The Erotic Highway

Re: positional erection loss
MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 7381 reads
1 / 15

Hello - I suffered a traumatic brain injury in Afghanistan in March of 2007 that resulted in a 9 week coma (and my 5th purple heart). On recovery, we discovered that I have a seizure disorder as a result of the injury, and I have to take a medication to control this. The problematic side effect is orthostatic hypotension. As a result, I can attain a good erection lying down, and maintain it during 69, CG, RCG etc, but frequently (probably 60-70% of the time), if I stand or kneel to enjoy doggie or mish or etc, I loose the erection. I find this very embarrassing. Also, I have a cervical spine injury which makes daty difficult for me unless the lady straddles my face. Fortunately I have been able to explain this to my favorite providers and they have been compassionate and willing to work with what I've got to offer. But my question is - what is your opinion of using something like a prolong ring or similar device to keep the erection when changing positions?

Love Goddess 5688 reads
2 / 15

Dear gregory12,
Congratulations to making it out of there alive - and able to enjoy sex at all! TBI can also result in so many personality changes, some not too pleasant. So here's to your will to live and love!

In the meantime, it is impossible to predict how you will react with a cock ring or similar device. It does work for some. If you have doubts, check with your physician as to restricting bloodflow VERY LOCALLY when having hypotension.

As for your embarrassment - with 5 Purple Hearts, you have nothing to be ashamed of. Any woman who frowns on your life story and its consequences is not worth any amount of money in this world.  Fortunately your ATFs have been professional and empathic, as the majority of women, civvies too, would be. As far as "willing," are you kidding?? Who wouldn't be "willing" to work with 69, CG, RCG?? Women love being on top, mostly because it stimulates their clitoris during p-v sex and they can achieve orgasm much easier. Heck, they ought to thank you :-D :-D :-D.

My suggestion would be to buy one of them little suckers and put one on, with the erotic assistance of your favorite gal. Just think of it as a study of experimental conditions where the trial is more fun than the result. Maybe get a rubber one before investing in heavy metal, LOL. And if it doesn't work, at least your knees will never get skinned. As for mish - yeah it's good, but for us is usually much better!

Welcome home from Tipperary,
the Love Goddess

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 6376 reads
3 / 15

You're right about the TBI - this has made me feel more vulnerable than anything since briefly being a POW in Viet Nam. As far as personality changes, I've enjoyed ladies all around the world over many years but I've never been compulsive about sex until after the TBI. It's not fun anymore when it becomes a compulsion. Thankfully, I seem to have a handle on it. I think it was a reaction to the stress, or just trying to prove to myself that I'm still alive and functioning. But I've settled down, found a few really great ladies and am in the process of retiring from the US Navy after a long career. I have a lot of adjustment issues related to joining the civilian world. But I'll be fine. Thank you for your kind words. Thankfully there are some wonderful providers out there.

Brennan_Blake 6153 reads
4 / 15

Go for it & have fun with it, I think they're soooo sexy.

Thank you for your tour of duty(s) & welcome home to the lovely USA :)

Big hugs & kisses!

LittleWillyGA 5142 reads
5 / 15

There is a ring that has a small box on it that vibrates the clit during intercourse.  HIGHLY recommended, my fav provider loves it.

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 5254 reads
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Hi Brennan - I made my primary "home" in the US at Coronado.  Honestly I never liked LA that much. But I still have an 11meter sailboat in San Diego, and am thinking about arranging to either sell it and buy one here on the right coast or have it transported to the Texas Gulf Coast and sail it the rest of the way here. When I eventually get back to the left coast, I will look you up! If we click, perhaps you'd like to arrange a couple of weeks and be my first mate....

Thank you for your encouragement, and,

Ciao Signora Bellisima

infomike 1 Reviews 5843 reads
7 / 15

I have had the same problem with losing erections when standing or kneeling all my life. I tend to stay with only one position because I fear the change. For me, I think it's psychological. Interesting  that a physical injury seems to have caused this for you.

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 4965 reads
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Hello - it's not caused by an injury per se but by a medication I have to take as a result. This med causes my blood pressure to lower drastically when I move from a laying to standing / kneeling position (orthstatic hypotension). This can be caused by quite a few meds and physical conditions. If you want to look into it, your Dr can easily test you to see if you have OH.  Best of luck in any case -

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 4965 reads
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Hello - it's not caused by an injury per se but by a medication I have to take as a result. This med causes my blood pressure to lower drastically when I move from a laying to standing / kneeling position (orthstatic hypotension). This can be caused by quite a few meds and physical conditions. If you want to look into it, your Dr can easily test you to see if you have OH.  Best of luck in any case -

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 4965 reads
10 / 15

Hello - it's not caused by an injury per se but by a medication I have to take as a result. This med causes my blood pressure to lower drastically when I move from a laying to standing / kneeling position (orthstatic hypotension). This can be caused by quite a few meds and physical conditions. If you want to look into it, your Dr can easily test you to see if you have OH.  Best of luck in any case -

vonrichtofenlas 15 Reviews 5635 reads
11 / 15

"....this has made me feel more vulnerable than anything since briefly being a POW in Viet Nam."

