The Erotic Highway

Re: Persistence Pays Off
sweetman 93 Reviews 1188 reads
1 / 9

This weekend I had my first sexual encounter with a new lovely young Sugar Baby, one I plan to add as a regular in my rotation.  No big deal, right? But two things make this unusual.  First of all, I have been exchanging messages on SA with this girl for two whole years! Secondly, I'm the first SD from SA that she's been to bed with.

Previous threads here have been about the shortest time frame between first contact and first fuck. My own record is just under 24 hours, but some of you guys had me beat. But this new SB is by far the longest time frame between those two events I've even experienced.

What's of interest is that she always replied kindly and encouragingly, albeit sporadically, over the course of 2 years to my messages.  She said I was much nicer than the other guys who came on to her.  They would get pissed by her lack of committing to meet and scold her and then block her.  I never took that approach.  I always expressed my delight in finding her active again when she replied to my messages.

Then about a week ago she invited me to meet her for lunch!  We hit it off, she is a lovely 21yo blonde bombshell type, and we agreed to terms and a second date BCD which went really well last Saturday. So she was only 19 when I first spotted her profile on SA, and even though she was interested in Sugar Dating she obviously was not actually ready at that time.  By staying in touch with her, and always being kind and nice to her, I wound up being the one to enjoy her intimate company when she was indeed ready.  Sometimes nice guys do finish first!

Anybody got stories to tell of similarly loooong online courtships before hooking up?

herbtcat 6 Reviews 506 reads
2 / 9

Well done.    

To paraphrase Jim Kramer:  

Daddies get laid, but dicks get fucked.

in_vino_veritas 559 reads
3 / 9

She was 19 when you first contacted her (a virgin I'm sure). She's been on SA for at least 2yrs, obviously knows how to negotiate for BCD. Yet, you believe you're the first one she's been BCD with in 2yr+ on SA.
Sorry to tell you this but it's like when you have to take a number at the deli and they help you when your number comes up. You're number came up.
On the plus side, I assume you had fun being "helped" and kept yourself entertained while you were waiting. Just don't fall for any more of the bs she's feeding you. She's probably juggling a dozen guys like you. But, that's the nature of the game.

Falcons1 20 Reviews 493 reads
4 / 9

I would not say two years but certainly a few months has been pretty typical. Especially the new ones that have just joined because they have never done it before and are trying to get comfortable with the concept.    Sounds like you built a great rapport with her and that is exactly what it takes. Putting pressures on each other never works because that's not why we are here.  I always asked that we meet first for a public date for lunch or dinner and that really helps put them at rest. If they are repulsed by me then we part ways. If we have chemistry then good things happen!

-- Modified on 2/13/2017 4:21:47 PM

LikeTearsInRain 518 reads
5 / 9
goose6969 29 Reviews 454 reads
6 / 9

Posted By: LikeTearsInRain

LikeTearsInRain 339 reads
7 / 9
sweetman 93 Reviews 350 reads
8 / 9

Actually she was very candid about her previous arrangement with a SD  
she met socially, not on SA. That, plus many other things we talked about, leave me convinced of her honesty. Not that I'd care if she had lots of other SDs that she met on SA. I just thought being her first was worth mentioning. Sounds like you've had the kind of experience that has made you a bit cynical.

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