The Erotic Highway

Re: Talking to SBs
averagejoe38 35 Reviews 233 reads

Your template is $hit man, take principium's advice.  

My two cents: never mention $$$ in any message, always something like "we can discuss the arrangement when we meet" at most and that too not before you have exchanged a couple of messages. I also suggest using email messaging after breaking the ice on SA, as no need to put specifics on SA web site, better use email, I am sure you have a dedicated email address for sugar bowl.

And why the fuck would we pay for having a lunch together, I only take the tab when we meet, no compensation until you get intimate with them, though there can be debate on how much intimacy demands $$$, CuriousSort gets laid with just a bottle of vodka!

Does it make any difference, in your experience, how you first make contact with a lady, whether it is you messaging her, her messaging you, or her favoriting you and you responding? I have not figured out any pattern, but then there has been so much to learn I have not exactly paid that much attention to it either.

The reason it came up is because there is this sweet young thing who messaged me, we chatted a bit, hit it off. She started high and came down after some back and forth to the very high end of my limit. Then she wanted to meet ASAP, was not happy when I was not available for about a week. So I actually canceled a full, first date with another lady to meet her. The other lady was quite hot, but older and the price we had agreed was more than I want to pay, so it was not going anywhere, but seemed like it would be a fun, one-off fuck. Plus, I had dates scheduled for the next two days, so it was all a bit much and I was happy to not have to fuck that day.

Then the pretty young thing cancelled two hours before our meeting. Annoyed, given that she had pushed to meet on that day and I cancelled something else only to have her cancel on me. She explained she is going out of town for her birthday the next day and just has too much to do. So we have something scheduled after her return, the day I originally wanted to meet. Not betting a lot on seeing her then either, but stranger things have happened and I am still interested.

Her ability to take the weekend trip to Las Vegas seems to suggest the young lady who absolutely needed a minimum amount of money to make this work may not be quite as strapped as she represented. A second, or really first, SD makes the most sense to me, which means I am a standby and she has a lot more financial flexibility than she has suggested. Lastly, today's exchange has had more of a party girl flavor, than the serious student she seemed to be earlier. Too bad, because I liked that one.  


Just going to work the clubs in vegas for the weekend

Zig and my fellow SDs, I have learned from experience to NOT cancel a confirmed date in favor of the hotter and newer shiny PYT because it is had bad karmic results every darn time when I've done this as evident by your own experience in this instance, Ziggy!

I may respond to those who "fave" me as they're trying to flag my attention for obviously their very impending financial needs but those who message me, from my past experiences have been way too needy and way too pushy and when I get an onslaught of nudes before we even meet (via exchanged numbers), I usually bail because I know very well by now as to how that one is going to be going!

I may be an odd duck swimming around with you sharks but I always need to work the seduction angle a bit and enjoy a bit of the actual chase even though these are not totally in the wild. Think of it as hand reared on a private reservation :D

PYT: Pretty Young Thing or Thang! Dude, are you too young for Michael Jackson?!

AZN: Asian as Oriental is no longer PC.

Fooquing GaGa is a walking and talking acronym himself and you don't feel me?! ;)

MDraft260 reads

Michael Jackson?? Hmmm Isn't he that new kid with the Jackson 5 ?
AZN - I thought so but it was the "Z" that threw me. If Asian is no longer PC someone should inform SA as it is a choice in the ethnicity checkbox

Posted By: principium
PYT: Pretty Young Thing or Thang! Dude, are you too young for Michael Jackson?!  
 AZN: Asian as Oriental is no longer PC.  
 Fooquing GaGa is a walking and talking acronym himself and you don't feel me?! ;)

Just wondering are you guys aggressive at all talking to potential SBs? I try to play it casual, but not having luck as of late.
It is really hit or miss getting any sort replies lately, where before I was getting almost everyone I was messaging to reply...