I really hate doing this but I have to.  NO ONE that was a POW in Vietnam is still on active or active reserve/national guard duty with the US Military.  The 'Nam POW's came HOME in 1973, that was 35 years ago. Do the math, folks.  The longest a serviceman may stay in the US military is (normally) 30 years.  Exceptions are certainly made, esp for senior (General/Admiral) officers and a VERY few senior enlisted people.  But these are not people going into harms way as a matter of course. Now this person claims to have earned FIVE Purple Hearts in the Global War on Terror?  This stretches credulity to the max.  

I wish I was wrong as it always pains me to see someone faking a war record to gain somekind of personal stature/pity/whatever.  

And yeah... I'm not a fighter ace like my namesake, but I did serve and I did fly jets and put my ass on the line.  I doubt this person has served at all.  Regardless, his story does not add up.

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 5719 reads
12 / 15

Hello -

I have often been in a bar and heard someone who, at best, may have done three years in Germany in the early 80s, waxing eloquent about their heroic experiences in Viet Nam. I used to get angry about it, but over time, I just no longer care. But I appreciate and honor your concern, which deserves a response.

I served on active duty from 1971 until 2007, with the exception of several extended periods of TDD/Medical. Today, this is not at all uncommon - I know quite a few other senior specwar NCOs in the various services with up to 36 years in, who are right now in harms way. With the target rich environment of Iraq and Afghanistan, the military and especially JSOC, are not going to throw away
operators with that kind of experience, if they are in shape, have no immediate family at home, and especially if they have a history with the company. Additionally, I know many operators who are employed by "private" contractors, who are active well into their 60s.

I'm sure you have noticed that the "rules" have gone by the board - ask any troop over there who had his or her tour extended, leaves canceled, and etc. The only rule now in effect is to put enough boots on the ground to do the job. In my case, I have spent a total of less than two years out of theater since 9-11.

Mea Culpa - I should not have used the term "POW". I meant  it as shorthand, to a civvy audience. But it was not appropriate. I am not authorized to wear the POW medal and should not have used the term, or probably should have just not made the post at all. I had the misfortune to fall into
the hands of the NVA for several weeks. These folks apparently  were not interested in passing me up the chain of command, and they were having too much fun with me anyway. The vill where
I was held was flattened all around my ears by an assault of the 1 Cav, and I was liberated. Mind you I was not the focus of this action, and I could just as easily have been fragged, but I got
lucky. My body bears silent testimony to the experience.

A last thought - it is actually a bit naive to believe that the US military presence in Viet Nam ended in 73. We brought the ground pounders home, but MAC/V and the company were **extremely** active in theater, to my personal knowledge, at
least until Operation Frequent Wind, and reports from sources credible to me indicate, at least a year beyond. We were still trying to assist the ARVNs of course, but mostly we were trying to clean up some messes, extract some assets, and pay off a few debts. Peace With Honor did not by any means bring a cessation of our hostilities in Viet Nam - we only distilled and refocused our efforts. I am sure that there are many books and memoirs out there that cover the period from the perspective of the folks who were involved. Beyond that, I'm not talking - I don't want anyone  coming for me in the night. Take it from one who knows - we live in very strange times, my friend.

All the best -


vonrichtofenlas 15 Reviews 7565 reads
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While your career and experiences are on the ragged edge of believeable, I have to admit that you can talk the talk like no civillian 'poser' could, therefore I must give you the benefit of the doubt. Having seen many fake internet war heros/fighter aces/etc, I do not apologize for questioning your claim. I appreciate the mature nature of your response which has convinced me certainly that you have served honorably.  

Best of luck to you.

Love Goddess 5746 reads
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MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 6795 reads
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If you're referring to me, I'm not a hero. The heroes are all dead or maimed. I'm just lucky. And it should not amaze you to run into a warrior now and then - a great many of the men I know in my particular line of work are international hobbyists on a grand scale. They just have more sense than I do, and keep their mouths shut. Now I'm not going to bring up the topic anymore - it was a mistake to introduce my prior occupation into the discussion.
Oh, and cock rings work wonderfully.  Ciao Bella

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