The Erotic Highway

Re: what does POT stand for?
goose6969 29 Reviews 412 reads

Reached out to a POT SB because I liked her look and her profile.  Then came the disclaimer at the end of the profile:  "I am not a prostitute!" "Don't treat me like a call girl" etc... I think you get the idea. Still, because of the way she looked and some details in her profile, I was still intrigued.  I had seen enough profiles to get the sense that she was different than the girls not looking for intimacy, you know, the ones who think "platonic" time with a hot chick is something we old timers should pay for.  Despite the possibility that I was reading her wrong, and she was just looking to get paid to be arm candy, I set up a meet and greet. Had a great time.  Over drinks brought up the topic of the arrangement and asked me some very specific questions about what I enjoyed, sexually.  So I'm even more intrigued.  We agreed on a very reasonable per meet number and continued to enjoy our initial meeting. Walked her to her car, a quick kiss, and she was off.  She texted me the next day to say she had a nice time, looked forward to our arrangement BUT....wanted to get to know me better before we jumped into bed. to play this? No way was I giving her our per meet $$$$ simply to take her to dinner.  So...I took her to dinner to find out.  Over dinner I asked her point blank..."are you expecting that our arrangement begins tonight, over a platonic dinner?"  She looked at me like I had two heads.  Essentially, her answer was of course not.  She just likes to get the "business" end of the arrangement out of the way first.  Then, get to know a guy, and then move forward with the "mutually beneficial" piece which she defined as great sex for both of us.  Interesting.  I left her that night with a kiss...definitely more sensuous than the first, and getting me even more interested.  We " went out" a couple of more times, each getting more intimate, but nothing like a BCD date.  No $$$$ changed hands.  I found myself enjoying time with her,  just like a civilian dating situation that was going well.  I finally said I would like to start the arrangement.  She agreed...the interesting thing is I got the sense that she wondered why it took me so long!  We set up a BCD date and had off the chart sex.  We have been at it for three months and have completely abandoned the unique process that got us to the bedroom.  No dinners, no movies..nothing remotely like dating.  She comes over, we share some bourbon (yes, that was one of the things in her profile that caught my eye), we fuck for a couple of hours, she leaves.  It has been interesting... Unlike any other female approach that I have encountered on SA.  The funny thing is, I would "date" this woman in a heartbeat (she's 35). I just know that is not an option...she likes the $$$$!!!!  Just thought I would share.... By the way, any good bourbons you're recommending?

easternpacific573 reads

Now that's a good turn of events to hear about. I had one time where I met up with a POT Sb, productive first meet, discussed allowance and she wanted to start off with a monthly but ended up agreeing on a PPM. Had first followup date set and the day before I reconfirm our meeting she hits me with the "is the allowance starting tomorrow? I'd like to get to know each other better and just let any intimacy occur naturally and not have this be all about sex" I let her know that's ok with me but the allowance and intimacy go hand in hand. She then says if we are going to have sex she wants a 2 meet up allowance to which I remind her we already had an agreement. She then goes off and asks if I have problems with "trust". I let her know that trust goes both ways here and that we should go just our separate ways now. She backtracked a little and wanted to go ahead and have our date and just hang out together. I decided to drop her because she seemed squirrely and there was too much drama right off the bat.  

Should I have given her a break and the benefit of the doubt and gone along with her requests?

-- Modified on 1/30/2017 6:42:53 PM

No. You did the right thing. My experience has been that if they start getting  squirrely as the reality of fucking for money gets closer then the sex usually sucks anyway.

Posted By: easternpacific
Now that's a good turn of events to hear about. I had one time where I met up with a POT Sb, productive first meet, discussed allowance and she wanted to start off with a monthly but ended up agreeing on a PPM. Had first followup date set and the day before I reconfirm our meeting she hits me with the "is the allowance starting tomorrow? I'd like to get to know each other better and just let any intimacy occur naturally and not have this be all about sex" I let her know that's ok with me but the allowance and intimacy go hand in hand. She then says if we are going to have sex she wants a 2 meet up allowance to which I remind her we already had an agreement. She then goes off and asks if I have problems with "trust". I let her know that trust goes both ways here and that we should go just our separate ways now. She backtracked a little and wanted to go ahead and have our date and just hang out together. I decided to drop her because she seemed squirrely and there was too much drama right off the bat.  
 Should I have given her a break and the benefit of the doubt and gone along with her requests?