Here is what I have been putting in my opening contact or something similar:

Hey, how are you this evening? I was wondering if you may be interested in going out for lunch or dinner for $150 to see if we may have a connection? We then can discuss a potential arrangement after if things go well for both of us. I look forward to hearing from you!

I also was putting something along the lines of:

In my last SB arrangement, I was giving her $500 per meet, once a week. etc

Took advice from Z and mixed with my own. Having bad luck as of late. I'll get some replies, but they end up just faking.

Your message is TERRIBLE! It is way too transactional in tone and even if we ALL know as to what purpose most girls are on that site for, they still do not want to be addressed as if you're arranging for a session with a hooker!

Here try this (I'm going to use your own template but change a few things around:

"Hello and good evening! I read *this* (*FFS, read something in their Eff'ing profile and show that you put some effort into it!) in  your profile which really piqued my interest! I am certain that I can meet your expectations on SA and therefore I would like to invite you to join me for (whatever the fooque: coffee, lunch, dinner) for which I will be more than willing to compensate you if you should require a taxi or an Uber ride (shows that you're quite  the chivalrous type but do not offer that darn Zangari $$). I am experienced in the ways of Seeking Arrangements and have had a few blissful arrangements in the past which I have very fond memories of..."

A few notes, the above verbiage contains the BS which resonates with women without actually saying anything specific that you can very quickly p*ss back on, because you have precisely said NOTHING worth ANYTHING! Most women on SA with the exception of the direct P4P types have told me again and again that they just ignore email messages that ask them directly, "how much" or the ones like, "I give you this much". You just want to indicate that you have experience on SA and know how the site and arrangements are supposed to work!

Your own profile and pictures matter too. You will be surprised as to how many women (unlike us the men) actually read the shyte which we write! Lastly, do not forget that when you message someone they initially only see the couple of sentences before they click onto the message to open it up and if the start of the sentence say, "hey", I think that your goose is cooked already!

Good luck!

Posted By: kaoxt
Just wondering are you guys aggressive at all talking to potential SBs? I try to play it casual, but not having luck as of late.  
 It is really hit or miss getting any sort replies lately, where before I was getting almost everyone I was messaging to reply...  
 Here is what I have been putting in my opening contact or something similar:  
 Hey, how are you this evening? I was wondering if you may be interested in going out for lunch or dinner for $150 to see if we may have a connection? We then can discuss a potential arrangement after if things go well for both of us. I look forward to hearing from you!  
 I also was putting something along the lines of:  
 In my last SB arrangement, I was giving her $500 per meet, once a week. etc  
 Took advice from Z and mixed with my own. Having bad luck as of late. I'll get some replies, but they end up just faking.

Thanks :) I really appreciate your template and helping me out! Will give it a try. Do you have any recommendations for what to have in profile?

Posted By: principium
Your message is TERRIBLE! It is way too transactional in tone and even if we ALL know as to what purpose most girls are on that site for, they still do not want to be addressed as if you're arranging for a session with a hooker!  
 Here try this (I'm going to use your own template but change a few things around:  
 "Hello and good evening! I read *this* (*FFS, read something in their Eff'ing profile and show that you put some effort into it!) in  your profile which really piqued my interest! I am certain that I can meet your expectations on SA and therefore I would like to invite you to join me for (whatever the fooque: coffee, lunch, dinner) for which I will be more than willing to compensate you if you should require a taxi or an Uber ride (shows that you're quite  the chivalrous type but do not offer that darn Zangari $$). I am experienced in the ways of Seeking Arrangements and have had a few blissful arrangements in the past which I have very fond memories of..."  
 A few notes, the above verbiage contains the BS which resonates with women without actually saying anything specific that you can very quickly p*ss back on, because you have precisely said NOTHING worth ANYTHING! Most women on SA with the exception of the direct P4P types have told me again and again that they just ignore email messages that ask them directly, "how much" or the ones like, "I give you this much". You just want to indicate that you have experience on SA and know how the site and arrangements are supposed to work!  
 Your own profile and pictures matter too. You will be surprised as to how many women (unlike us the men) actually read the shyte which we write! Lastly, do not forget that when you message someone they initially only see the couple of sentences before they click onto the message to open it up and if the start of the sentence say, "hey", I think that your goose is cooked already!  
 Good luck!  
Posted By: kaoxt
Just wondering are you guys aggressive at all talking to potential SBs? I try to play it casual, but not having luck as of late.  
  It is really hit or miss getting any sort replies lately, where before I was getting almost everyone I was messaging to reply...  
  Here is what I have been putting in my opening contact or something similar:  
  Hey, how are you this evening? I was wondering if you may be interested in going out for lunch or dinner for $150 to see if we may have a connection? We then can discuss a potential arrangement after if things go well for both of us. I look forward to hearing from you!  
  I also was putting something along the lines of:  
  In my last SB arrangement, I was giving her $500 per meet, once a week. etc  
  Took advice from Z and mixed with my own. Having bad luck as of late. I'll get some replies, but they end up just faking.

