The Erotic Highway

Parting gifts?
junglegym25 19 Reviews 988 reads

I'm thinking of ending it with my current SB. I've seen her about 6 times and my eye is starting to wander and am looking for a new fix.  

Im thinking I will meet her for coffee and let her know in person that I'm pulling back. I'm also thinking about giving her a small parting amount to keep things cool and and smooth over any negative feelings she might have about me ending it and her having to go find another SD. Will probably give her about 200 as a thank you gift (this is what I would normally give her for a 90 min mini-date).  

Have any of you guys tried this before and what were the results? Did it go as expected? I want to end things on a positive note with her cuz she is a nice girl. My thinking is that it's kinda like with the pros... I'm not paying for them to stay... im paying so I can leave.  

I know it's NSA/FWB, but at the beginning, I thought that I wanted something a little more than that and now my mindset has changed and I want some strange lol.  


I think it's always good to part on good terms.  Besides, you want to hook back up some day, and you improve the odds by leaving her smiling.  Just don't do anything crazy.

but I am not sure about the bowl world.

However, I asked my better half about this and she feels that given the circumstances, an envelope with one session's worth of payment is appropriate.

I hope this helps.

Something like "Thinking of You."

The OP does bring up the topic of, say, pausing things with an SB. In the past, I've simply slid off into the night and not contacted.

I have an SB now who is thinking she should be exclusive. A bit of a testy text exchange. Too much drama, really. Haven't seen her since the blow up, but she texts me from time to time (flirty, too).

Thinking of ending it. Maybe will slink off into the night. But, a reliable, fun SB is a good thing.

GaGambler187 reads

and unless someone else asks, I doubt it ever will. This is NSA, parting gifts are for game shows. lol

Now if you want to give her a "parting fuck" complete with pay, Now that I am all for, but six total dates is hardly like breaking off an engagement where there is the likelihood of hard feelings.

Now if you had been seeing her every week for a year, and you knew she had grown dependent on your allowance, then "maybe" you might have some kind of moral obligation to let her down easily.  

When SB's are done with you, they just ghost. If you really feel guilty about letting her go, simply schedule what you know in your heart of hearts will be your last date and tell her at the end of it you might have to cool it for a while and give her a little something extra if it makes you feel better.

BTW what's to prevent you from simply putting her into a "rotation" of SB's? This way you can get some variety, but you'll always have a couple of sure things too. I try to keep a rotation of 4-5 SBs at any one time.

Like your thinking gambler..gets gambler the new upgraded mega man card..

Thanks all for the advice. A lot of good points were made and I appreciate the input.  

I know that I don't "owe" her anything and I certainly am not delusional enough to think she is in love with me (nor would I want her to be) or has actual feelings for me beyond casual sex. We did have a good connection though, mental and physical (for awhile anyways), so I just feel like telling her in person and ending it the right way. If I had only seen her once or twice, I would be fine ghosting or just letting it fade, but we did have a tiny bit of a romantic connection so I just feel like I should be decent about it and have the common courtesy to end it the right way.  

I do like the idea of having a "rotation" but I think I may start that with the next POT as I think I'm ready to move on from this one. There are a couple things that physically we are a bit out of sync on so I'm ready to find my next SB and leave this one behind.  

I understand that most SBs wouldn't give us the same common courtesy and would just ghost us (it has happened to me too), but we are older and wiser and don't have to play that game... at least in this case I felt enough affection for her to end it "the right way."

Will try to post an update later on how it goes...

She would probably ghost you or run you over with a bus but you feel a parting gift is in order? I agree with GaG above. You owe nothing. Start a rotation if you want to keep her around, otherwise, just poof, Casper time.

tiresias187 reads

You mention a bit of a "romantic connection".   Don't underestimate how much even a ppm SD will hear murmured sweet nothings in an entirely different way than intended.   These young woman are after all generally amateurs and even if they are children of this twenty something of casual sex and friendly blowjobs that are not sex, they are women.  And they hear it differently. You may say things when your cock is in her mouth that seem entirely appropriate to you at the time as an expression of affection, but she may very well read into it differently.   Its part of the DNA.   And there is an inherent conflict of interest - you say things that in your mind translate as "do that again" and she hears it as "you are wonderful."  Combine it with her financial interest and that fact that many SDs are living hand to mouth (so to speak) and you have a real prospect for misunderstanding leading to the "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."  So ask yourself  candidly if the "romantic connection" was your (now waning) enthusiasm combined with a stiff cock in a warm spot.  Such words should come with a disclaimer but that would not be romantic.   And if in fact you might you overstated the connection and the romance, a parting gift and a gracious and respectful goodbye is good karma.  

Yes, I think the good karma is kinda what I'm going for here. We'll see how it plays out.  Thanks for the input.

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