-- Modified on 1/30/2017 6:42:53 PM

John_Laroche433 reads

A little get to know ya, mutual attraction, building the anticipation, and then the NSA SB/SD fun. Too many guys are treating the sugar bowl like it's a way to negotiate with hookers over a cup of coffee in hopes they'll cut a good deal because rent is due. Hence the "I am not a prostitute! Don't treat me like a call girl etc..." from the good ones.


Sorry, no recommendations on bourbon. I drank my fair share of Jim Beam in College, but that's where it ended for me.    

Posted By: John_Laroche
A little get to know ya, mutual attraction, building the anticipation, and then the NSA SB/SD fun. Too many guys are treating the sugar bowl like it's a way to negotiate with hookers over a cup of coffee in hopes they'll cut a good deal because rent is due. Hence the "I am not a prostitute! Don't treat me like a call girl etc..." from the good ones.  
 Sorry, no recommendations on bourbon. I drank my fair share of Jim Beam in College, but that's where it ended for me.    
Yes, most of my SB meet and greets usually end with a decision to either not take things BCD, or to take them BCD as the next date.  Not that there is anything wrong with the latter, it was just nice this time to have the build up

Love Woodford Reserve (don't mix it--serve over rocks and sip)

Second fave is Maker's Mark 46 (over rocks)

Third choice is Maker's Mark--serve over ice, or with Coke or, surprisingly, ginger ale.

Four Roses is also terrific.

Drinking to get drunk: Wild Turkey, ethyl version, 101 proof. Mecks people cray cray.

Posted By: magoo251
Love Woodford Reserve (don't mix it--serve over rocks and sip)  
 Second fave is Maker's Mark 46 (over rocks)  
 Third choice is Maker's Mark--serve over ice, or with Coke or, surprisingly, ginger ale.  
 Four Roses is also terrific.  
 Drinking to get drunk: Wild Turkey, ethyl version, 101 proof. Mecks people cray cray.
Thanks Magoo! I have tried all on your list except Makers 46... That will be up next.  

There was an article in the Atlantic magazine years ago about the best bourbons and the auther just raved about Rock Hill Farms. Drink it with a splash of water to bring out the flavors.

I like wheated bourbons so my go-to is Makers (and yes, definitely try the 46) but I have also found Larceny to be a great one and it's even less expensive than Makers.  I've had the Pappys and while the 10yo was nothing special, the 23yo was off the hook.  Highly recommended if you have the means.  As for non-wheated bourbon, I found Breckenridge was pretty good.

To the OP, I am envious since you found what I am looking for in a SB!  Congrats!

Posted By: pvidtrader
I like wheated bourbons so my go-to is Makers (and yes, definitely try the 46) but I have also found Larceny to be a great one and it's even less expensive than Makers.  I've had the Pappys and while the 10yo was nothing special, the 23yo was off the hook.  Highly recommended if you have the means.  As for non-wheated bourbon, I found Breckenridge was pretty good.  
 To the OP, I am envious since you found what I am looking for in a SB!  Congrats!
Thanks for the recommendations.  You are the second person in a week to recommend Larceny, as i too enjoy wheated bourbons.  I have been fortunate in that Pappy 15, 20, and 23 were all available in my area st VERY different price points. I enjoyed them all, especially the 15yr based on cost

It's great that you and she both felt motivated enough to give it time and let it develop naturally. It's a real contrast to some recent threads that say don't waste your time. Just goes to prove once again that YMMV. Whatever works, works!

Posted By: sweetman
It's great that you and she both felt motivated enough to give it time and let it develop naturally. It's a real contrast to some recent threads that say don't waste your time. Just goes to prove once again that YMMV. Whatever works, works!
It has definitely been a nice change of pace/surprise. I do also enjoy the SBs who are little to no work to get into bed.  But istill try to cultivate some kind of connection with them as, for me, it makes the sex better. I have moved on from the stage that i was in when i first joined with as many hot chicks as possible😎 It was fun, but it was exactly that, a stage. The sugar bowl is a great place to play...something for all of us!

checking online, none of these abbreviations seem to fit the context we are in here, haha.

POT SB = Potential Sugar Baby

Posted By: sweetman

I've been wondering why so many of these SB had great asses.

stucaboy460 reads

a bunch of fucking letters you make up that nobody else can figure out.  Having done that, you consider yourself very smart because nobody else can guess its meaning.  2nd and 3rd graders use this a lot.

old forester 1870 & birthday, thomas handy sazerac rye, george T stagg kentucky straight, hillrock, michters mash, reservoir rye

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