The Erotic Highway

Re: Very common
hockeyman443 1 Reviews 355 reads

Thanks for the info, I'm going to keep at it a bit longer.  I'm in the Phoenix market and there is a good supply, but I'm wondering if many are pros or wannabe pros.  I'm also trying to gauge the market rate here.  The only one that has replied so far was 3 bills per date, but there was no BCD at all.  I was a bit stunned as in this market you can get a pro for 3 and a bombshell for 4 to 6. I don't want to pay 3 bills just to "hang out" with a SB - LOL.  Just keep swimming, ...

So trying the SA site this week - having interesting results.  Lots of interest, but when I get down to scheduling a first meet/greet - no more contact to be had, and it was all super positive before that.    
 I'll give it more time - but this has got me wondering, anyone else experience this?

Just keep chumming the water. Some will bite. Seems to be feast or famine in sugarland.

My tactic is a bit unusual.  

I generally never initiate contact with a POT SB. I prefer to wait and reply to messages (or at least favorites) that I receive from them.  When I'm accessing the site at least 3 times a week, I get as many as 5-10 favorites or messages a week. I always reply to messages, even if only to say no thanks.  

The rationale for this:  I am a big guy, and in my mid-50's. I don't want to come across as the fat slob who probably lives with his mother and has to pay for sex.  By waiting for them to contact me, I know that they (probably) read my profile and saw all of my 8 full body pics. There is no illusion about my looks and my size.  By reading my profile, I hope they see an easy going and articulate guy with a lot of successful life experiences. If they contact me first they are generally comfortable with my looks and expect me to be fun and interesting to hang out with.  

Doesn't always work; I get my share of obvious cut and paste BS profiles, as well as FUGLY's from all over the country. (Hey, just because I'm fat that doesn't mean I have to fuck only fat chicks. After all, I have the cash.) And I still get the occasional one- or two-word message ("Hey babe!").  But I get mostly real messages and have a good "conversion rate" (about 95%) of M&G's with the POT SB's I want to see.  

Am considering getting in the game as there has been just too much activity by LE.  I noticed on the Site that there are a lot of AA women which is fine as I have no preference as to race.  There are several colleges here so lots of college and former students making up the inventory.  I plan on posting pics but no face shots given my home situation and  
All meetings will be conducted during the day.  Thanks for any advice.

I'm in the Los Angeles area. Lots and I mean LOTS of profiles on SA in this market.  

bu1788267 reads

I'm in Atlanta as well and IMO the scene here is great. This is my 2nd go around on SA, the 1st time was a few years ago and I was very selective, stoodup a bunch and just didn't quite know what I was doing. I did manage 3 SB at that time, 2 lasted a few weeks and one lasted almost a year. I jumped back in with a nice bit of discretionary income in early December. Since then i've had M&G with maybe 25(no wife and no kids helps with this), and had BCD with 8 of those, 4 of which are on a semi regular rotation, 3 of those 4 are under 21, the one over is 34 and is damn close to being a unicorn.

Atlanta has a large variety, I like petite and i've managed to enjoy a rainbow of petite beauties in a few short months. There's also several pros on SA in the ATL and some that are BSC. Just be patient and be up front with what your seeking, be firm with your budget, don't be a dick and as someone on another thread said, don't be afraid to catch and release. This game is similar to going on job interviews, the more you go on the better you get at asking and answering the questions.

Thanks for the info, I'm going to keep at it a bit longer.  I'm in the Phoenix market and there is a good supply, but I'm wondering if many are pros or wannabe pros.  I'm also trying to gauge the market rate here.  The only one that has replied so far was 3 bills per date, but there was no BCD at all.  I was a bit stunned as in this market you can get a pro for 3 and a bombshell for 4 to 6. I don't want to pay 3 bills just to "hang out" with a SB - LOL.  Just keep swimming, ...

The older babies have a better track record of showing up and following through.  At least that's been my experience.

in_vino_veritas377 reads

There are certainly a lot of flakes; girls who are probably messaging guys left and right, hoping to land a whale. But, you can usually pick them out. They're just a little too friendly and all their communication is very generic. When I've had a real and flirtatious experience communicating with an SB, and we've established that we are both looking for the same type of arrangement, 8 out of 10 times I've been able to get to the M&G, if I wanted to. Sometimes, you just have to catch and release when a better one comes along. A few times, you still get blown off.
It's worth trying to figure out whether you're just talking to a lot of flakes or if there's something in your convo that might be working against you. For example, not saying this is the case, but if they thought that you were not clearly understanding the mutually beneficial aspect of the game, that might be something that would cause them to blow you off, even if the convo was friendly.
How specific do these convos get before they ghost you? Do you have pics up? If so, is the convo still good after they see your pics?
Keep at it, but keep tweaking your game as you go along.

I have had that happen many times where you spend a lot of time messaging and texting and then when it's time to meet they just disappear.  My thought is they love the idea of the extra money but when it comes down to the fact they are going to have to give their body up to get that money then they check out and cannot go through with it.  I have been asking lately if they have ever had a sugar relationship and if they never have it's the first red flag.

These have been the same ones that contact me a month or two later in a panic mode wanting to meet.  At that point I figured they are desperate with overdue bills or maybe even a drug problem.  My sweet spot has been girls from around 25 to 35 that have been on the site for a while. They know the game well and are ready to play.

My unicorn is 27 and actually going to be here in a few hours for the afternoon.  Everything about the relationship has been absolutely amazing, especially the sex.  We have been seeing each other for about four months about once a week and it is PPM. There has been several times she has disappeared for a week or two and that's just part of how this works. Not sure whether she got a better offer or life got busy but I don't care.  That's the beautiful thing about this type of a relationship is it works when it does but there should not be expectations on either side.

-- Modified on 2/22/2017 2:38:55 AM

I agree follow through can be sketchy.  I've had some that are so excited to meet then day of meeting the profile disappears; others I just don't hear from.  I have a couple I see on a regular basis, have others that message me  wanting to meet again..  For minimal effort you can meet a nice variety of ladies, just need to be persistent....

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