, four have actually passed. It's fabulous. As a provider, I can tell you that time with someone you enjoy flies and time with someone who is a cold fish and who is only there for the wham bam...well, who knew 60 minutes could feel like an eternity?

So, if you've found a lady with whom you click on many levels, enjoy it. But don't take advantage of it. Next time you see her, perhaps book and pay for two hours and then if you stay for four, she feels not only warm and fuzzy because this great guy returned, but also well-compensated for her time. I can tell you I have had guys come back and book only an hour knowing and fully expecting to be there for many more and sometimes resentment will build because while I do enjoy the time and conversation, it feels like I'm being taken advantage of because it becomes an expectation. Of course I would never outright say, "I feel you're taking advantage of me." but I have said, "So, would you like to book two hours this time since we enjoyed each other so much last time?" (For the record, I've NEVER had a single one say yes.) So, definitely do take the hints, fellas.:)

In any case, I have a "free 30 minute" clause built into my  hour. If you book an hour with me, please try to plan for an hour and a half. I don't consider it part of the "GFE Experience" necessarily, I feel it's necessary and wonderful if not for you then for ME, to get to know you just a little bit and have some conversation beforehand because that's how I deal psychologically with the contents of my "job." It doesn't feel so much like I'm dropping trou with a stranger then, it feels like I'm engaging in an emotional and spiritual experience with a very good new friend.

Thank you guys for being so considerate of us that you're willing to post some very brave questions. I think it's beautiful of all of you! Hobby safely at all times and don't take unnecessary risks.


Andi Ryan of Phoenix

Oh, Andi...thank you for your insight. It's wonderful that you actually want to spend time enough with the guys so that you feel like you are "engaging in an emotional and spiritual experience with a very good new friend."  That's just beautiful. Too bad that you're all the way in Phoenix. You and the ladies that provide are very appreciated. Thanks, again.

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