Your template is $hit man, take principium's advice.  

My two cents: never mention $$$ in any message, always something like "we can discuss the arrangement when we meet" at most and that too not before you have exchanged a couple of messages. I also suggest using email messaging after breaking the ice on SA, as no need to put specifics on SA web site, better use email, I am sure you have a dedicated email address for sugar bowl.

And why the fuck would we pay for having a lunch together, I only take the tab when we meet, no compensation until you get intimate with them, though there can be debate on how much intimacy demands $$$, CuriousSort gets laid with just a bottle of vodka!

Never going to pay to meet .   They think your a chump.    300 is my limit unless they deserve gifts.   Bought a car for one that's going to be a regular and seems special.   She is a sweet girl friend type.    If she doesn't do her part I just leave and the car payment is hers.    She got a passport to cruise and already booked a week in PC Beach with her.   Woo Hoo.    All week 300 .    My budget is 1200 to 1500  a month and of coarse expenses.    2 regular SB's is all I think I can handle.

Wondrous as how a missing apostrophe can change the entire context!

Let's try this again:

AZN = Asian, as Oriental is no longer PC!

GaGambler289 reads

I bet it was some dumb white person with round eyes who decided on behalf of every Oriental person that we should now be offended by a word that is derived from the Spanish word for "eastern" much the same as "negro" is the Spanish word for black,  

Oh well, in a few years both Asian and African American will  be deemed offensive by the next generation of PC police and replaced with something even more PC.

For instance in Europe, a Asian a person from slightly east of the Middle East like from Pakistan or the Indian Sub Continent, Kashmir, etc!!! Then there are the people from the Far East who are referred to as "Orientals" and there is nothing wrong with that phrase. If you address peep from the Chinese, Japanese or Korean ancestors and ethnicity as Asians in England, you'd definitely get some strange looks as if these uneducated Yanks have no Eff'ing clue as to what they're talking about!

Posted By: GaGambler
I bet it was some dumb white person with round eyes who decided on behalf of every Oriental person that we should now be offended by a word that is derived from the Spanish word for "eastern" much the same as "negro" is the Spanish word for black,  
 Oh well, in a few years both Asian and African American will  be deemed offensive by the next generation of PC police and replaced with something even more PC.

GaGambler223 reads

Asia is a HUGE fucking place. Do you think people from Eastern Russia consider themselves Asian?

Dumb fucking Americans love to categorize people with some very stupid labels. Do you think a black person from France considers himself African American, or how about a native Bahamian?

MDraft186 reads

Written somewhere on the net which  I decided to plagiarize:

"Being offended is a choice you make. Nobody is responsible for that choice but you."

The Offense Industry should be reminded of this

MDraft168 reads

Do not underestimate the importance of a comma. I went to a British school too, Principium :)

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