The Erotic Highway

Re: I'm a much older guyteeth_smile
Love Goddess 7969 reads

Dear buchpasser,

Although I am sad to hear that you are having physical troubles, all I gotta say is this: Why Lord have Mercy! YOU are just the kind of guy most providers would go totally bonkers for!!! Passionate DFK...mmm, check. DATY..mmm, check. BBBJCIM...mmm, check. What's there not to like????

Yes, I think you should tell the lady upfront that you prefer those activities because of your "condition." And tell her that you are in your late 60s as well. Believe me, she won't be disappointed. In fact, you will guaranteedly be someone's dessert after a harsh day in the regular universe. Let's all reframe this: IT'S NOT A PROBLEM, IT'S A BLESSING. There, now we can all exhale and look forward to some great encounters for you and your chosen lady. Providers definitely favor older, tender gentlemen over younger jackrabbits. It's all in the experience, dontcha know?

They don't call him Slow Hand for nothing ;-D
the Love Goddess

buchpasser9233 reads

I'm 67 and pretty banged up. I haven't had too much concern for the health of my body. I have trouble walking and my back is so bad that I can't stand for very long. The problem is, I still love the ladies. I'm looking for a provider that will engage in DATY, BBBJCIM and a lot of DFKing. Would it be rude to tell her of my condition and what I'm looking for or is that to much to communicate to her before meeting? I don't want to meet with her and be disappointed or have her be disappointed. How sould I handle my problem? Thanks and HELP

Love Goddess7970 reads

Dear buchpasser,

Although I am sad to hear that you are having physical troubles, all I gotta say is this: Why Lord have Mercy! YOU are just the kind of guy most providers would go totally bonkers for!!! Passionate DFK...mmm, check. DATY..mmm, check. BBBJCIM...mmm, check. What's there not to like????

Yes, I think you should tell the lady upfront that you prefer those activities because of your "condition." And tell her that you are in your late 60s as well. Believe me, she won't be disappointed. In fact, you will guaranteedly be someone's dessert after a harsh day in the regular universe. Let's all reframe this: IT'S NOT A PROBLEM, IT'S A BLESSING. There, now we can all exhale and look forward to some great encounters for you and your chosen lady. Providers definitely favor older, tender gentlemen over younger jackrabbits. It's all in the experience, dontcha know?

They don't call him Slow Hand for nothing ;-D
the Love Goddess

sorry LG, I must be in the minority then. Although I do prefer My Gents to be mature, not that mature. I see Gents in the 37 to 60 age range, no older and no younger.  I guess I'm a bit picky. But I like what I like,no more, no less...

"There is no arguing taste or color."  I too am in my mid 60s.  My health is great, thank G=d, but I still have my preferences (DATY, for example, is my particular favorite.)  I once saw an absolutely stunning young lady who simply did not like that.  She was lovely and very nice, but not as much fun as I would have had if her tastes were more in tune with mine.  I would love to be frank about age, my well trimmed beard, and above all my particular tastes.  Unfortunately, many professional ladies are uncomfortable discussing specifics with a new client.  I understand the reasons, but wish there was a way to be very specific yet safe and respectful.

Totally agree with you on DATY Doc.  Probably because my wife did not let me partake (it was always too dirty!! must have been her Catholic girl training) it was one of the main reasons for me to get into the hobby in the first place.  I guess the best way to find out if DATY is on the menu is to check and recheck those reviews.  Thank you TER!

AWomanLikeNoOther7277 reads

Agreed. That's what TER is for. I am one of the providers who will not discuss such things before our first date. If you read my reviews, however, you will see that I love DATY.

I'm a provider in my 20's. The oldest gent I've seen was in his 80s- and hey, that's only because that's as old as has requested time with me! ;)

I love spending time with an older man. (In fact, I won't even see men close to my age- my lower cut-off is 35) They have so much more life experience, so much more wisdom and insight- things I love to hear about. And of course, they tend to take their time with me, and I enjoy pleasuring them and giving them that age-difference-experience. I find it hot too!

The only problem I have had that I have found to be more common with guys 55+ is that they seem to tend to want to take our relationship a bit farther than it should be- farther than my boundaries are willing to allow. I do enjoy friendships with my clients, but only to a certain point. I do not hesitate to point out my limits, but have on more than one occasion had the client try to push past this. Unfortunately for both of us, this resulted in my completely dropping said relationships.

-- Modified on 7/9/2008 9:59:51 PM

Interesting what you said, about men 55+ wanting to take the relationship farther than it should. I wonder why this is more common with the older guys. I would think that since the age difference is larger between provider and hobbyist that an older and supposedly wiser guy would know better.

Love Goddess6136 reads

do see men of all ages, with the cutoff being toward the lower end rather than the upper. Fascinating with the specific 37 minimum age though....

Different strokes,
the Love Goddess

lilli5228 reads

60 is my cut off as well, although i do have one longtime client who is 61, he is in good shape, excellent health and we have a pleasant history together. i am 26, and 40-60 is the age range of the gentlemen i will see. i would never go younger than 40, and with the exception of the one gent, would never again go older than 60.

more than the age however, the physical condition the gentleman describes is probably something i would be hesitant to deal with regardless of his age. being disabled/handicapped is one thing, just generally letting oneself go due to lack of love or concern for onself is another. that hints to me of a personality type that i wouldn't find appealing, and for me personality is the top factor in determining whether or not i will actually meet someone. not to mention that someone with such a delicate physical condition probably would not be comfortable taking the lead or being aggressive, and as a submissive provider that is something required of my clients.

but without a doubt there are providers out there who would not be turned off by such a client, and as LG said may even be appreciative of such. but this provider is not one of them.

buchpasser6520 reads

just to clarify, my condition is not from letting myself go it is directly related to sports injuries.

To the older gent me as a independent provider would much so rather see a guy of a older age witch is mature and respectful rather then a young fit ingnorant fella who doesnt care about a female.My opionon is that older men appreciat us providers more,Why not give a man a little excitment when needed. I understand not seeing younger men b/c my cut off is 35 and up but older men need some loveing too..Tell your provider up front if she doesnt see older men with disabilitys then you will not get what you are looking for b/c she will be uncomfortable if it she doesnt have a problam with it you will get a much better time with her,, Good luck if you are close to bmore cum see me babe Ill take care of you

Just be honest with your provider BEFORE you meet.  That's all you need to do.  At worst, she will decide that she would rather not meet, and you move on to the next provider.

For my part, I will see any man, of any age... but I love older men, and have actively pursued them romantically since I first started being interested in men.

This is my first post.I`am nearly 61years old.I have a half dozen ladies that I see twice a month.All between 19-25 and I can keep up with most of them.I all ways give good tips and small gifts they love receiving.I give these ladies the total respect they deserve.Most of these ladies will call or text me to come see them.I do feel guilty being with these young women, but they are all smiles when we meet.


Younger guys are used to dating girls just like me for the most part but an older gent looks at me like he just got his Birthday & Christmas presents all at once & it melts me into the sweetest person I can be!

And older gents DO love DATY, bless every sexy silver hair on your pretty little heads (since that's what we're looking at when you're down there, lol)!

I am a more mature women NONE of my gents need viagra with me!!
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FYI mature gents are a turn-on!

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