The Erotic Highway

Finding a SB while traveling
sweetman 93 Reviews 759 reads

I recall some good advice on this subject having been offered here.  I'll be traveling to a fairly target rich area sometime next week.  My normal tendency in the past has been to send a few messages to POT SBs way too early.  This time I've waited, and just sent out a bunch.  Like 40!  Overkill?? I guess I'll know when I see how many or how few replies I get and what my choices are. I intend to sort them by cost, hotness, and my perception about how serious they are.  

I would love to have a planned backup with a TER Provider in case the SB activity does not pan out.  But searching on the new TER format for my exact expected location plus 30 miles reveals few providers to my liking, and those are old reviews to boot.  So I hope one or more of the SBs works out.  Any advice will be appreciated.

I recommended about 40, because that number worked well in Tampa and NYC for me.  Very roughly, this is what I got:

30-35 read the message

25-28 replied, a few of whom declined right up front

18-22 engaged in a series of messages

15-20 were available when I was going to be there

12-14 were willing to do 3 hours or so

9-12 had favorable menus (some said no kissing of BBBJ)

4-7 were in the right price range

As you can see, you lose POTs for several reasons:  not on SA recently, not attracted, not willing to see a visitor, not available, not willing to spend enough time, not willing to do the things I wanted, not willing to work within my budget.  The net of those is to weed out 80-90% of those contacted initially.  

I'm happy to note that my end results were good in NYC and great in Tampa (she's off SA now, unfortunately).

Thanks KL. These stats give me a yardstick to compare my own efforts to.  So far several have viewed me, a few have replied, and I'm exchanging messages with just two. I expect to be at my destination next Tuesday for a week so hopefully I've got time to line something up.  Let me ask you how did you determine their menu? Seems like they are shy about discussing such specifics.  And did you meet them for coffee first or were they willing to go BCD right away?

The longer you will be there, the more likely some SB will be available.  I recall one guy posting about trying to meet someone on a 1-day visit, which can be a challenge.   I was in Tampa for 6 days, which made things easier.

I didn't do a preliminary meet, though I could have because the trip was long enough.  If my comfort level had not been high enough, I would have tried that.  

It was clear that several POTs were down for BCD.   There was no misunderstanding about platonic only or anything of that nature.  Once that was established, I simply asked "Is there anything that you particularly like (or dislike) in the bedroom?" and followed up from there.  What I was trying to do was to inform the SB that I was interested in her pleasure (what she likes) and was willing to avoid her taboos (what she doesn't like).  Most POTs gave me enough feedback to guide my decision.  Very few of them were explicit, and some required some followup discussion.

Here were some replies:

"I love to suck dick."  This was the most explicit, though she didn't like DATY.

"I don't do oral on a first date."  Another said, "I do oral only with a real-life BF."

A few said they didn't like to kiss.

Some said they like everything or most things.  Then I followed up with, "I like kissing and caressing, was well as giving and receiving oral stimulation.  Do you like oral?"  

I wasn't very direct or crude.  No one seemed offended by my wording, though some declined because I said oral was important to me.

The woman I would up seeing (twice) was a European immigrant who was very fit, beautiful, sweet, and sexual.  The kissing was limited, but the BBBJTCNQNS and MSOG were very good.  Unfortunately, she dropped off SA a couple of months later.  

I brought this up in March an KL's numbers are pretty spot on. I contacted at least 40 in Tampa an got it down to three. One had to back out the day before my arrival so boom, down to two. Ended up meeting one girl. Met for dinner an there was chemistry. I think if they know you're just visiting they know BCD time happens the first meet. We endend up meeting once more on my six day trip.

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