The Erotic Highway

Re: On a related note ...
LedZep4 242 reads


I found 2 separate takers in NYC for $500 today.  I'm trying to pin down the length of the date and other details.  If I lose out, I'll try again next week at home.  I don't want to overpay. I'm excited about one of the prospects.

I just wanted to check what the rates you are getting in smaller cities around Chicago. I have to travel to Madison Milwaukee and Indianapolis and can do a monthly rate. Looking for SBs in the 7 range between 25 and 30 ish yo.  
Your input and experience will help

Haven't heard from him in a while but I believe he is in the Chicago area.  Last I heard from him, he was juggling two SB in Chicago but it sounded like he was living in the burbs.  Maybe he can help out.

LedZep4377 reads

I was turned down by 3 in NYC last night at $500.  One was in the Practical range and even used a fake pic (I learned afterward).  She told me that the rate would depend on the length of the date, which is highly unusual in this realm.  Another just turned my down flat.  A third didn't reply.  

What was unusual about all 3 was that they brought up money almost immediately, which is a bad sign.  One of them was not worth $500 based on the pics I saw. I think discussing money in person is more effective, but I was making contact a few days ahead of my trip there.  

I also found another one with fake pics.  They were very classy, but matched a Russian website.  I also found a pro--she used the same photo that is on her site--who has been very nice, but is priced very high as a pro.  We have not discussed money, but I can't afford her hourly rate.

The last I heard, $500 worked fairly well in NYC.  Maybe I need to be patient to find it.  Or maybe there has been an upward adjustment.  If the latter, I need to find someplace else to play.

You are right about big city rates.  It's certainly true in the escort world and maybe it has spilled over to the SB world as well.  I knew one escort in Albuquerque several years ago who was quite spectacular in every way.  She charged $300 there, then moved to NYC and easily had lots of biz at $600.  Probably more than that by now.

$300 was pretty much the top rate. She's now in LA.  

Posted By: sweetman
You are right about big city rates.  It's certainly true in the escort world and maybe it has spilled over to the SB world as well.  I knew one escort in Albuquerque several years ago who was quite spectacular in every way.  She charged $300 there, then moved to NYC and easily had lots of biz at $600.  Probably more than that by now.

GaGambler383 reads

very shortly thereafter she had guys lined up around the block to see her in NYC at $600. I don't recall seeing even a single review of hers where the guy complained about the rate. I don't know if she is still providing, but if she is, I am sure she could command an $800 hr rate in NYC or LA.

LedZep4243 reads


I found 2 separate takers in NYC for $500 today.  I'm trying to pin down the length of the date and other details.  If I lose out, I'll try again next week at home.  I don't want to overpay. I'm excited about one of the prospects.

I travel to those areas.. my rate goes for 400 hr... I also offer an exclusive arrangement for 8k a month with unlimited dates.

But 8K a month is not going to get much rise out the SDs on this board.

GaGambler377 reads

Either that or reduce your expectations.

You asked.

While it's possible to find an SD who is willing to pay that amount for an exclusive, or even semi exclusive "arrangement" there is HUGE competition on SA and thousands of women, very hot women I might add, offering the same thing for a quarter of the money you are hoping for.

-- Modified on 12/19/2016 8:18:22 AM

I have an arrangement for 1/8th of your expectation. She says it's exclusive, which is highly possible as she has a 9 to 5 job and a kid. With her getting no play during the week she is raring to go when we meet.

Whatever happened to the "silent" treatment? :D

When I saw the threAd, I chuckled and was wondering as to who was going to pounce first! LOLz...

-- Modified on 12/19/2016 8:41:50 AM

John_Laroche262 reads

Maybe on another board the silent treatment would be PC, but anyone who spends time here on the EH should know it's full of "value shoppers."

Ad is right princess and that is what I took it for.  She saw somebody saying they were looking for $500 for a SB and took that to mean she could land him for an hour @ $400.

Posted By: principium
Whatever happened to the "silent" treatment? :D  
 When I saw the threAd, I chuckled and was wondering as to who was going to pounce first! LOLz...

-- Modified on 12/19/2016 8:41:50 AM

GaGambler367 reads

a threAD, by it's very definition has to be an OP, not a reply. So while her post was certainly an "ad" of sorts. You have all seen the "pick me" posts that hookers make, it was NOT a ThreAD.

Now if you want to see a ThreAD by her, check out this OP on the GD board, THIS is a ThreAD.

BTW, I think considering her unabashed solicitation here, and the fact she obviously hasn't done any research on this board to realize how unrealistic her asking price was here, I think we were pretty nice to her with our responses. lol

Oh Yes and they will call you king and bathe and scrub you, towel you, massage your feet, put on your shoes for you and say thank you.

Has anyone ever actually taken you up on that offer???

GaGambler144 reads

There are at least three guys who seem to think she is hot. All three of reviews are glowing.  

and do we really need to be running off the girls, especially ones new to the site? Even I am not that big a dick. Girls can charge whatever they think they can get, the market will tell them if they are being realistic or not.

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