The Erotic Highway

WYP influence on SA
bassrat51 4 Reviews 1131 reads

This last week and a half, I've been bombarded with these POT SBs who want money on the first date with the understanding that the first date is no bcd. None of these women have any intention of following through on the second date as they refuse to move to text, because they want to stay on the site until they are sure there is a connection.

My favorite was the one who had minimal profile info, immediately responded to my initial message without looking at my profile (didn't show up on the interest page), didn't request my photos (no public photos), and said I'd love to meet. Then said that because her time is valuable she requires a payment of $200 on the first date as she doesn't want her time wasted on something pointless and unimportant. lol I told her I wasn't interested in spending $200 on something that was pointless and unimportant like her.

You're right to ghost those POT's.  

Although the site's owner (He owns SA, WYP, and others) does cross sell both services, I really only see about a 10-15% overlap in profiles on both sites in my major metro area of Los Angeles.  

If WYP is about paid 1st dates as a catalyst to many types of dating (friendship, casual, married, and yes, SD/SB), then SA is specifically about sugar for sugar.  

And although I do frequently pay $100-$150 for first dates on WYP with POT's that say they are looking for sugar, I never pay anything else without BCD included. Conversely, I never pay a POT SB from SA "just to meet", although I have on occasion given her a $50 gift card or such on parting if I want to sweeten her opinion of me.  

Final thought:  The "my time is valuable" line is total bullshit.  You're time is valuable. Actually much more valuable than her time, hence her labia-for-sale sign (otherwise known as a profile) on SA.

We mongers should get together and try to get that site taken down or at least boycotted.  Had anyone had good success on there?  I've only heard of guys getting ripped off for a couple of dates and then cock blocked.  Don't know why anyone would go there when SA or pros are an option.

Only had about 3 dates from that site.  All lunch dates for max $50.  I messaged all of them a nice "no thanks" about meeting again.  Site is worthless.

AsianManNOVA101 reads

I went on at least a dozen dates and got laid once. Too many professional daters on that site; they are only interested in getting paid for dining out and have zero interest in moving forward. There are a few that are interested in agreements but you really need to be patient and do a lot of research. I am sticking to SA now that I have used up all my credits.

From what I hear, there are many women on WYP who prefer to get $100 for dinner for an hour or so to $300 for sex of any duration.  The WYP model is conducive to wasting time and money, unless you love companionship and are indifferent about sex.

I've done rather well on WYP, as it was my 1st entrance to the sugar bowl.  

Respectfully, what most of you fail to understand is that WYP does not equal SA. They have different interaction models and the users have different (or let's say more) reasons for trying one over the other.  I just banged one of my 1st SB's from WYP on Monday.  We met 6 years ago and she's been on again/off again with me ever since. She had just returned from the Philippines on Sunday, called me that night and came over to my place Monday for $300, 4-hour suck & fuck fest. The next day she flew to San Francisco for a long term work assignment (or a diff SD I suppose :p and she'll be back in town in late November.  

Do tell!  How do you close on WYP?  Does it take more time or money?

I laugh whenever a SB thinks her time is worth any more than 12/hr unless her legs are open.  It would be VERY hard for me to justify paying someone just so I can offer them the chance to pick my brain and buy them dinner.  Of course, they'd probably squander it glued to their phones.  Might as well eat alone and pick up a waitress.  

First of all, if you can pick up multiple waitresses, then just do that. You'll save yourself a ton of cash.  I, however, am way to old, slow and fat to do that. So the sugar bowl is my playground (plus pros and various strippers either in or out of the club).  

As to WYP strategy, I've previously posted extensively on this, so please do a search for a comprehensive understanding.  

But since, I assume you are at least as lazy a fuck as I am, here's some top-level notes:  

1. Look for focus: only consider profiles where she has selected sugar dating as one of the dating types. But stay away from the wide-netters who check every dating type. There's no way she's looking for casual, sugar, married dating AND married minded.  
2. Read the words carefully and find those who imply fun for sugar.  "I need help with _______" is good. "I deserve the finer things like ______"  is bad.
3. Think of the 1st date cash (usually $100 or less, unless she's super hot) as part of the meet & greet expense. Pick a cheaper place to eat (or just go for drinks) if you need to stay in budget. Then NO MORE CASH until you've agreed to BCD. If you're going to have a 2-4 month arrangement a $200-$400 per meet, the extra $100 first date cash will mean nothing over time.  If you are selective on date offers, you should be able to convert anywhere between 35% - 75% of your dates. About the same as SA.  
4. CRITICAL: Don't be a dick. These POT's are either new to sugar or just not really sure they want to p4p. If they are not just professional lunch eaters, they are skittish or insecure. They will bail on an asshole as soon as they get as much cash as they think they can get.  Note: High achievers in college are lunch eaters. Struggling retail clerks at community colleges will suck dick for sugar.
5. Be honest, but not graphic.  Let them know that your intention is to find intimacy in addition to the dating stuff. Don't make it your 1st priority, just keep it in the list. Stay away from acronyms like NSA, FWB, P4P, etc.  Be a "normal' guy who is trying an alternative to bars and clubs because you're tired of the posers.  

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