The Erotic Highway

Wierd txts to SD/SB number
Limar 15 Reviews 732 reads

Has anyone else gotten wierd txts to their burner number used for SD/SB connections on SA?

Got one from:

412-837-8224 about a google search and predator

And another from:  
801-758-7201 about

I have on a couple of occasions and I just ignored and deleted them.

So, I was messaging with a young SB, met her once for coffee, had a nice chat, but that was it. We switched over to text, and it kind of fizzled out.

Then, last week, I get a few "Hi. How are you?" texts from her, which was an odd regression, so I would reply. "Fine. And you?" and nothing would happen.

Yesterday she SA messages me, I comment something like "We're not doing text anymore?" and she says, basically "Huh" and then informs me that her phone was stolen and those texts are not from her. Creeped us both out.

As the dispatch sergeant said on Hill Street Blues, "Let's be careful out there."

That really is creepy!  Be careful who you give your number to, even your burner number!

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